Vega Gateways - Capturing a DSP tap trace on 60Gv2
DSPTAP Trace Capture
To assist in debugging audio issues on the 60Gv2 it is possible to capture a trace of the audio being received on the analogue side of the connection. This can be invaluable in tracking down issues with the audio being processed. To do this will will require a computer with the Wireshark software installed.
Start a Wireshark capture on your PC
Login to the Vega CLI and start the DSP tap
Place a call that shows the issues you are debugging
Stop the DSP tap
Stop Wireshark and save the file.
The pcap file saved from Wireshark can be submitted along with logs to Sangoma support to help assist troubleshooting.
Contained in the this log file you will find that the Vega Gateway has sent RTP streams starting at port number 50000.
Verify DSPTAP Captured
Below are the list of steps to verify the DSPTAP captured:
There will be 2 rtp streams for each Vega FXO/FXS port. e.g For 4 port 60Gv2 FXS Vega it will have 8 streams. Port1(50000, 50002), Port2(50004, 50006), Port3(50008, 50010), Port4(50012, 50014).
If call is being made from FXS port 1, use below wireshark filter to extract the rtp streams (udp && (udp.dstport == 50000 || udp.dstport == 50002)). It will show packets as below:
Source and destination port of these dsp tap packets will be same.
Decode these udp packets as rtp
Analyze the rtp streams
Export the wav file out of this
Verify Captured DSPTAP file for Fax call
Below are the list of steps to verify the dsptap for fax call
Capture the DSPTAP using steps 2-5
Extract the wave file using this step
Ensure that there are packets being sent from Vega on udp port no based on FXO//FXS port used.
Load the wave file in Audacity, and make sure you can see theAttached the dsptap pacp ( ) and wave file( ) extracted out of that. Call was made on fxs port1