Dialogic Voice Cards - Routing specific numbers to TTY ports

Dialogic Voice Cards - Routing specific numbers to TTY ports


This article shows how to setup a Diva BRI board in order to forward 2 ranges of extensions (100-110 and 200-210) to two separate TTYs and a third extension (300) to the CAPI interface.
The principles can be extended to other Diva boards.


To do this, open the HTTP configuration interface. 
Go to 'Board configuration', make sure DID is enabled, if it's not, enable it and click 'Save'.



Go to 'Call Routing configuration'. Set the configuration method to 'Advanced'. 


Add a new filter:

  • Enter the range of extensions in the 'Called Party Number' field, 100-110 for the first filter, 200-210 for the second one, 300 for the third one.

  • Set the Controller to be 'any' or a particular board if you have several boards and want to apply the filter to only one of them. You can also select a combined M-adapter.

  • Set 'Call Distribution' to 'Forward to'.

  • Set the 'Internal Routing Extension' to 100 and 200 for each filter respectively, and 300 for the third one.

  • Set the 'Interface' to 'DIVATTY'. For the CAPI extension, simply select 'CAPI/Diva API' as the interface.

  • Click OK.

  • Once you've added all three filters, click 'Save'.

The result should look like this:

This sets the call routing at the driver level. Now the TTYs need to be configured to accept numbers 100 or 200 as called numbers.

Edit the config.ttyds01 and config.ttyds02 files. 
In the init AT command add +iA100 and +iA200 respectively. 

With the above set, a call signalled with extension 100 to 110 will be forwarded to the TTY interface with CPN 100. Each TTY will then compare that 100 to the number set with +iA. TTY 2 will ignore it, but TTY 1 will accept it.

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