Directory and Files Installed by Software
Note that in the table below, [NETBORDER_INSTALLDIR] is used to indicate the root folder of the installation (for example, C:\Program Files\Sangoma NetBorder Platform 2.0).
Files and Folders | Description |
[NETBORDER_INSTALLDIR]\ | The root directory of the installation folder contains one file, the uninstall executable (uninstall.exe). |
[NETBORDER_INSTALLDIR]\.original_config\ | The \.original_config folder contains the original configuration files and python files (which were copied to your system during installation). This folder serves as a backup of the original configuration should you later encounter a problem. This folder also contains the original license TXT file, which lists information about the original license, including the version number of the software and the expiry date of the license. |
[NETBORDER_INSTALLDIR]\bin\ | The \bin folder contains the executable files (EXE) required to run the software, as well as the DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files, which contain code that is called upon when needed by the executable files. |
| The \config folder contains the main configuration files: call-analyzer- and call-analyzer- These files may be opened, modified and saved using any text editor. They may also be copied and replicated elsewhere. This folder also contains the call- and used to configure the logging properties. You will also find the Netborder application class properties files: properties As well as the current license files. The license.txt file lists information about the existing license, including the version number of the software and the expiry date of the license.
[NETBORDER_INSTALLDIR]\data\tone-db | The \tone-db folder contains the tone frequency information stored in XML files for all the countries supported. |
| The \doc folder contains relevant documentation, including the following:
*Created on first call made via NCA. | The \logs folder contains all the log files, including cpa-stats.csv, which includes call statistics. See The Cpa-stats.csv file below. This folder will be empty immediately after installation.
[NETBORDER_INSTALLDIR ]\logs\call-logs\ | The \logs\call-logs folder contains files reporting activity for each call (“call logsâ€). There is one file by call, and files are output following a directory hierarchy based on the current date and time. When recording is enabled (see Recording media on page 64), the recordings in .wav format (G.711 mulaw/Alaw codecs) are output in the same location than the call-logs files. |
Cpa-stats.csv file
When a call with call progress analysis is completed, details about the call are logged on a single line in a concise way using comma separated values.
By default, this file is a 'DailyRollingFile', i.e.: it will automatically rename itself at the end of the day by appending the date to the file name. Only the last 10 files are kept on the disk, older one being discarded. See Appendix C: Logging configuration for description of additional functionality.
Field | Description |
NetBorder Call-ID | The unique identifier used by NetBorder Call Analyzer to identify the call |
Call Date | The date the call was initiated. (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Reference ID |
The optional campaign specific call reference ID provided by the customer via the X-Netborder-Cpa- Reference-ID SIP header. (See page 50 for more information) |
Campaign Name |
The optional campaign name provided by the customer via the X-Netborder-Cpa-Campaign-Name SIP header. The combination of the campaign name and reference ID above could be used as a unique ID for a call. (See page 50 for more information) |
Phone Number | The dialed phone number |
NCA result | The result of the CPA analysis |
Time Dialed |
The timestamp when NetBorder Call Analyzer received the initial SIP INVITE request. |
Time Connected | The timestamp when NetBorder Call Analyzer received the SIP 200 OK response from the callee. Empty if the callee never connected.
Time CPA completed | The timestamp when the CPA analysis provided a final outcome.
Time queued |
Used only when the initial INVITE received by NetBorder Call Analyzer did not contains SDP information. |
Time connected to agent | The timestamp when the agent connected with the callee. I.E. when the dialer sent its ACK following the 200 OK. |