IMG 1010 - ISUP Group - ANSI
- 1 Description:
- 2 Accessing this Pane
- 3 Maximum Objects:
- 4 Related Topics:
- 5 ClientView Pane:
- 6 Field Descriptions
- 6.1 OPC - DPC:
- 6.2 Local CLLI:
- 6.3 Remote CLLI:
- 6.4 Glare Rule:
- 6.5 Incoming Continuity Check:
- 6.6 Out Continuity Check:
- 6.7 Satellite Circuit:
- 6.8 CIC Service Rule:
- 6.9 Hop Counter:
- 6.10 State transitions:
- 6.11 Echo Suppression:
- 6.12 Circuit Group Carrier Indicator:
- 6.13 Alarm Carrier Indicator:
- 6.14 CVT Upon UPU:
- 6.15 GRS/GRA Behaviour:
- 6.16 Originating Line INFO Checking:
- 6.17 Discard Privacy INFO:
- 6.18 USI Info Transfer Capability Allowed:
- 6.19 USI Transfer Rate Allowed:
- 6.20 USI Screening Cause Value:
- 6.21 LNP Routing Enable:
- 6.22 Link OOS Handling:
- 6.23 CUGS (Closed User Group) Handling: N/A
- 6.24 Transparent ISUP via SIP-T
This pane defines the configuration for a group of ISUP channels. The contents of the pane will vary depending on whether the associated SS7 Stack configured in the OPC-DPC field is an ANSI, ITU, or JTISUP stack.
For information regarding the ISUP Group with an JTISUP stack selected in the OPC-DPC field, refer to the .
For information regarding the ISUP Group with an ITU stack selected in the OPC-DPC field, refer to the .
Accessing this Pane
Dialogic IMG EMS > Routing Configuration > Channel Groups > Channel Group (SS7) > ISUP Group
Maximum Objects:
512 per SS7 Channel Group
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Configuring SS7 CIC Routing (section "Configuring an ISUP Group")
ClientView Pane:
ISUP Group Pane - ANSI stack is configured/selected in the OPC-DPC field.
Software Version 10.5.3 SP4.1
Field Descriptions
This field has a drop-down list populated with OPC-DPC combinations from previously configured SS7 Stack (OPC) and SS7 Route (DPC) configuration.
Local CLLI:
This field indicates the local CLLI (Common Language Location Identification) code for the group of SS7 channels to which this channel belongs.
Remote CLLI:
This field indicates the remote CLLI (Common Language Location Identification) code for the group of SS7 channels to which this channel belongs.
Glare Rule:
This field indicates how simultaneous incoming and outgoing seizures of the same SS7 channel are resolved.
Drop Outgoing Call - The outgoing seizure is denied.
Drop Incoming Call - The incoming seizure is denied.
Odd/Even - The incoming seizure is denied if:
The OPC value is less than the DPC value and the CIC number is odd or,
The OPC value is greater than the DPC value and the CIC number is even (ITU-T Recommendation Q.767).
Incoming Continuity Check:
Configures the behavior in case of receiving an IAM with Continuity Check required on this circuit.
Wait for COT (default) - Wait for the COT before sending the INVITE or Setup (Outgoing IP channel groups).
Do not wait for COT - Propagate the IAM with 'Continuity check required on previous circuit' (Outgoing SS7 channel groups).
Out Continuity Check:
This field indicates how frequently outgoing calls on this SS7 channel undergo an automatic continuity check.
None (Default) - No Continuity Checks Performed |
1:xx - One out of every X calls undergoes a Continuity Check |
1:02 - One of every 2 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:03 - One of every 3 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:04 - One of every 4 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:05 - One of every 5 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:06 - One of every 6 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:07 - One of every 7 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:08 - One of every 8 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:09 - One of every 9 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:10 - One of every 10 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:11 - One of every 11 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:12 - One of every 12 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:13 - One of every 13 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:14 - One of every 14 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:15 - One of every 15 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
1:16 - One of every 16 calls undergoes a Continuity Check. |
Satellite Circuit:
This field indicates if this SS7 channel makes use of a satellite facility.
No (Default) |
Yes |
CIC Service Rule:
This list indicates what SS7 message, if any, the responsible SS7 stack sends when IMG takes this SS7 channel is out-of-service.
Block - The SS7 stack sends an SS7 Blocking (BLO) message. This stack will send an SS7 Unblocking (UBL) message when the IMG puts this SS7 channel back in service.
No Block - The SS7 stack does not send SS7 message. This stack will send an SS7 Reset Circuit (RSC) message when the IMG puts this SS7 channel back in service.
No Action - The SS7 stack does not send an SS7 message. Required setting when Exchange Type in SS7 Stack is configured as Type A.
Hop Counter:
Number of switches that can have processed a call before the responsible switch rejects the call.
Off (Default) - Feature is Disabled. Switch will not reject call.
01-31 - Select from drop down list the number of switches that can process the call before call is dropped.
State transitions:
Group Operations (Default)
Individual Operations (B/U)
Individual Operations (R/B/U)
Echo Suppression:
Echo Suppressor Not Present (Default)
Echo Suppressor Present
Circuit Group Carrier Indicator:
This field indicates the nature of signaling on this SS7 channel’s physical medium. Your input, permitted only if this SS7 channel is associated with an SS7 stack whose ISUP is ANSI-compliant.
Analog and Digital
Alarm Carrier Indicator:
SW Cxr
HW Cxr
This field indicates if the controlling SS7 stack will automatically send an SS7 Circuit Validation Test (CVT) message when it receives a User Part Unavailable (UPU) indication for a call’s destination (DPC).
GRS/GRA Behaviour:
Post ANSI 1995 - default if SS7 Stack is configured for ANSI 95 or 97.
Pre ANSI 1995 - default if SS7 Stack is configured for ANSI 93.
When modifying the setting of the GRS/GRA Behavior field, the CIC's configured under this ISUP group need to be taken Out Of Service prior to making any modifications. Once the GRS/GRA Behavior has been modified, the CIC's can be brought back into service.
The post 1995 GRA message, which would be sent in response to an incoming post 1995 GRS, will have the optional circuit assignment map parameter included if it was included in the incoming GRS. The pre 1995 GRA message, which would be sent in response to an incoming pre 1995 GRS, will not have a pointer to optional circuit assignment map parameter. A confusion (CFN) message will be sent if the incoming message does not have the expected format. This option is typically used when the same SS7 stack on the IMG 1010 is interconnected to different switches running Pre and Post 1995 ISUP.
Originating Line INFO Checking:
Disable (Default) - The IMG will not validate that there is a Charge Number parameter included in the IAM with the Originating Line Info parameter.
Enable - The IMG will validate that there is a Charge Number parameter included in the IAM with the Originating Line Info parameter as per ANSI standards.
Discard Privacy INFO:
Discard Privacy info omits CLI in the ISUP message. Choices shown below:
Off (Default) |
Display Only |
Generic Number Only |
Display & Generic Number |
Calling Party Only |
Display and Calling Number |
Calling, Display and Generic |
USI Info Transfer Capability Allowed:
Speech |
Unrestricted Digital Info |
Restricted Digital Info |
3.1 KHz Audio |
Unrestricted Digital with tones/announcements |
USI Transfer Rate Allowed:
64 Kbits/s |
384 Kbits/s |
USI Screening Cause Value:
65 (Bearer Not Implemented) |
88 (Incompatible Destination) |
LNP Routing Enable:
Use this field to enable or disable Local Number Portability routing.
Disable (Default) |
Enable |
See IMG 1010 - Local Number Portability (LNP)
Link OOS Handling:
Disable (Default) - Functionality is same as previous software. If Signaling Link goes Out Of Service, then the associated CIC's will go Out Of Service as well.
Enable - If signaling link goes Out Of Service all associated CIC's which are in the idle state will go Out Of Service. If any CIC's are in either the ringing or connected state the CIC's will not go Out Of Service until a later subsequent condition occurs. See IMG 1010 - SS7 Link OOS Handling for more information on configuration and functionality.
Feature F-5134 SS7 Link Out Of Service was added to software 10.5.2_ER3 only. The feature was not added to any other build until 10.5.3_ER1. From there, all subsequent builds after 10.5.3_ER1 will have the feature in it.
CUGS (Closed User Group) Handling: N/A
Closed User Group is not supported in T1 protocol on IMG.
Transparent ISUP via SIP-T
The field Transparent ISUP via SIP-T is utilized when messaging is being received via SIP-T on incoming channel group and is being sent out of IMG via an SS7 ISUP Channel group. Before configuring verify that SIP-T is enabled and configured. See SIP Signaling - SIP and SIP Signaling - SIP-T Entity for more information on configuring/enabling SIP-T:
Once the SIP-T is configured then the Transparent ISUP via SIP-T field can be configured.
Disabled (Default) - When field is set to Disabled (Default) the IMG will function normally. Messages received via SIP-T will be processed through the IMG and any parameters that are added or modified through the IMG configuration will be modified and sent out the SS7 ISUP channel group in an outgoing IAM message.
Enabled - When field is set to Enabled any messages being received via SIP-T will be sent to the outgoing ISUP channel group unchanged regardless of the configuration set on the IMG. Any modifications or parameter overrides due to the configuration set on the IMG will be ignored.