Dialogic Voice Cards - JCT - Using DebugView

Dialogic Voice Cards - JCT - Using DebugView

When gathering troubleshooting information for Dialogic® products in a Windows® environment, a Microsoft® DebugView log of the system can be useful.  

This article covers the basic settings needed to gather information using DebugView.

Configuration Instructions


To download the latest version of the DebugView tool, visit the Microsoft Technet website and use the site search facility to find DebugView.

Follow the instructions to download and install DebugView or run it directly from the link on the Technet page.


First, configure DebugView to log to a file using the menu option File > Log to File...


Next, click on the box labeled "..." to choose the location and file name under which the data will be saved (data is saved in a standard ASCII text format).

Choose other options with regard to factors such as the amount of disk space you have available.

Under "Edit", click on the "History Depth" option.  There will be a number specifying the number of lines the program will buffer in the viewable log for review.  This option will not affect how the data is logged in the Log file set earlier, only what is visible in the running program.  A setting of less than 1000 lines will limit the memory usage of the DebugView utility.

DebugView can collect debug information from different Windows® subsystems, set in the "Capture" menu:


Check all options (except for Log Boot, unless specifically requested) to ensure that no events are missed by the log.  

Now, set the clock options.  If you open 'Options', there are two time settings that need to be configured:

Check the "Show Milliseconds" and "Clock Time" options, so that time/date stamps will be created that can be matched up with other logging data.

Run DebugView until you have gathered the data you need.  Once the data is collected, close the DebugView window to stop the logging process.

Please compress the log file before sending it to Sangoma DialogicTechnical Support.

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