PBX Platforms - FreePBX-Distro-1.10xx.210.58
Below is an outline of the FreePBX Distro 1.8xx.210.62 Stable Releases based on
FreePBX 2.10
Asterisk 10.x
Centos 5.8
This release has been end of life and does not have any upgrade path to a newer release track due to a limitation of Centos 5 to Centos 6 providing no upgrade path. Please use the FreePBX backup and restore module to backup your PBX and restore it on a newer track such as 2.210.62.
1.1002.210.57-1- Initial Public Beta of the Distro for with Asterisk 10 and Centos 5.7
1.1003.210.57-1- Upgrade to Asterisk 10.03
1.1003.210.57-2- Upgrade to DAHDI 2.6.1 and Wanpipe 3.5.26
1.1004.210.58-1- Upgrade to Asterisk 10.4 and Centos 5.8 and new kernels.
1.1005.210.58-1- Upgrade to Asterisk 10.5.
1.1006.210.58-1- Upgrade to Asterisk 10.6.
1.1006.210.58-2- Upgrade to Wanpipe 3.5.27 and all Centos 5.8 Packages
1.1007.210.58-1- Upgrade to Asterisk 10.7.
1.1008.210.58-1- Upgrade to Asterisk 10.8 and Centos 5.8 Packages.
1.1009.210.58-1- Upgrade to Asterisk 10.9 and Centos 5.8 Packages.
Below is a list of upgrade scripts you can download and run to update your existing systems that are based on the 1.10xx.210.58 release track.
All upgrades need to be installed in numeric ascending order.
You can check your current version by going to the sysadmin module or from the Linux CLI do a:
cat /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version |
To install an update script via the Linux CLI use the following commands, substituting the proper scripts from above:
wget http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/2.210.62/upgrade-2.210.62-1.sh
chmod +x upgrade-2.210.62-1.sh
./upgrade-2.210.62-1.sh |