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The ITX/TXA messages are used in a Spirou (Signalisation Pour l'Interconnexion des Réseaux Ouverts/Signaling for the Interconnection of Open Networks) network for audio services that are paid for by either a flat rate calculation or time based calculation. The calls are routed to the operator, and the operator reports the payment amount with the ITX message. An example of this functionality would be a customer calling a weather forecast service with a fee involved. The call is routed through an operator which would report the payment amount by the ITX messages and the customer would get charged accordingly.
Configure Spirou Variant
Right Click on IMG name and select New Signaling. A signaling object will get created. Under this object, the SS7 Stack is created. See IMG 1010 - Signaling Object link.
Right Click on Signaling object and select New SS7. An SS7 Standalone object will get created. See IMG 1010 - SS7 Signaling Object .
Right Click on SS7 Standalone and select New SS7 Stack. Enter an OPC and select France from drop down menu in the SS7 Variant field. (folder in /opt/dialogic/common/config/Variant directory).
Finish configuring the stack with Link Sets, Links and Routes. See IMG 1010 - Configuring SS7 Signaling - 10.5.1 link.
Create SIP Profile (SGP) and enable INFO for Spirou/ITX
At this point the only thing left would be to create Route Tables and Route Entries to route the calls to appropriate channel groups etc. See the following links:
IMG 1010 - Overview of Routing
Additional Information:
The IMG will interwork the SIP INFO message into a SPIROU ITX message.
The IMG will interwork the SPIROU ITX message into a SIP INFO message.
Interworking both from SIP INFO to SPIROU ITX and from SPIROU ITX to SIP INFO is supported
The IMG supports the C2 and C3 parameters in the body of the incoming SIP INFO(ITX) message format to appear in any order. (For example: C2 may appear first followed by C3, or vice versa).
For SS7-to-SIP, the IMG1010 willll generate the SIP INFO(ITX) message format with C2 first followed by C3 in the message body.
The IMG supports incoming SIP INFO(ITX) messages with Content-Length set as 13. In this message format, there are no trailing CR/LF characters at the end of the message body.
In SS7-to-SIP scenario, the IMG will generate the SIP INFO(ITX) message format with Content-Length set as 15 with the trailing CR/LF.
The IMG will not maintain any information related to the ITX message.