Sangoma phones currently support the following codecs on all devices.
PCMU "ulaw"
PCMA "alaw"
End Point Manage (EPM) on your PBX writes out codecs for each phone based on the following hierarchy.
Parse the Extension Page when generating a configuration file for a phone.
If the extension page is blank for the Allow and Disallow Codecs it will then look to the SIP Settings module on your PBX to receive the list and priory order.
If the extension page is setup with Allow and Disallow options it will take the Allow options and only enable those in the same priority order you have defined in the extension Allow Field.
Specific Extension Codec Changes
Codecs for the phones are pulled directory from the extension page of the PBX when End Point Manager (EPM) writes out configs for the phones.
To change codecs navigate to your extension page in your PBX and edit the codec order.
Save and Apply changes.
Reboot your phone and it will now use the updated codec selection from your extension page.
Global Codec Changes
By default FreePBX and PBXact do not restrict codecs on a per extension basis. Extensions retrieve what codes to support globally from the SIP Settings module on your PBX
To change global codecs navigate to your SIP Settings Module in your PBX and edit the codecs that are enabled and drag them in the priority you want them to be used.
Save and Apply changes.
Reboot your phone and it will now use the updated codecs.