IMG 1010 - Configuration Pane
This represents the default configuration file (.csa). The name of the configuration that is being created can be changed here. The default name given to any newly started configurations is default. The name of the configuration (.csa) file can be changed by clicking in the User-Specified field and entering a new name. The configuration is then stored in directory:
/opt/dialogic/common/config (Software 10.5.0+)
/opt/cantata/common/config (Software 10.3.x - 10.5.0)
The configuration pane also has an AutoSave feature. ClientView AutoSave feature gives the customer the option of auto saving the configuration file they are using at different time intervals up to 5 minutes. ClientView AutoSave will prevent losing data when users forget to save their configuration file or if there is a some unknown circumstances such as power failures or host reboots. The AutoSave feature can be enabled and disabled from the "Configuration AutoSave" object in Clientview.
Accessing this Pane:
Click Configuration default. This object will get created when ClientView is opened.
Maximum Objects:
1 per ClientView
ClientView Pane: 10.5.0 Software
Field Descriptions:
The name of the configuration file. The default filename is default. To change the name, click in the User Specified column of the Filename Field and type in the name of the configuration file being created.
Auto Save interval (in minutes):
The interval in which the configuration file will be saved in the case where the configuration file is not saved manually. There is a drop down menu with 1 minute intervals up to 15 minutes. You can disable the AutoSave feature by selecting Disable in the drop down menu of this field.
Last Time Auto Saved:
A timestamp of the last time the AutoSave Feature saved the configuration file.
ClientView Pane: 10.3.3 Software