IMG 1010 - M3UA Remote Application Server (AS)


Once the M3UA Signaling Gateway stack (SG) is created, that stack can then communicate with up to (4) remote M3UA-Application Servers (AS). Use the Remote Application Server pane in ClientView to configure any M3UA Remote Application servers that the Signaling Gateway will communicate with.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS > Logical IMG > Signaling > SS7 > SS7 Stack > New Remote Application Server (AS)

Maximum Objects:

4 M3UA Application Servers per IMG 1010.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Overview of Sigtran M3UA

IMG 1010 - Configure IMG as SG Server

IMG 1010 - M3UA Remote Application Server (AS)

IMG 1010 - M3UA Remote Application Server (AS) Bind

IMG 1010 - M3UA Sigtran Links

IMG 1010 - M3UA SCCP AS Designates

IMG 1010 - M3UA Subsystem Number AS Route 


IMG 1010 - Configure IMG as AS Server

IMG 1010 - M3UA DPC Route

IMG 1010 - M3UA Remote Signaling Gateway (SG)

ClientView Pane:


Field Descriptions:

Application Server ID:

The application Server ID is given to the Remote Application Server object to identify the Remote Application Server stack. This field is automatically populated with the next ID in its list. If the Application ID needs to be changed, select a different ID from the drop down menu in this field.

Routing Context:

Click in the Routing Context field and enter a value for the routing context. The routing context value entered should be the same as the Routing Context value of the remote M3UA Application Server this stack will be communicating with. The value in this field is a 32 bit number which allows values that range from 0 - 4,294,967,295.

As of 10.5.3 SP6 the Routing Context parameter can be an empty value when Remote SG or Remote AS is configured.


Click in the Comments field and enter a comment that identifies this remote Application Server. Any comments entered will be displayed in the object tree beside the Remote AS object.

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