Dialogic IMG - Basic Configurations
Table of Contents
The Basic Configuration procedure configures the basic functionality on the IMG 2020. Once the basic functionality is created the signaling and individual feature functionality can then be configured. Below is a Quick Start diagram displaying the objects and a procedure on how to configure each of the objects in the Quick Start Diagram. When viewing the Quick Start diagram, some of the objects are displayed in blue font. Click on the links below to view more information on these objects. The Dialogic object at the top of the tree is pre-populated when the Web GUI is initially logged into.
Create the Physical Node
Start by first configuring the Physical IMG 2020 Node. Follow the procedure below to configure the Physical Node.
Single Node System
If configuring a system using only one node, a browser can be opened and the IMG 2020 can connect directly to a browser. Follow the instructions below to complete the configuration of the Physical Node.
Right click on the Dialogic object and select New IMG 2020. Enter a name into the Name field to identify the node being configured.
Select which Media Mode that will be utilized by choosing one of the Media Modes from the drop down menu.
Once configured, click on the commit check mark and the rest of the fields will automatically be populated with the information from the IMG 2020. Refer to the Physical Node - Direct Connect topic for more information on configuring the node object.
Multiple Node System
If configuring a system using more than one node, the configuration of the physical node object is achieved differently. Since there will be multiple nodes, the user must now manually input the IP address into the IP address field. The IP address field in this case will not be shaded green and can be modified. Follow the instructions below to complete the configuration of the Physical Node in the Multi-Node scenario.
Right click on the Dialogic object and select New IMG 2020. Enter a name into the Name field to identify the node being configured.
Select which Media Mode that will be utilized by choosing one of the Media Modes from the drop down menu.
Enter the IP Address into the IP Address field. The IP Address entered is then written to the IMG 2020 node being configured.
Once configured, click on the commit check mark and the rest of the fields will automatically be populated with the information from the IMG 2020. Refer to the Physical Node - Multinode topic for more information on configuring the node object.
Licensing opens up different functionality on the IMG 2020. The License Info object monitors and displays the individual licenses that have been downloaded to the IMG 2020. By default, when the IMG 2020 object is created, the licensing object is automatically created and populated with the available licenses configured on the license file. The licenses in the license file will mimic what is displayed in the License Info object.
Create Profiles
Some of the objects such as TDM Spans, IP Ports, and Signaling Gateways need to be associated with a specific profile for them to function in a network. The profiles are first created and then associated with each of the objects. Follow the procedures below to create each of the Profiles.
T1/E1 Span profile
Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Profiles. The Profiles object is a container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the Profiles topic for more information on this topic.
Right click on the Profiles object and select New TDM Profiles. The TDM Profiles object is a container or parent object. No configuration is needed in this object. Under the TDM Profiles object, multiple T1 and E1 Span Profiles can be created. Refer to the TDM Profiles topic for information on this object.
Right click on the TDM Profiles object and select New T1 or E1 Span Profile. The span profile being configured will be used later in the procedure when creating T1 or E1 Spans. For more information on configuring this object refer to the T1 Span Profile or E1 Span Profile topic.
ISUP Profile (ANSI and ITU)
Right click on the Profiles object and select ISUP Profiles. The ISUP Profiles object is a container or parent object. No configuration is needed in this object. Under the ISUP Profiles object, multiple ISUP ANSI and ISUP ITU profiles can be created. For more information, refer to the SS7 - ISUP Profiles topic.
Right click on the ISUP Profiles object and select New ISUP ANSI Profile or New ISUP ITU Profile. Once the ISUP ANSI or ISUP ITU Profile is created, they will be selectable from a drop down menu within the ISUP Group object located within the SS7 network. For information on configuring the individual fields within these objects, refer to the SS7 - ISUP Profile - ANSI or SS7 - ISUP Profile - ITU topics.
IP Profile
Right click on the Profiles object and select New IP Profiles. The IP Profiles object is a container or parent object and no configuration is needed within this object. For more information on this object, refer to the IP Profiles topic.
Right click on the IP Profiles object and select New IP Profile. Within the IP Profile object, configure the individual fields to meet the incoming or outgoing channel group attributes. The IP Profile object created will be added to the drop down menu in a field within the Channel Group object. For more information on configuring the individual fields refer to the IP Profile topic.
AUDIO VOCODERS: Right click on the IP Profile and select New Vocoder Profile. The individual fields within the Vocoder Profile will modify the default values of that Codec. Multiple Vocoder Profiles can be created under each IP profile object and the order in which they are accessed can be modified by dragging the vocoder profile up or down the vocoder list. Refer to the Vocoder Profile topic for more information on configuring this object.
VIDEO VOCODERS: Right click on the IP Profile and select New Video Profile. The ID field is automatically populated with the next available ID (Range 0-2). If ID needs to be modified, select a different ID from the drop down menu.
In the Codec Type field, select from the available video codecs in the drop down menu. Refer to the Video Profile topic for more information on configuring this object.
Right click on the Video Profile object just created and select New <CODEC from CODEC TYPE field above>. The codec selected in the Codec Type field above can now be selected when right clicking on the Video Profile object. For example, if H.264 was selected in the Codec Type field of the Video Profile object created above, then H.264 will be the codec available when right clicking on the Video Profile object.
Once the codec parameter object is created, the individual parameters within the codec selected can be configured. For information on configuring the fields within the codec parameter object, refer to either the H.264 Codec , the H.263_2000 Codec, MPEG_4 Codec topics.
SIP Profile
Right click on the Profiles object and select New SIP Profiles. The SIP Profiles object is a container or parent object and no configuration is needed within this object. For more information on this object, refer to the SIP Profiles topic.
Right click on the SIP Profiles object and select New SIP Profile. The SIP Profile object configures the attributes/features used when communicating with an external entity in the SIP network such as an External SIP Gateway or ENUM Server. The first SIP Profile object created is a default object and all the fields are shaded green indicating modifications can not be done to this profile.
Create a second SIP profile object. The individual fields in the second SIP Profile can now be modified. Modify each field as needed. For information on the individual fields, refer to the SIP Profile - SGP topic.
OPTIONAL: Right click on the second SIP Profile object created and select New SIP Advanced Settings. The SIP Advanced Settings object is an extension of the SIP Profile object. More attributes/features are configured within this object. For more information on this object refer to the SIP Profile - Advanced Settings topic.
OPTIONAL: Right click on the SIP Profile object again and a drop down menu displaying more SIP Profile advanced features will appear. Select from the drop down menu one or more features. Each feature selected will be added to the SIP Profile being configured.
H.323 Profile
Right click on the Profiles object and select New H323 Profiles. The H323 Profiles object is a container or parent object and no configuration is needed within this object. For more information on this object, refer to the H.323 Profiles topic.
Right click on the H323 Profiles object and select New H323 Profile. The H323 Profile object configures the attributes/features used when communicating with an external entity in the H.323 network such as an external H.323 gateway or external H.323 Gatekeeper. The first H323 Profile object created is a default object and all the fields are shaded green indicating modifications can not be done to this profile.
Create a second H323 profile object. The individual fields in the second profile can now be modified. Modify each field as needed. For information on the individual fields, refer to the H.323 Profile topic.
OPTIONAL: Right click on the second H323 Profile object created and select New H323 Profile Timers. Adjust the individual timers as required. Refer to the H.323 Profile Timers topic for more information on this object.
Translation Profile (Optional)
If the configuration being created will include Translation Tables, the Advanced Translation Table profiles can be created under the Translation Profile. Functionality such as translating Advanced Dialed Number Parameters and Advanced Originating Number Parameters are configured as a translation profile and then linked to the Translation Table Element object within the Translation Table Element. If not translating the advanced parameters within the Dialed, Originating, Billing, Carrier, or Generic Number then disregard the next few steps.
Right click on the Profiles object and select New Translation Profiles. The Translation Profiles object is a container or parent object. Under the Translation Profiles object, a Translation Profile is created. For more information refer to the Translation Profiles topic.
Right click on the Translation Profiles object and select New Translation Profile. The Translation Profile creates a translation profile. Either enter a Name in the Name field or accept the default name that is pre-populated. For more information, refer to the Translation Profile topic.
Right click and select any of Advanced Parameters that appear under the Translation Profile. These advanced features will be added to the Translation Profile being created. Once the translation profile has been created, it can be linked to the either the Incoming or Outgoing Translation Table Element object.
Secure Profile (Optional)
If configuring TLS Security then a Secure Profile must be created. Once the Secure Profile is created, a Trust ID can be assigned to a Remote IP Element such as a Gateway. Refer to the procedure below to create Secure Profiles.
Right click on the Profiles object and select New Secure Profiles. The Secure Profiles object is a container or parent object. Under the Secure Profiles object, multiple secure profile objects can be created. For more information on this object, refer to the Secure Profiles topic.
Right click on the Secure Profiles object and select New Secure Profile. Enter a Name that will identify this secure profile. Refer to the Secure Profile object for more information on configuring this object.
Send configured profiles to the IMG 2020
Once the profiles have been created, they need to be downloaded to the IMG 2020. Go back to the Profiles object. It will now have an ICON with a yellow exclamation point indicating the configuration under the Profiles object has been altered and needs to be sent to the IMG 2020. Click on the Download Profiles button within the object pane. The configuration will now get sent to the IMG 2020 and icon will switch to the configured state.
Create an IP Network Interface for the SIP/H323 Signaling and RTP data
To enable the IMG 2020 to function over an IP network, the IP resources/ports must have an IP address assigned to them and must be configured to communicate through a specific interface on the rear of the IMG 2020. The steps below describe the steps required to configure the interfaces to stream the RTP (Media 0/1) data and SIP/H.323 signaling as well as DNS (Services IP).
The steps below describe configuring the RTP data to stream through the Data A port and the SIP and H.323 Signaling through the CTRL Interface.
Create IP Interface for RTP data
To be able to stream RTP data, an interface on the rear of the IMG 2020 must be configured and be given a Media 0 or Media 1 Endpoint IP address. Follow steps below.
Right click on the IMG 2020 Physical Node object and select New Network. The IP Network object that gets created is a container object and no configuration is applied here. For more information on this object refer to the IP Network Interface topic.
Right click on the IP Network object that is created and select New Logical Interfaces. The Logical Interfaces object is a container object also and no configuration is required here. Refer to the Logical Interfaces topic for more information on this object.
Right click on the Logical Interfaces object and select New Logical Interface. Select an interface from the drop down menu of the Interface field. The selections correspond to the physical interfaces located on the rear of the IMG 2020 hardware. Once committed, the monitoring fields will display the status of each link and port of the interface selected. In this procedure, DATA A was selected and will stream RTP data through it.
Right click on the Logical Interface object and select New IP Address. Select Media 0 from the drop down menu of the Source Endpoint field.
In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that will be used for RTP data and enter the Default Gateway IP address. For information on configuring the remaining fields in this object, refer to the IP Address topic.
Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 if a second, third, and fourth Media IP Address is required on any interface.
Create an IP Interface for Signaling data
Configure an IP address and interface for IP Signaling such as SIP or H.323. The procedure below configures the IMG 2020 to use the CTRL interface to stream SIP or H.323 signaling
Right click on the Logical Interfaces object again and select New Logical Interface. Select Control from the drop down menu of the Interface field. Once committed, the monitoring fields will display the status of each link and port of the interface selected. In this procedure, Control was selected to be used to stream SIP or H.323 signaling.
Right click on the Logical Interface object and select New IP Address. Select Services from the drop down menu of the Source Endpoint field.
In the IP Address field, enter the IP address that will be used to stream the SIP or H.323 signaling.
Enter the IP address of the Default Gateway into the Default Gateway field. For information on configuring the remaining fields, refer to the IP Address topic.
At this point, the Control Interface is configured to stream SIP or H.323 signaling and the DATA A interface is configured to stream RTP data.
Create a TDM Facility Object (Optical/DS3)
Right click on the IMG 2020 object and select New Facility. The Facility topic is a container or parent object. No configuration is needed within this object. For more information on this object refer to the Facility topic.
Right click on the Facility object and select New DS-3/Optical Mode. It is at this point the decision to use the Optical Interfaces or the DS3 interfaces. If using the optical interfaces select Optical from drop down menu in the Facility Type field. If using the three DS3 interfaces select DS3 from drop down menu in the Facility Type field. For more information on this object, refer to the DS3 - Optical Mode object.
Once either DS-3 or Optical is chosen, the DS-1's and DS-0's can be created. Refer to the Configure Facilities topic for information on configuring any TDM facilities required.
Create a Packet Facility
The packet facility object configures the IP Resources needed to communicate with the IP network through the interfaces on the rear of the IMG 2020. The Packet Facility configures the starting and ending IP Ports that are associated with the a specific Media Endpoint. Follow the instructions below to configure the Packet Facility.
Right click on the Facility object and select New Packet Facilities. The Packet Facilities object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. For more information refer to the Packet Facilities topic.
Right click on the Packet Facilities object and select New Packet Facility. In the Name field, either accept the default Name displayed or enter a Name that describes this packet facility. In this procedure, the default name was accepted.
In the Media Endpoint field, select either Media 0 or Media 1. By selecting Media 0 or Media 1, this will automatically populate the Network Address field with the IP address configured in the IP Address object configured above.
Select from the drop down menu whether the Packet Facility or group of ports will be configured for Audio or Multimedia (Audio and Video). The selections in this field will depend upon the Media Mode configured in the IMG 2020 object.
Modify the Starting RTP Port as required by highlighting the existing port number and enter a new starting port.
In the Number of Channels field enter the number of IP Channels/Ports that will be utilized for the packet facility being created. To modify, highlight the value in the Number of Channels field and modify. The value entered into the Number of Channels field needs to be entered in increments of 32. If the Number Of Channels field is not entered as a multiple of 32, the field will automatically be modified to the closest multiple of 32. For more information, refer to the Packet Facility topic.
If required, repeat step 6 and create a second and third Packet Facility group. The maximum number of Packet Facility groups that can get created depends on the number of IP Channels available. In this procedure, 4 packet facility groups were created. Two Packet Facility groups on Media 0 and two Packet Facility Groups on Media 1. Each Packet Facility Group was allocated 32 channels.
Timing Synchronization Priority List
Before connecting the IMG 2020 to a network, it must be synchronized to a T1/E1 loop timing source such as a T1 or E1 span. Up to seven different clock sources can be configured through the various interfaces on the rear of the unit. The synchronization priority list sets a clock source priority (highest priority to lowest priority).
Right click on the IMG 2020 object and select New Timing Synchronization Priority List. A timing synchronization priority list object will appear with a default order of timing priorities.
The default priority list is set up as Primary Reference > Secondary Reference > Primary Loop > Secondary Loop > Free Running > Optical Working, and lastly Optical Protection. To modify, click in the Timing List field of the arrange items box and move the timing source either up or down the list. By moving the sources up or down the list, the priority is also being configured. The higher up on the list the higher the priority. For more information refer to Timing Synchronization Priority List topic.
Time Zone or UTC Offset Setting
The IMG 2020 needs to retrieve the time from an NTP server. The time from the NTP server is used for applying timestamps for functionality such as log files and EventView alarms. If an NTP server is not already configured, refer to the Configure SNTP topic for information on how to configure NTP on a Linux server. Once an NTP server is configured and sending the time to the IMG 2020, the Time Zone or UTC offset can be configured on the IMG 2020.
Right click on the Physical Node and select New Time Zone Setting. Select from drop down menu the offset from UTC time needed for the area the IMG 2020 will reside. Refer to Time Zone Setting - UTC Offset topic for more information.
A Signaling object needs to be configured to allow SIP, H.323, and ISDN signaling to be utilized on the IMG 2020. The signaling object creates the signaling stacks for these protocols. Create the signaling needed through the signaling object. See procedure below.
Right click on the IMG 2020 object and select New Signaling. A signaling object gets configured. The Signaling object is a container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the topic for more information on this object
Under the signaling object, a SIP, ISDN, or H.323 stack can be configured. For more configuration information refer to the following topics below:
If configuring SS7, the SS7 Stack is configured in a separate object. Refer to the Configure SS7 topic if configuring SS7 Signaling.
Basic Configuration Tree
Below is screen capture displaying the configuration tree within the Web GUI for the Basic Configuration configured above.