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The default behavior of FreePBX, starting at version 12, is to use chan_pjsip for endpoints and trunks. Sections of this article will cover installations of FreePBX configured with either chan_pjsip or chan_sip. Selection of either chan_pjsip or can_sip from within your distribution can be found in the Admin Web tool under Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Dialplan and Operational -> SIP Channel Driver. The Admin Web tool may be viewed by visiting: http://[ip of your freepbx]/admin
Each of these is configured using the Admin Web tool provided by FreePBX.
For more information about the configuration of FreePBX, please see the FreePBX wiki.
Trunks, chan_pjsip
First, you need to create a FreePBX Trunk for your Digium SIP Trunking account.
On the Connectivity -> Trunks page, select Add SIP (chan_pjsip) Trunk
To configure a Digium SIP Trunking account, make modifications to the following options:
Once the Trunk has been configured with these settings, click the Submit Changes button at the bottom of the screen and then, when it displays at the top of the screen, the red Apply Changes button.
Trunks, chan_sip
If you are not using chan_pjsip, you may instead create a FreePBX Trunk using chan_sip.
On the Connectivity -> Trunks page, select Add SIP (chan_sip) Trunk
General Settings
Trunk Name: digium-siptrunk
Outbound CallerID: your_digium_number, e.g. 2565551234
CID Options: Force Trunk CID
Dialed Number Manipulation Rules (This entire section can be left at defaults)
Outgoing Settings
Trunk Name: digium-siptrunk
PEER Details:
G729 should typically only be allowed if you've installed Digium's G.729 Add-on for Asterisk. G.729 is a licensed algorithm that cannot be distributed or used freely without this add-on.G.729 should be used on
Incoming Settings (USER Details: blank out this section)
Register String:
Once the Trunk has been configured with these settings, click the Submit Changes button at the bottom of the screen and then, when it displays at the top of the screen, the red Apply Changes button.
Inbound Routes
Once a Trunk has been created, you should next create an Inbound Route in order to handle calls coming from Digium's SIP Trunking service to your FreePBX system.
To make these configuration changes, visit the Connectivity -> Inbound Routes page.
To configure a Digium SIP Trunking account, make modifications to the following options:
Once the Inbound Route has been configured with these settings, click the Submit Changes button at the bottom of the screen and then, when it displays at the top of the screen, the red Apply Changes button.
Outbound Routes
Once an Inbound Route has been created, you should next create an Outbound Route in order to send calls from internal extensions out to Digium's SIP Trunking service.
To make these configuration changes, visit the Connectivity -> Outbound Routes page.
To configure a Digium SIP Trunking account, make modifications to the following options: