IMG 1010 - M3UA Subsystem Number AS Route
The Subsystem Number is created under a stack configured as a Signaling Gateway. The Subsystem Number along with Remote AS and St-link objects in ClientView make up the routing between the Signaling Gateway stack and a remote Application Server Stack. The Subsystem Numbers, which range from 2-254, and can be selected through a drop down menu in the Subsystem Number field.
Accessing this Pane:
Dialogic IMG EMS > Logical IMG > Signaling > SS7 > SS7 Stack > New SSN - AS Route
Maximum Objects:
256 SSN-AS Routes per Signaling Gateway (SG) Stack
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Overview of Sigtran M3UA
IMG 1010 - Configure IMG as SG Server
IMG 1010 - M3UA Remote Application Server (AS)
IMG 1010 - M3UA Remote Application Server (AS) Bind
IMG 1010 - M3UA SCCP AS Designates
ClientView Pane:
Field Descriptions:
Remote Application Server:
Click in the Remote Application Server field and a drop down menu will appear displaying all the remote Application Servers that are configured under the Signaling Gateway (SG) stack being configured. Select a Remote Application Server stack from the list.
Subsystem Number:
Select from a drop down menu which Subsystem number will be used for routing. See Table below
Subsystem Number | Subsystem |
2 | reserved for ITU-T allocation |
3 | ISDN user part |
4 | OMAP |
5 | MAP (Mobile Application Part) |
6 | HLR (Home Location Register) |
7 | VLR (Visitor Location Register) |
8 | MSC (Mobile Switching Center) |
9 | EIC (Equipment Identifier Center) |
10 | AUC (Authentication Center) |
11 | ISDN Supplementary Services |
12 | reserved for international use |
13 | Broadband ISDN edge-to-edge applications |
14 | TC Test Responder |
15-31 | reserved for international use |
32-254 | reserved for national networks |