IMG 1010 - Translation Entry

IMG 1010 - Translation Entry



The Translation Entry pane will add an entry to an Incoming or Outgoing Translation Tables. Once the  translation table is created, it will define the digit processing attributes that the IMG uses to process digit strings. Translation Tables define the mechanism that the IMG uses for matching and translating digits for an incoming and/or outgoing digit string. Configuring Translation Tables is done using the Incoming or Outgoing Translation Entry Pane in ClientView. The Incoming or Outgoing Translation Entry pane allows you to assign an incoming and/or outgoing translation table to a specific channel group. This table will specify the matching and manipulation the IMG needs to perform to route a call through a channel group. The IMG supports creating up to 20 translation tables in ClientView each allowing up to 200 entries.

In software version 10.3.x-10.5.1_ER1 the translation fields which include the String field, the Dialed Number Translation field, and the Billing Number Translation field all support a maximum of 24 digits. In software version 10.5.1_ER2 that maximum number was increased to 32 digits.

Accessing this Pane: (Software 10.5.x)

Dialogic IMG EMS -> New Routing Configuration -> New Outgoing Translation Tables -> New Translation Tables -> New Translation Table -> New Translation Entry


Dialogic IMG EMS -> New Routing Configuration -> New Incoming Translation Tables -> New Translation Tables -> New Translation Table -> New Translation Entry

Accessing this Pane: (Software 10.3.x)

Cantata IMG EMS -> New Routing Configuration -> New Outgoing Translation Tables -> New Translation Table -> New Translation Entry


Cantata IMG EMS -> New Routing Configuration -> New Incoming Translation Tables -> New Translation Table -> New Translation Entry

Maximum Objects:

200 Entries per translation table

Related Topics:

The next few topics below explain digit translation on the IMG. It is highly recommended that they be read before proceeding on to configuring a Translation Entry

IMG 1010 - Digit Translation

IMG 1010 - Configuring Digit Matching and Translation

Incoming Translation Entry Pane:

Outgoing Translation Entry Pane:

Error Detection:


Field Descriptions:

Entry ID:

This field is automatically populated with the next available ID and cannot be changed.


Select from a drop down menu either True or False.

True (Enabled) - If True is selected then the translation table is available for use on incoming calls.

False (Disabled) - If False is selected then the translation table is not available for use on incoming calls.

With this option an entry can be created but does not need to be used. Entries can be enabled and disabled at any time.

(Default = True)

Type of Operation:

The operation that the IMG performs for the current entry.

Translation - Translate a matched digit string and/or associated call parameters to a different digit string and parameter values.

Error Detection - (Incoming Translation Only) You can specify the cause code that the IMG associates with a dialed number or carrier number that represents an error condition. See Error Detection fields below in this topic for more information.


Translation Fields: (Applies only if the Type of Operation is Translation)

String to Match:

The type of digit string that the IMG uses to match against the value in the String field. The options vary based on the type of operation you select in the Type of Operation field. The following values are available:

Dialed Number - Match the dialed number against the value in the 'String' field. The dialed number is the called party number. Available when Operation is Translation or Error Detection.

Originating Number - Match the originating number against the value in the 'String' field. The originating number is generally the calling party number. Available when Operation is Translation.

Error Detection -  (Incoming Translation Only) Identify a digit string that represents an error condition and assign the appropriate cause code.


The digit string mask is compared to each incoming or outgoing number. The digit string mask is used to determine whether the number is a match for the current Translation Table attributes entry. The Digit String Mask supports the use of wild– cards within the string. Below is short explanation on how to use wild– cards in the "String" field. For more information on using wild– cards in the String field see IMG 1010 - Digit Translation Wildcards.

Digits and wild-cards can be used in the string field. The values entered in this field are processed as strings not numbers. Enter values accordingly.

  • The pound (#) character is generally used to terminate a digit string.

  • The asterisk (*) character is generally used to trigger a service, such as *70 to disable call waiting. (NOTE:Internally the IMG maps the asterisk (*) character to a value of hexadecimal 0x0e and the pound (#) character to hexadecimal 0x0f. This mapping can sometimes result in improper digit processing if your digit strings contain hexadecimal 0x0e or 0x0f.

  • The ampersand (&) specifies that all remaining digits can have any value. Ex. 508&

Match Channel Group as Well:

If there are any channel groups created this field becomes a drop down menu with all the Channel Groups configured. The IMG supports matching both the incoming string along with the Channel Group. This option is typically used if a channel group uses a specific prefix like 606. The incoming call will be routed to a channel group that only accepts 606 numbers. All other numbers will not be accepted.

For incoming translation tables the match is on the incoming channel group and for outgoing translation tables the match is made on the outgoing channel group.

The selections in the drop down menu are as follows:

  • Not Used - This feature will not be used

  • List of all Channel Groups Configured - List of all the Channel Groups configured in ascending order starting with lowest ID:

'Outgoing Only' Channel Groups will not be included in this list.

Match Nature of Address as Well (Incoming Only):

When a call comes in to a channel group the IMG supports matching the Nature of Address along with matching the channel group and specific strings. This option could be used to route international calls away from a particular channel group. Click in the "Match Nature of Address as Well" field and a drop down menu with the selections below will appear. Select from drop down menu.

  • 000 - Reserved

  • 001 - Subscriber Number

  • 002 - Unknown - National Use

  • 003 - National Number

  • 004 - International Number

  • 005 - Network Specific number

  • 113 - Subscriber Number - Operator Requested

  • 114 - National Number - Operator Requested

  • 115 - International Number - Operator Requested

  • 116 - No Number Present - Operator Requested

  • 117 - No Number Present - Cut Through

  • 118 - 905 Call

  • 119 - Test Call

  • Not Used

Match “+” as well (Incoming Only):

In the SIP protocol a “+” sign is used to indicate an international number. On an incoming call, this feature allows the IMG to either append or strip digits based upon the presence or absence of the “+”. When a call comes in from SIP with the "+" sign, the IMG can do one of the following:

Matching on Dialed Number:

If the IMG is matching a Dialed Number the IMG will allow the matching on either the “SIP URI Header” or the “To Header” this is an “OR” condition if both are selected.

Matching on Originating Number:

If the IMG is matching on an Originating Number (ANI) the IMG will allow matching the “From Header” only.

To select either the SIP URI or the To Header Field click on the "Match + as well" field and a multiple items screen will appear. You will be able to select from a list that includes the following:

  • SIP URI Header

  • SIP To Header

A “+” sign can only be the first digit in a number string.

Dialed # Translation:

The translation mask that describes how the Dialing Plan Engine (DPE) translates a dialed number to a new value. You can use the digits and wildcard. This field is available only when the Operation is Translation. This field can be left empty to translate to a null string. (10.3.3 ER 2 +)

Originating # Translation:

The translation mask that describes how the Dialing Plan Engine (DPE) translates an originating number to a new value. Either digits or a wildcard can be used. This field is available only when the Operation Type is Translation. (10.3.3 ER2+)

A feature was added to the IMG that allows an incoming ANI to be translated when it is blank or null. Follow the steps below to translate a blank originating number.

  • Select Originating Number from the drop down menu of the "String to Match" field.

  • Enter the wildcard v option in the "String" field.

  • Enter the new digits in the "Originating # Translation" field.

Once accomplished the IMG will translate a blank or null ANI into the number entered in the Originating # Translation field.

Append (+) for Headers:

The "Append (+) for Headers" field is used to alter the incoming header and add a "+" sign to it. If the SIP Header comes in to the IMG and doesn't have the "+" sign on it the IMG will append the "+" sign to it. Use this field to prefix ‘+’ to the user if the incoming INVITE does not have ‘+’. Appending a "+" sign can be done to the following Header fields below. To select one or more Headers to append a "+" sign, simply click in the "Append (+) for Headers" field and the Select Multiple items box below will appear.

Remove (+) for Headers:

The "Remove (+) for Headers field is used to alter the incoming header and remove the "+" from an incoming INVITE. This can also be used in the case that the incoming side is not SIP. Removing a "+" sign can be done to the following Header fields below. To select one or more Headers to remove the "+" sign, simply click in the "Remove (+) for Headers" field and the Select Multiple items box below will appear.

Billing Number Translation:

The value added to the billing number translation field will be included in the Charge Number parameter in the case of an outgoing SS7 call (IAM message) using this translation table. To change the default attributes of the parameter use the IMG 1010 - Advanced Billing Number Translation pane.

Info Digits Translation:

Info Digits are included in the Originating Line Info Parameter (OLIP) in case of an outgoing SS7 call (IAM Message). See IMG 1010 - Advanced Translation Features.

Carrier Number Translation:

The value present will be included in the Transient Network Selection (TNS) parameter in case of an outgoing SS7 call (IAM message) using this translation table. To change the default attributes of the parameter, use the IMG 1010 - Advanced Carrier Number Translation pane.

Re-Run Option:

Valid only if Type of Operation is Translation and String to Match is Dialed Number. Click in the RE-Run option field and a drop down menu will offer the following selections:

  • Originating Number

  • None

If a call matches this entry any defined translation will occur and processing would jump to the Originating Number portion of the current translation table.  

Second String for Translation:

The info digits are included within the Originating Line Info Parameter (OLIP) that is received from the SS7 side. ANSI protocol variants require including the Charge Number parameter whenever the Originating Line Info Parameter is included in the IAM. The IMG can also match on the Info digits received within the ISUP MIME body included in a SIP message when SIP-T is enabled.

None (Default) - IMG will not expect a second string to translate.

INFO Digits (ANSI Variants Only) -

Originating Number Category -

Second String:

This field is not selectable unless either Info Digits or Originating Number Category is selected from the previous field named Second String for Translation. Enter characters to represent either the Info Digits or the Originating Number Category. Valid characters are J and K. The Info Digits may appear anywhere in the translation numbers, however if the same variable is repeated, ‘JJ’ or ‘KK’, the digits must appear together in the translation numbers. To identify and treat the Info Digits separately, they must be defined as ‘JK’ or ‘KJ’.

Error Code: (Type of Operation = Error Detection)

Assign a cause code to a digit string for call treatment purposes. The IMG performs the appropriate treatment for the call based on the cause code it assigns. Click in the Error Code field and select from the drop down menu. The selections are as follows:

  • Vacant

  • Unknown Service

  • Unassigned Service Number

  • Missing Prefix

  • Unwanted Prefix

  • Missing Area Code

  • Area Code Changed

  • Unknown Carrier

  • Disconnected

  • Partial Dial

Service Routing: (Incoming Only)

Select a previously configured Service Route entry to implement Pre-Call Announcements.

See IMG 1010 - Configuring Pre-call Announcements and IMG 1010 - Route Entry

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