Dialogic Voice Cards - Diva on trixbox howto
This article provides a quick overview of the main steps necessary to integrate Diva Media boards in a trixbox system.
What is trixbox?
trixbox (formerly Asterisk@home) is a CentOS-based Linux distribution that enables users to quickly set up an Asterisk PBX system with an integrated WebGUI to for configuring and maintaining the system.
For further information go through the trixbox documentation: trixbox.org
Go to trixbox.org and download latest trixbox version.
This is the current stable release based on Asterisk 1.6
This is the current stable release based on Asterisk 1.4.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/asteriskathome/files/trixbox%20CE/trixbox- the trixbox installation instructions
Upon successful installation, log in to the trixbox system as root with the password entered during installation.
Install asterisk-devel package
for 1.4er version: yum install asterisk14-devel
for 1.6er version: yum install asterisk16-develShutdown the machine to plug in the Diva card
Download latest System Release
During Build if prompted to install chan_capi, accept that
If there are any issues during installation, follow guide-lines given by setup routine
When installation succeeds, make WebGui accessible by editing /usr/lib/opendiva/divas/httpd/login/login
10. Goto WebGui http://<IP of that machine>:10005 or http://locahost:10005
11. Under Configuration > Board Configuration > Configure the board's line parameters to match your local requirements
12. Under Configuration > CHAN_CAPI configuration > CHAN_CAPI > Select to use the board by CHAN CAPI and click 'Create capi.conf'
13. Under Configuration > System control > Start the System Release
14. Open /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf and insert
include => from-pstn
to enable incoming calls to be processed in an Incoming Route.
15. For outbound calls add a Custom Trunk with Custom Dial String CAPI/CntrX/$OUTBNUM$ with X = corresponding port in Diva CHAN CAPI config
16. Restart asterisk
17. Start configuring trixbox