IMG 1010 - SIP UUI Support

IMG 1010 - SIP UUI Support

The IMG supports sending UUI (User to User Information) between a called and calling party. User to User Signaling provides a means of communication between two end users through the signaling network for the purpose of exchanging information of end to end significance. The information is transferred transparently through the network and does not have any effect on the call. The IMG supports UUI for multiple protocols.

  • ISDN to ISDN

  • ISDN to SS7

  • SS7 to SS7

  • SS7 to SIP

  • ISDN to SIP

  • ISDN to H.323 (10.5.1_ER3 and above)

In the ISDN to SIP scenario the IMG will inter-work the UUI parameters into the SIP INFO message. Information below describes the individual fields within the SIP UUI Support object.

If the SIP profile ID field in the SIP SGP object is set to ID:0 which is a default configuration, then the SIP UUI Support object is by default set to disabled. To allow the user to change the fields, the SIP SGP object ID must be changed from the default ID of 0 to something other than 0. Once this is changed then all fields in the SIP UUI Support object can be manipulated.

Accessing this Pane

IMG EMS > Profiles > SIP SGP > SIP UUI Support

Once the User to User Header is enabled, a new field labeled UUI Format opens up and can now be configured.

For more information on the UUI format field, refer to the Field Descriptions section below.

Max Objects

1 SIP UUI Support object Pane per SIP SGP object pane

Related Topics

UUI Support needs to be configured in SS7 and ISDN to either "Pass" or "Not Pass" the User to User information. UUI is configured on a Channel Group by Channel Group basis. See below on configuration.

IMG 1010 - UUI Support - Overview

Field Descriptions

User To User Header

Disable (Default)- Disable is the default setting. When set to disable, the User to User information will not be interworked.

Enable- The User to User information will be interworked. When the User to User Header field is set to Enable, a UUI format field opens up just below it. Refer to screen capture below.

UUI Format

The UUI Format field is supported when interworking SS7 to SIP or SIP to SS7 only. Prior to release 10.5.3 SP13, the UUI message was always interworked using the binary format. With the introduction of F-6550 UUI support enhancements feature, the UUI message can now be interworked using the hexadecimal format as well.

Binary (Default)- When binary is selected, the User to User Information is displayed as it has always been displayed. The binary stream is interworked and relayed to the opposite side (see UUI Call Flows - Binary).

Hexadecimal- When Hexadecimal is selected, the User to User Information is interworked as follows (see UUI Call Flows - Hex):

SS7 to SIP

If User to User information is received in a binary stream, the SIP side will include the ASCII representation of the binary stream.

Each binary character received will be converted to its hex equivalent. Refer to example below.

Example: 00 D2 34 will be relayed to SIP side as 30 30 44 32 33 34


SIP to SS7

An ASCII stream received on SIP side will be converted to hexadecimal.

Each ASCII character received on the SIP side will be presented as a hexadecimal byte on the SS7 side.

Example: The ASCII stream 00A3B5 will be converted to the ASCII equivalent 00 00 41 33 42 35

Prot. Discriminator Byte

The purpose of the protocol discriminator is to distinguish between messages belonging to the call control, mobility management, radio resources management, and other signalling procedures. The protocol discriminator is the first part of every message and occupies the first four bits of the first octet in a message. The protocol discriminator is a mandatory ISUP message. Before modifying the protocol discriminator field, verify the User To User Header field is set to Enable. The User to User Header field must be enabled for the protocol discriminator field to function.

Not Included (Default)- Not included is the default setting. If Not Included is selected, the IMG assumes the incoming SIP UUI message does not include the protocol discriminator and the IMG should add it in the interworking process.

Included- If included is selected the IMG assumes the incoming SIP UUI message includes the protocol discriminator. Therefore, interwork the information in the incoming protocol discriminator.

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