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On the SS7 Server Node configure Stacks, Links, Link Sets, and Routes. For a step by step procedure on creating Stacks etc. See IMG 1010 - Configuring SS7 Signaling - 10.5.1  

Configure an IMG 1004 as a Remote Node with Remote CICs:


Configure Channel Groups with CIC's:


  • Right Click on the Dialogic IMG EMS object and select New Routing Configuration. There is no configuration done in this object. Under the Routing Configuration object, the Channel Groups can get created.

  • Right Click on Routing Configuration and select New Channel Groups. The Channel Group main object will get created. Under this object, multiple channel groups can be created.

  • Right Click on Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. Enter a name for this Channel Group and verify SS7 signaling is displayed in the "Signaling Type" field. For more information on filling out the rest of the fields in this object, see the IMG 1010 - Channel Group link.

  • Right Click on the Channel Group just created and select New ISUP Group. An ISUP Group Pane will get created.

  • In the ISUP Group Pane is an OPC-DPC field. This field has a drop down menu that will display all the SS7 stacks created. Select one of the SS7 Stack from the SS7 server node created earlier. See screen capture below displaying the OPC-DPC field.

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    For more information on filling out the rest of the fields in this object, see IMG 1010 - ISUP Group - ITU / ETSI IMG 1010 - ISUP Group - ANSI / IMG 1010 - ISUP Group - JTISUP links.

  • Create the CIC's that will be controlled by the stack selected in previous step by right clicking on the ISUP group created and select New Circuits. A Circuits Pane will appear as shown below

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  • In the IMG Name field is a drop down menu which contains all the IMG's configured. Select from drop down menu which IMG the CIC's will reside on. In this procedure the remote cics will reside on the IMG 1004 SS7 Remote node.

  • Select the interface on back of IMG that the CIC's will use (Bearer or Signaling). The IMG 1004 only has signaling interface as shown above.

  • Select from drop down menus the Starting Interface Offset/Span and Starting Channel.

  • Select from drop down menu the ending Interface Offset/Span and Ending Channel.

  • Enter the Starting CIC number by clicking in the field and entering the number.

  • After completing this pane the following is true of this configuration:

    • The IMG 1004 SS7_Remote Node now has CIC's on Interface Offset/Span 0-3 Channels 0-23.

    • The CIC's start with CIC# 00 and go to CIC# 23

    • These CIC's on the IMG 1004 are controlled by the stack on the SS7 Server Node which was selected in step 5.