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The IMG 2020 can be configured so that the SS7 stacks and links etc. are configured on a primary SS7 server node. The CIC's however can be configured on both the Primary SS7 Server as well as one or more remote nodes configured in the Web GUI (See Diagram Below). In the configuration example below, the SS7 stack is are configured on the SS7 primary node and the SS7 CICs are configured on a remote IMG 2020 node as well as being configured on the SS7 Primary Node. The CICs configured will all be controlled by the SS7 stacks and links that are configured on the SS7 server node. The procedure below describes the configuration process.


Before continuing on, verify that the functionality in the Basic Configurations topic for two physical IMG 2020 nodes has been completed. The procedure below contains just the SS7 configuration.


  1. Right click on the Dialogic object and select New SS7. The SS7 object is a parent or container object and no configuration is required within this object. Refer to the SS7 - Signaling topic for more information on this object.

  2. Right click on the SS7 object and select New SS7 Network. Select a Network ID from the drop down menu. Up to four separate SS7 networks can be created. Refer to the SS7 - Network topic for more information on this object.

  3. Right click on the SS7 Network object and select New SS7 Nodes. The SS7 Nodes object is a parent or container object also and no configuration is required in this object. Refer to the SS7 - Nodes topic for more information on this object.

  4. Right click on the SS7 Nodes object and select New Primary Node. Within the Primary Node object select from the drop down menu of the Node Name field which node will be assigned as the Primary SS7 server node. Refer to the SS7 - Nodes - Primary Node topic for more information on this object.

  5. Right click on the SS7 Nodes object again and select New Remote. Within the Remote Node object select from the drop down menu of the Node Name field which node will be assigned as a Remote node to the Primary SS7 node configured in step 4. Refer to the SS7 - Nodes - Remote Node topic for more information on this object.


Right click on the SS7 Network object and select New SS7 Stack. The Stack ID is automatically populated with next available Stack ID number. In the OPC field, enter the OPC (Originating Point Code) of the SS7 stack being created. Refer to the SS7 - Stack topic for more information on configuring the remaining fields in the SS7 stack object.


  1. Right click on the desired SS7 Stack and select New SS7 Link Set. The SS7 Link Set pane appears. The Link Set ID field is automatically populated with the next available ID. To modify, select another ID from the drop down menu.

  2. In the APC (Adjacent Point Code) field, enter the point code of the SS7 stack of the adjacent node to which this link set will be communicating with. The format of the APC will follow the same rules as that of the SS7 stack. For example if the OPC is ITU 97, which follows the format 3-8-3, the APC should also be running ITU 97 and follow the 3-8-3 format. For more information on configuring the remaining fields of the Link Set object pane refer to the SS7 - Link Set - Link topic.
    Configure SS7 Link

An SS7 Signaling Link is a point-to-point connection between two SS7 point codes (For example: A IMG 2020 and an STP). The SS7 Signaling Link is configured under the Signaling Link Set object. When configuring more than one SS7 stack, the Link ID's assigned to each signaling stack must be distinct. For example, if Link ID:1 is assigned to SS7 stack 1, it cannot also be assigned to SS7 stack 2.


ANSI - Point codes range from 0-0-0 to 255-255-255. 

Refer to the M3UA SS7 Destination topic for more information on this object.


  1. Right click on the Destination object and select New SS7 Route. The SS7 Route pane appears. The Route ID field is automatically populated with the next available ID.

  2. Select from the drop down menu of the Linkset field the Linkset that will be utilized.

  3. In the Priority field, configure the priority that will be assigned to the route being configured. This is applicable when there are multiple routes going to the same destination. For more information on the SS7 Route pane refer to the SS7 - Destination - Route topic.

Configure the SS7 ISUP Group and Circuit Group (CICs)


  1. Right click the on the Destination object and select New SS7 Group. Select from the drop down menu of the ISUP Profile field which ISUP Profile created under the Profiles object will be utilized in the ISUP Group being created. Refer to the ISUP Group topic (SS7 - Destination - ISUP Group - ANSI,SS7 - Destination - ISUP Group - ITU) for more information on configuring the remaining fields within this object.

  2. Right click on the SS7 ISUP Group object and select New SS7 Circuit Group. In the Node Name field, select the node configured as a Primary Node in the Configure SS7 Network section above. The first group of CICs will be configured on the Primary Node.

  3. Select from the drop down menus of the next four fields, the Starting and Ending Spans/Channels (DS-1's/DS-0's). The DS-1/DS-0's displayed in the drop down lists are the DS-1's/DS-0's available on the Primary Node which was selected from the Node Name field.

  4. Enter a Start CIC number in the Start CIC field.

  5. Right click on the SS7 ISUP Group object again and select New SS7 Circuit Group. In the Node Name field, select the node configured as a Remote Node in the Configure SS7 Network section above. The second group of CICs will be configured on the Remote Node.

  6. Select from the drop down menus of the next four fields, the Starting and Ending Spans/Channels (DS-1's/DS-0's). The DS-1/DS-0's displayed in the drop down lists are the DS-1's/DS-0's available on the Remote Node which was selected from the Node Name field.

  7. Enter a Starting CIC number into the Start CIC field. Refer to the SS7 - Circuit Group under Signaling topic for more information on configuring the remaining fields in this object.
    Configure SS7 Channel Groups and a second SS7 Circuit Group


  1. Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Routing Configuration. The Routing Configuration object is a container object and no configuration is required. Refer to the topic for more information on this object.

  2. Right click on the Routing Configuration object and select New Channel Groups. The Channel Groups object is a container object also and no configuration is needed here either. For more information refer to topic.

  3. Right click on the Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. In the Name field, either accept the default name entered or enter a name that will identify this specific Channel Group.

  4. Select SS7_ISUP from the drop down menu in the Signaling Type field. For more information on configuring the remaining fields in this object, refer to the topic.

  5. Right click on the SS7 Channel Group created and select New Circuit Group. In the drop down menu of the Node Name field, select the Primary node. This is the node that the first Circuit Group is going to be configured on.

  6. In the Start Span/Channel: End Span/Channel fields, select the DS-1's and DS-0's that will be used for this circuit group. The selections made here should mimic the selections made in the Configure the SS7 ISUP Group and Circuit Group section above. Refer to the SS7 - Circuit Group under Signaling topic for more information on this object.

  7. Right click on the SS7 Channel Group again and select New Circuit Group. In the drop down menu of the Node Name field, select the Remote node that the Circuit Group is going to be configured on.

  8. Click on the Channel Groups object which will now have a yellow exclamation point displayed. Click on the Download Resource Tables button and the SS7 Channel Group configuration just created will be sent to the IMG 2020.
    Configuring SS7 with a Primary and Remote node along with the CICs and Channel Groups has been achieved. The procedure above describes how to configure the SS7 signaling portion. Depending on the call flow, the routing process, the translation process, and the IP signaling may need to be configured. Refer to the proper sections for information on any other functionality. Below is screen capture displaying the Web GUI Tree pane after configuring the Basic Configuration and the Configure SS7 Redundant Nodes topic.
