IMG 1010 - SIP DTMF Support

IMG 1010 - SIP DTMF Support


SIP DTMF support object is created under the SIP SGP Profile object. The SIP DTMF Support object is used to enable and configure DTMF support in the Notify message of the Subscribe/Notify feature when sending a DTMF digit to another gateway. The supported DTMF digits are shown in the table below. Use this pane to enable and configure SIP DTMF support to send a DTMF digit to another gateway. There are two methods supported:


SIP Subscribe/Notify


When creating the SIP SGP profile the default ID which is ID:0 will not allow you to change any parameters. When creating the SIP SGP Profile and a custom profile will need to be configured change the ID to something other than ID:0. If the ID is 0 then the fields under the SIP SGP profile and any objects created underneath this object will be set to defaults and the fields in the subsequent objects can not be changed.

Accessing this Pane

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Profiles -> SIP SGP Profile -> SIP DTMF Support

Maximum Objects:

1 per SGP

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP INFO Method - DTMF

ClientView Pane:

Field Descriptions:


Choose from drop down menu choices shown below

Disable (default)

Info with Pattern (this option previously named "INFO")


Info DTMF digit relay (10.3.3 ER 2+)

DTMF Pattern:

Choose from drop down menu choices shown below

Character entered into Phone



Enter # symbol four times


Enter # symbol three times


Enter # symbol two times


Enter # symbol once


Enter * symbol four times


Enter * symbol three times


Enter * symbol two times


Enter * symbol once


Software Builds

Digits Supported

10.3.3 ER2 - 10.3.3 ER6


10.3.3 ER7 +

(####,###,##,#) -and- (****,***,**,*)

10.5.0 ER1


10.5.0 ER2

(####,###,##,#) -and- (****,***,**,*)

10.5.1 +

(####,###,##,#) -and- (****,***,**,*)

DTMF Duration Time (ms):

This is the allowed amount of time for the entire DTMF string to be received. If the timer expires, it resets to zero and starts over.

Default = 500 ms

Default Subscriber Duration (s) (Subscribe/Notify Method Only):

The amount of time that a subscriber session will be kept up. This value is also the maximum allowed duration.

Minimum Subscriber Duration (s) (Subscribe/Notify Method Only):

The minimum amount of time that a subscriber session must be established for.

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