This section will capture the APIs related with Filestore Module.
Create FTP instance
Creating an FTP instance into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API - addFTPInstance
API Parameter:
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
serverName | Mandatory | String | Name for the FTP connection | |
hostName | Mandatory | String | Name for the FTP host | |
userName | Mandatory | String | Set FTP instance username | |
password | Mandatory | String | Set FTP instance password | |
port | Optional | Number | 22 | FTP Port default is "22" |
path | Optional | String | Path on remote server. This must be a COMPLETE PATH, starting with a / - for example, /home/backups/freepbx. | |
transferMode | Optional | String | This defaults to "Passive". If your FTP server is behind a separate NAT or Firewall to this VoIP server, you should select | |
timeout | Optional | Number | 30 | Timeout on remote server, default is 30 |
description | Optional | String | Enter a description for this connection. | |
fileStoreType | Optional | String | The FTP Servers file system type. If you are unsure set this to Auto |
Query Parameters
status message id |
API Request
mutation{ addFTPInstance(input : { serverName: "testGql" hostName: "" userName: "testGql" password: "testGql" }){ status message id } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "addFTPInstance": { "status": true, "message": "FTP Instance is created successfully", "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-12345678" } } } |
Update FTP instance
Updating an FTP instance into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API - updateFTPInstance
API Parameter:
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | String | Id of FTP | |
serverName | Mandatory | String | Name for the FTP connection | |
hostName | Mandatory | String | Name for the FTP host | |
userName | Mandatory | String | Set FTP instance username | |
password | Mandatory | String | Set FTP instance password | |
port | Optional | Number | 22 | FTP Port default is "22" |
path | Optional | String | Path on remote server. This must be a COMPLETE PATH, starting with a / - for example, /home/backups/freepbx. | |
transferMode | Optional | String | This defaults to "Passive". If your FTP server is behind a separate NAT or Firewall to this VoIP server, you should select | |
timeout | Optional | Number | 30 | Timeout on remote server, default is 30 |
description | Optional | String | Enter a description for this connection. | |
fileStoreType | Optional | String | The FTP Servers file system type. If you are unsure set this to Auto |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
mutation{ updateFTPInstance(input : { id:"12345" serverName: "testGql" hostName: "" userName: "testGql" password: "testGql" }){ status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "updateFTPInstance": { "status": true, "message": "FTP_12345 Instance is updated successfully" } } } |
Delete FTP instance
Delete an FTP instance into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API - deleteFTPInstance
API Parameter:
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | String | Id of FTP |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
mutation{ deleteFTPInstance(input : { id:"FTP_12345" }){ status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "deleteFTPInstance": { "status": true, "message": "Successfully deleted FTP instance" } } } |
Create S3 instance
Creating an S3 instance into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API - addS3Bucket
API Parameter:
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
name | Mandatory | String | Display name for the S3 instance | |
bucketName | Mandatory | String | AWS bucket name | |
AWSRegion | Mandatory | String | Add AWS region | |
AWSAccessKey | Mandatory | String | Set AWS access key | |
AWSSecret | Mandatory | String | Set AWS password |
Query Parameters
status message id |
API Request
mutation{ addS3Bucket(input : { name: "testGql" bucketName: "" AWSRegion: "us-east-2" AWSAccessKey: "testGql" AWSSecret: "12345" }){ status message id } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "addS3Bucket": { "status": true, "message": "S3 Instance is created successfully", "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-12345678" } } } |
Fetch Filestore Types
Fetch File store into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API - fetchFilestoreTypes
API Parameter- none
Query Parameters
status message types |
API Request
query{ fetchFilestoreTypes{ status message types } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchFilestoreTypes": { "status": true, "message": "List of filestore types", "types": "[\"FTP\",\"Local\"]" } } } |
Fetch Filestore Locations
Fetch File store locations into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API - fetchFilestoreLocations
API Parameter- none
Query Parameters
status message locations |
API Request
query{ fetchFilestoreLocations{ status message locations } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchFilestoreLocations": { "status": true, "message": "List of filestore locations", "locations":["Email_123456789","SSH_987654321","SSH_1122334455"] } } } |
Fetch AWS regions
Fetch AWS region into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API - fetchAWSRegion
API Parameter- none
Query Parameters
status message regions |
API Request
query{ fetchAWSRegion{ status message regions } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchAWSRegion": { "status": true, "message": "List of AWS Storage", "regions": "[\"us-east-1\",\"us-west-1\",\"sa-east-1\"]" } } } |
Fetch All File Stores
Fetch all file store into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API - fetchAllFilestores
API Parameter- none
Query Parameters
status message filestores{ id name description filestoreType } |
API Request
query{ fetchAllFilestores{ status message filestores{ id name description filestoreType } } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchAllFilestores": { "status": true, "message": "List of all filestores", "filestores": [ { "id": "Dropbox_1233424234-42342234", "name": "Testing", "description": "Testing Data", "filestoreType": "Dropbox" } ] } } } |