This wiki is to capture the Core module provided GraphQL APIs.
Please find below list of APIs supported by Core module.
Core module APIs are useful to create , modify , delete extensions and fetch the values of existing configured extensions.
Create Extension
Creating an extension into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name addExtension API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
extensionId | Mandatory | ID | Unique string to specify the extension number. | |
name | Mandatory | string | Display name | |
tech | Optional | String | pjsip | SIP Technology device driver. If not specify then will use PJSIP to create the extension. Accepted values: "sip" or "pjsip". |
channelName | Optional | String | Channel name in case if using DAHDI | |
callerID | Optional | String | The CallerID name for calls from this user will be set to this name. Recommended to use "name" not the number. | |
outboundCID | Optional | String | This overrides the caller id when dialling out a trunk. This setting will override the common outbound caller id set in the trunk. | |
emergencyCID | Optional | String | This caller id will always be set when dialing out an outbound route flagged as emergency. The emergency CID overrides all other caller id settings. | |
Mandatory | String | User Email address to use for services such as voicemail, user management and fax etc. | ||
vmEnable | Optional | Boolean | True | Voicemail enable / disable |
vmPassword | Optional | String | Voicemail password. If not specify then user can access the voicemails without any password/pin. | |
umEnable | Optional | Boolean | True | User manager enable/disable. If enabled mandatory to set umPassword |
umGroups | Optional | String | 1 | User manager group. if not specified will use all user(1) created at the time of installation. In case of multiple add comma separated values. |
umPassword | Oprional | String | Set passwords for user management. Its mandatory to set password if umEnable is set to true. | |
maxContacts | Optional | Integer | 1 | Set max_contacts value for chan_pjsip extension. |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
1. Api to add Extension GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { addExtension( input: { extensionId: 9090090115 name: "api test" tech: "pjsip" channelName: "APi Test2" outboundCid: "12345678901" email: "xyzabc@gmailcom" umGroups: "1" umEnable: true umPassword: "password" vmPassword: "asda" vmEnable: true callerID: "234234324" emergencyCid: "1221333331" clientMutationId: "test1231" maxContacts: "3" } ) { status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "addExtension": { "status": true, "message": "Extension has been created Successfully" } } } |
Update Extension
Update extension in FreePBX/PBXACT to do any modification of an existing extension parameters.
If optional parameters are not passed, It will use the configured extension value.
API Name updateExtension API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
extensionId | Mandatory | ID | Unique string to specify the extension number. | |
name | Mandatory | string | Display name | |
tech | Optional | String | SIP Technology device driver. If not specify then will use PJSIP to create the extension. Accepted values: "sip" or "pjsip". | |
channelName | Optional | String | Channel name in case if using DAHDI | |
callerID | Optional | String | The Caller ID name for calls from this user will be set to this name. Recommended to use "name" not the number. | |
outboundCID | Optional | String | This overrides the caller id when dialing out a trunk. This setting will override the common outbound caller id set in the trunk. | |
emergencyCID | Optional | String | This caller id will always be set when dialing out an outbound route flagged as emergency. The emergency CID overrides all other caller id settings. | |
Optional | String | User Email address to use for services such as voicemail, user management and fax etc. | ||
vmEnable | Optional | Boolean | True | Voicemail enable / disable. If enabled mandatory to set umPassword. |
vmPassword | Optional | String | Voicemail password. If not specify then user can access the voicemails without any password/pin. | |
umEnable | Optional | Boolean | True | User manager enable/disable |
umGroups | Optional | String | User manager group. if not specified will use all user(1) created at the time of installation | |
umPassword | Oprional | String | Set passwords for user management. Its mandatory to set password if umEnable is set to true. | |
extPassword | Optional | String | Set a secret/password for extension. | |
maxContacts | Optional | Integer | 1 | Set max_contacts value for chan_pjsip extension. |
Query Parameters
status message clientMutationId |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: mutation { updateExtension( input: { extensionId: 9090090111 name: "api test" tech: "pjsip" channelName: "APi Test2" outboundCid: "12345678901" email: "xyzabc@gmailcom" umGroups: "1" umEnable: true umPassword: "password" vmPassword: "password" vmEnable: true callerID: "234234324" emergencyCid: "1221333331" clientMutationId: "test1231" extPassword: "secret" maxContacts: "4" } ) { status message clientMutationId } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "updateExtension": { "status": true, "message": "Extension has been updated", "clientMutationId": "test1231" } } } |
Delete Extension
Delete an Extension from Freepbx/PBXACT
API Name deleteExtension API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
extensionId | Mandatory | ID | Extension number |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: mutation { deleteExtension( input: { extensionId: 9090090115 } ) { status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "deleteExtension": { "status": true, "message": "Extension has been deleted" } } } |
Create Range of Extensions
Create a Rage of extensions starting from given extension number.
API Name: createRangeofExtension API
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
startExtension | Mandatory | ID | First Extension number to create/configure. | |
name | Optional | String | The caller id name which we want to append along with the extension number. | |
channelName | Optional | String | Channel name in case if using DAHDI | |
tech | Optional | String | PJSIP | SIP Technology device driver. If we want to convert extension from one driver type to other for example chan_sip to pjsip conversion. |
numberOfExtensions | Mandatory | ID | Number of extensions to create/configure. | |
outboundCid | Optional | String | This overrides the caller id when dialling out a trunk. This setting will override the common outbound caller id set in the trunk. | |
emergencyCid | Optional | String | This caller id will always be set when dialing out an outbound route flagged as emergency. The emergency CID overrides all other caller id settings. | |
Optional | String | User Email address to use for services such as voicemail, user management and fax etc. | ||
vmEnable | Optional | Boolean | True | Voicemail enable / disable |
vmPassword | Optional | String | Voicemail password. If not specify then user can access the voicemails without any password/pin. | |
umEnable | Optional | Boolean | True | User manager enable/disable |
umGroups | Optional | String | User manager group. if not specified will use all user(1) created at the time of installation |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: mutation { createRangeofExtension( input: { startExtension: 110 numberOfExtensions: 2 tech: "pjsip" channelName: "pjsip" name: "APi Test2" outboundCid: "12345678901" email: "xyzabc@gmailcom" umEnable: true umGroups: "1" vmEnable: true vmPassword: "123451" emergencyCid: "1221333331" clientMutationId: "test1231" } ) { message status } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "createRangeofExtension": { "message": "Extension's has been created Successfully", "status": "true" } } } |
Fetch a particular extension detail
API Name : fetchExtension
API Parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | ID | Extension Id to query |
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
status message id extensionId user { name outboundCid voicemail ringtimer noanswer noanswerDestination noanswerCid busyCid sipname password extPassword } coreDevice { deviceId dial devicetype description emergencyCid tech callerId sipdriver user { name outboundCid voicemail ringtimer sipname } } |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: { fetchExtension(extensionId: "9090090110") { status message id extensionId user { name outboundCid voicemail ringtimer noanswer noanswerDestination noanswerCid busyCid sipname password extPassword } coreDevice { deviceId dial devicetype description emergencyCid } } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchExtension": { "status": true, "message": "Extension found successfully", "id": "ZXh0ZW5zaW9uOjkwOTAwOTAxMTA=", "extensionId": "9090090110", "user": { "name": "APi Test2", "outboundCid": "12345678901", "voicemail": "default", "ringtimer": 0, "noanswer": "", "noanswerDestination": "", "noanswerCid": "", "busyCid": "", "sipname": "", "password" : "password", "extPassword": "ecc6de2001ceb217a04d5d9ac90f3e1123444c" }, "coreDevice": { "deviceId": "9090090110", "dial": "PJSIP/9090090110", "devicetype": "fixed", "description": "APi Test2", "emergencyCid": "", } } } } |
Fetch all Extensions Details
API Name : fetchAllExtensions
API Parameters: none
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
status message totalCount extension { id extensionId user { name password outboundCid ringtimer noanswer sipname password extPassword } coreDevice { deviceId dial devicetype description emergencyCid tech callerId sipdriver } } |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: { fetchAllExtensions { status message totalCount extension { id extensionId user { name password outboundCid ringtimer noanswer sipname password extPassword } coreDevice { deviceId dial devicetype description emergencyCid } } } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchAllExtensions": { "status": true, "message": "Extension's found successfully", "totalCount": 4, "extension": [ { "id": "ZXh0ZW5zaW9uOg==", "extensionId": "100", "user": { "name": "100", "password": "", "outboundCid": "", "ringtimer": 0, "noanswer": "", "sipname": "", "password" : "password", "extPassword": "ecc6de2001ceb217a04d5d9ac90f3e1123444c" }, "coreDevice": { "deviceId": "100", "dial": "PJSIP/100", "devicetype": "fixed", "description": "100", "emergencyCid": "" } }, { "id": "ZXh0ZW5zaW9uOg==", "extensionId": "101", "user": { "name": "101", "password": "", "outboundCid": "", "ringtimer": 0, "noanswer": "", "sipname": "", "password": "password", "extPassword": "ecc6de2001ceb217a04d5d9ac90f3e1123444c" }, "coreDevice": { "deviceId": "101", "dial": "PJSIP/101", "devicetype": "fixed", "description": "101", "emergencyCid": "" } }] } } |
Fetch all valid extensions
API Name : fetchAllValidExtensions
API Parameters: none
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
status message count extension { id extensionId user { name password outboundCid ringtimer noanswer sipname password extPassword } coreDevice { deviceId dial devicetype description emergencyCid tech callerId sipdriver } } |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: { fetchAllValidExtensions { status message count extension { id extensionId user { name password outboundCid ringtimer noanswer sipname password extPassword } coreDevice { deviceId dial devicetype description emergencyCid } } } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchAllValidExtensions": { "status": true, "message": "Valid core extensions", "count": 2, "extension": [ { "id": "ZXh0ZW5zaW9uOg==", "extensionId": "100", "user": { "name": "100", "password": "", "outboundCid": "", "ringtimer": 0, "noanswer": "", "sipname": "", "password" : "password", "extPassword": "ecc6de2001ceb217a04d5d9ac90f3e1123444c" }, "coreDevice": { "deviceId": "100", "dial": "PJSIP/100", "devicetype": "fixed", "description": "100", "emergencyCid": "" } }, { "id": "ZXh0ZW5zaW9uOg==", "extensionId": "101", "user": { "name": "101", "password": "", "outboundCid": "", "ringtimer": 0, "noanswer": "", "sipname": "", "password": "password", "extPassword": "ecc6de2001ceb217a04d5d9ac90f3e1123444c" }, "coreDevice": { "deviceId": "101", "dial": "PJSIP/101", "devicetype": "fixed", "description": "101", "emergencyCid": "" } }] } } |
Add Inbound Route
Creating inbound route into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name addInboundRoute API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
extension | Optional | string | Define the expected DID Number if your trunk passes DID on incoming calls. if did not pass this field then show default value as `Any` in the user interface | |
cidnum | Optional | string | Define the CallerID Number to be matched on incoming calls, if did not pass this field then show default value as `Any` in the user interface | |
description | Optional | String | Provide a meaningful description of what this incoming route is | |
privacyman | Optional | Boolean | If no CallerID has been received, Privacy Manager will ask the caller to enter their phone number. If an user/extension has Call Screening enabled, the incoming caller will be prompted to say their name when the call reaches the user/extension. | |
alertinfo | Optional | String | ALERT_INFO can be used for distinctive ring with SIP devices. | |
ringing | Optional | Boolean | Some devices or providers require RINGING to be sent before ANSWER. You'll notice this happening if you can send calls directly to a phone, but if you send it to an IVR, it won't connect the call. | |
mohclass | Optional | String | Set the MoH class that will be used for calls that come in on this route. For example, choose a type appropriate for routes coming in from a country which may have announcements in their language. | |
grppre | Optional | String | CID name prefix | |
delay_answer | Optional | Integer | An optional delay to wait before processing this route. Setting this value will delay the channel from answering the call. This may be handy if external fax equipment or security systems are installed in parallel and you would like them to be able to seize the line. | |
pricid | Optional | Boolean | This effects CID ONLY routes where no DID is specified. If checked, calls with this CID will be routed to this route, even if there is a route to the DID that was called. | |
pmmaxretries | Optional | String | Number of attempts the caller has to enter a valid CallerID. Default value is 3 | |
pmminlength | Optional | String | Minimum amount of digits CallerID needs to contain in order to be considered valid. Default value is 10 | |
reversal | Optional | Boolean | On PRI channels the carrier will send a signal if the caller indicates a billing reversal. | |
rvolume | Optional | String | Override the ringer volume. Note: This is only valid for Sangoma phones at this time. Default value is 0 | |
fanswer | Optional | Boolean | Set to Yes to force the call to be answered at this time | |
destination | Mandatory | String | Destination for route. for example value like this, extension (100) :`from-did-direct,100,1` |
Query Parameters
inboundRoute { id } status message |
API Request
1. Api to add inbound route GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { addInboundRoute(input: { extension:"71667" cidnum:"1232abc" description:"Lorem Ipsum" privacyman:false alertinfo:"Lorem Ipsum" ringing:true mohclass:"Lorem Ipsum" grppre:"ABC" delay_answer:12 pricid:false pmmaxretries:"123" pmminlength:"12" reversal:true rvolume:"12" fanswer:true destination:"1233" }) { inboundRoute { id } status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "addInboundRoute": { "inboundRoute": { "id": "71667/1232abc" } "status": true, "message": "Inbound Route created successfully" } } } |
Update Inbound Route
Updating inbound route into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name updateInboundRoute API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
oldExtension | Optional | string | Old Extension. Used to change the current extension | |
oldCidnum | Optional | string | Old CID Num. Used to change the current cid number | |
extension | Mandatory | string | Define the expected DID Number if your trunk passes DID on incoming calls. | |
cidnum | Mandatory | string | Define the CallerID Number to be matched on incoming calls | |
description | Optional | String | Provide a meaningful description of what this incoming route is | |
privacyman | Optional | Boolean | If no CallerID has been received, Privacy Manager will ask the caller to enter their phone number. If an user/extension has Call Screening enabled, the incoming caller will be prompted to say their name when the call reaches the user/extension. | |
alertinfo | Optional | String | ALERT_INFO can be used for distinctive ring with SIP devices. | |
ringing | Optional | Boolean | Some devices or providers require RINGING to be sent before ANSWER. You'll notice this happening if you can send calls directly to a phone, but if you send it to an IVR, it won't connect the call. | |
mohclass | Optional | String | Set the MoH class that will be used for calls that come in on this route. For example, choose a type appropriate for routes coming in from a country which may have announcements in their language. | |
grppre | Optional | String | CID name prefix | |
delay_answer | Optional | Integer | An optional delay to wait before processing this route. Setting this value will delay the channel from answering the call. This may be handy if external fax equipment or security systems are installed in parallel and you would like them to be able to seize the line. | |
pricid | Optional | Boolean | This effects CID ONLY routes where no DID is specified. If checked, calls with this CID will be routed to this route, even if there is a route to the DID that was called. | |
pmmaxretries | Optional | String | Number of attempts the caller has to enter a valid CallerID. Default value is 3 | |
pmminlength | Optional | String | Minimum amount of digits CallerID needs to contain in order to be considered valid. Default value is 10 | |
reversal | Optional | Boolean | On PRI channels the carrier will send a signal if the caller indicates a billing reversal. | |
rvolume | Optional | String | Override the ringer volume. Note: This is only valid for Sangoma phones at this time. Default value is 0 | |
fanswer | Optional | Boolean | Set to Yes to force the call to be answered at this time | |
destination | Mandatory | String | Destination for route |
Query Parameters
inboundRoute { id } status message |
API Request
1. Api to update inbound route GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { updateInboundRoute(input: { oldExtension:"71667" oldCidnum:"1232lorem" extension:"9999" cidnum:"9999Lorem" description:"Lorem Ipsum" privacyman:false alertinfo:"Lorem Ipsum" ringing:true mohclass:"Lorem Ipsum" grppre:"ABC" delay_answer:12 pricid:false pmmaxretries:"123" pmminlength:"12" reversal:true rvolume:"12" fanswer:true destination:"1233" }) { inboundRoute { id } status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "updateInboundRoute": { "inboundRoute": { "id": "71667/1232lorem" } "status": true, "message": "Inbound Route updated successfully" } } } |
Remove Inbound Route
Remove inbound route from Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name removeInboundRoute API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | string | Inbound Route Id |
Query Parameters
status message deletedId |
API Request
1. Api to remove inbound route GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { removeInboundRoute(input: { id:"71667/1232lorem" }) { status message deletedId } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "removeInboundRoute": { "status": true, "message": "Inbound Route deleted successfully", "deletedId": "71667/1232lorem" } } } |
Fetch All Inbound Routes
API Name : allInboundRoutes
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
inboundRoutes { id extension cidnum description privacyman alertinfo ringing mohclass grppre delay_answer pricid pmmaxretries pmminlength reversal rvolume fanswer destinationConnection } |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: { allInboundRoutes{ inboundRoutes { id extension cidnum description privacyman alertinfo ringing mohclass grppre delay_answer pricid pmmaxretries pmminlength reversal rvolume fanswer destinationConnection } } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "allInboundRoutes": { "inboundRoutes": [ { "id": "71667/1232dsds", "extension": "71667", "cidnum": "1232dsds", "description": "Lorem Ipsum", "privacyman": false, "alertinfo": "Lorem Ipsum", "ringing": true, "mohclass": "Lorem Ipsum", "grppre": "ABC", "delay_answer": 12, "pricid": false, "pmmaxretries": 12, "pmminlength": 12, "reversal": false, "rvolume": 12, "fanswer": false, "destinationConnection": "Extensions: 4001 Extension 4001" } ] } } } |
Fetch Inbound Route
API Name : inboundRoute
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
id extension cidnum description privacyman alertinfo ringing mohclass grppre delay_answer pricid pmmaxretries pmminlength reversal rvolume fanswer destinationConnection |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: query { inboundRoute( id: "71667/1232dsds") { id extension cidnum description privacyman alertinfo ringing mohclass grppre delay_answer pricid pmmaxretries pmminlength reversal rvolume fanswer destinationConnection } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "inboundRoute": { "id": "71667/1232dsds", "extension": "71667", "cidnum": "1232dsds", "description": "Lorem Ipsum", "privacyman": false, "alertinfo": "Lorem Ipsum", "ringing": true, "mohclass": "Lorem Ipsum", "grppre": "ABC", "delay_answer": 12, "pricid": false, "pmmaxretries": 12, "pmminlength": 12, "reversal": false, "rvolume": 12, "fanswer": false, "destinationConnection": "Extensions: 4001 Extension 4001" } } } |
Create Core Device
Creating an core device into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name addCoreDevice API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | ID | Give your device a unique integer ID. The device will use this ID to authenticate to the system. | |
tech | Mandatory | String | pjsip | Technology driver type |
dial | Mandatory | String | How to dial this device, this should not be changed unless you know what you are doing. | |
devicetype | Mandatory | String | Devices can be fixed or adhoc. Fixed devices are always associated to the same extension/user. Adhoc devices can be logged into and logged out of by users. | |
description | Optional | String | The CallerID name for this device will be set to this description until it is logged into. | |
user | Optional | String | Fixed devices will always mapped to this user. Adhoc devices will be mapped to this user by default. | |
emergency_cid | Optional | String | This CallerID will always be set when dialing out an Outbound Route flagged as Emergency. The Emergency CID overrides all other CallerID settings. |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
1. Api to add Core Device GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { addCoreDevice(input: { id:111223345 tech:"pjsip" description:"Lorem Ipsum" dial:"222333" devicetype:"Lorem" user:"222333" emergency_cid:"222333" }){ message status } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "addCoreDevice": { "message": "Core device has been created successfully", "status": true } } } |
Update Core Device
Updating an core device into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name updateCoreDevice API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | ID | Give your device a unique integer ID. The device will use this ID to authenticate to the system. | |
tech | Mandatory | String | pjsip | Technology driver type |
dial | Mandatory | String | How to dial this device, this should not be changed unless you know what you are doing. | |
devicetype | Mandatory | String | Devices can be fixed or adhoc. Fixed devices are always associated to the same extension/user. Adhoc devices can be logged into and logged out of by users. | |
description | Optional | String | The CallerID name for this device will be set to this description until it is logged into. | |
user | Optional | String | Fixed devices will always mapped to this user. Adhoc devices will be mapped to this user by default. | |
emergency_cid | Optional | String | This CallerID will always be set when dialing out an Outbound Route flagged as Emergency. The Emergency CID overrides all other CallerID settings. |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
1. Api to update Core Device GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { updateCoreDevice(input: { id:111223345 tech:"pjsip" description:"Lorem Ipsum Updated" dial:"222333" devicetype:"Lorem" user:"222333" emergency_cid:"222333" }){ message status } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "updateCoreDevice": { "message": "Core device has been updated successfully", "status": true } } } |
Fetch a particular core device details
API Name : fetchCoreDevice
API Parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
device_id | Mandatory | ID | Device Id to query |
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
deviceId tech dial devicetype user { id } description emergencyCid |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: { fetchCoreDevice(device_id: "111223345") { deviceId tech dial devicetype user { id } description emergencyCid } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchCoreDevice": { "deviceId": "111223345", "tech": "pjsip", "dial": "PJSIP/111223345", "devicetype": "fixed", "user": { "id": "Y29yZXVzZXI6" }, "description": "Lorem Ipsum updated", "emergencyCid": "" } } } |
Fetch all Core Device Details
API Name : fetchAllCoreDevices
API Parameters: none
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
coreDevice{ deviceId tech callerId sipdriver dial devicetype user { id } description emergencyCid } totalCount status message |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: { fetchAllCoreDevices { coreDevice{ deviceId tech dial devicetype user { id } description emergencyCid } totalCount status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchAllCoreDevices": { "coreDevice": [ { "deviceId": "10007", "tech": "pjsip", "dial": "PJSIP/10007", "devicetype": "fixed", "user": { "id": "Y29yZXVzZXI6MTAwMDc=" }, "description": "Test", "emergencyCid": "" }, { "deviceId": "1002", "tech": "pjsip", "dial": "PJSIP/1002", "devicetype": "fixed", "user": { "id": "Y29yZXVzZXI6" }, "description": "Testing-ABC", "emergencyCid": "" } ], "totalCount": 134, "status": true, "message": "Core Device's found successfully" } } } |
Delete Core Device
Delete an Core Device from Freepbx/PBXACT
API Name deleteCoreDevice API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | ID | Device number |
Query Parameters
deletedId status message |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: mutation { deleteCoreDevice(input: { id:"1114334" }){ deletedId message status } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "deleteCoreDevice": { "deletedId": "1114334", "message": "Core device has been deleted successfully", "status": true } } } |
Update Advance Setting's
API Name updateAdvanceSettings API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
keyword | Mandatory | Enum | Keyword of the settings which needs to updated | |
value | Mandatory | string | Value of the settings |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: mutation { updateAdvanceSettings(input: { keyword:AS_DISPLAY_FRIENDLY_NAME value:"0" }){ message status } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "updateAdvanceSettings": { "message": "Setting's updated successfully", "status": true } } } |
Fetch a particular advance settings details
API Name : fetchAdvanceSetting
API Parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
keyword | Mandatory | String | Keyword of the settings which needs to be fetched |
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
keyword value name category description status message |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: query{ fetchAdvanceSetting(keyword:"HTTPENABLED") { keyword value name category description status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchAdvanceSetting": { "keyword": "HTTPENABLED", "value": "0", "name": "Enable the mini-HTTP Server", "category": "Asterisk Builtin mini-HTTP server", "description": "Whether the Asterisk HTTP interface is enabled or not. This is for Asterisk, it is not directly related for FreePBX usage and the value of this setting is irrelevant for accessing core FreePBX settings. Default is no.", "status": true, "message": "Setting's found successfully" } } } |
Fetch all Advance Settings Details
API Name : fetchAllAdvanceSettings
API Parameters: none
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
settings{ keyword value name category description } status message |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: query{ fetchAllSettings { settings{ keyword value name category description } status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchAllAdvanceSettings": { "settings": [ { "keyword": "AS_DISPLAY_FRIENDLY_NAME", "value": "0", "name": "Display Friendly Name", "category": "Advanced Settings Details", "description": "Normally the friendly names will be displayed on this page and the internal freepbx_conf configuration names are shown in the tooltip. If you prefer to view the configuration variables, and the friendly name in the tooltip, set this to false.." }, { "keyword": "AS_DISPLAY_READONLY_SETTINGS", "value": "0", "name": "Display Readonly Settings", "category": "Advanced Settings Details", "description": "This will display settings that are readonly. These settings are often internally used settings that are not of interest to most users. Since they are readonly they can only be viewed." }, { "keyword": "AS_OVERRIDE_READONLY", "value": "0", "name": "Override Readonly Settings", "category": "Advanced Settings Details", "description": "Setting this to true will allow you to override un-hidden readonly setting to change them. Settings that are readonly may be extremely volatile and have a high chance of breaking your system if you change them. Take extreme caution when electing to make such changes." } ], "status": true, "message": "Setting's found successfully" } } } |