Dialogic IMG - Configure Network Timing

Dialogic IMG - Configure Network Timing

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Before connecting to a network the IMG 2020 must be synchronized to a T1/E1 timing source such as a T1 or E1 span. Up to six separate clock sources can be connected/configured to various inputs on the rear of the unit. The Timing Synchronization Priority object defines the priority that the IMG 2020 will use when selecting the clock source. Once the timing sources are connected, the Timing Synchronization Priority List is used to determine which source gets the highest priority, 2nd highest priority, and so forth to lowest priority. To create the Timing Synchronization Priority List, right click on the IMG 2020 object and select New Timing Synchronization Priority List. Below is an explanation of each of the timing references and how they are used. The priority can be changed at any time as described below.

IMG 2020 Rear Panel


Network Timing can be configured on any DS-1 on the IMG 2020. Below is a list of the different timing sources.

Timing Source Label


Primary Reference

Primary Reference is hard-coded to the DS-1 within interface 0. This interface is one of four interfaces that are labeled T1/E1. The timing source does not need to be configured. Connect a DS-1 to this interface and the IMG 2020 will automatically synchronize with the T1 or E1 loop timing source. The Primary Reference selection can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

Secondary Reference

Secondary Reference is hard-coded to the DS-1 within the interface 1. This interface is one of four interfaces that are labeled T1/E1. The timing source does not need to be configured. Connect a DS-1 to this interface and the IMG 2020 will automatically synchronize with the T1 or E1 loop timing source. The Secondary Reference selection can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

Primary Loop

Primary Loop can be configured on any span on any of the T1/E1 interfaces or any of the DS3 interfaces. Primary Loop timing is configured on any individual span within the Object Tab of the DS-1 Spans object. Select the span and a Span Specification object pane will open up. Select Set Primary from drop down menu of the Loop Timing field. Once the timing source is set, the Primary Loop selection in the Timing Synchronization Priority List can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

Secondary Loop

Secondary Loop can be configured on any span on any of the T1/E1 interfaces or any of the DS3 interfaces. Secondary Loop timing is configured on any individual span within the Object Tab of the DS-1 Spans object. Select the span and a Span Specification object pane will open up. Select Set Secondary from drop down menu of the Loop Timing field. Once the timing source is set, the Secondary Loop selection in the Timing Synchronization Priority List can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

Optical Working

The timing source labeled Optical Working is configured on the optical interface labeled W on the rear of the IMG 2020. Timing is synced to the optical streams of the Working interface. To configure, select the Timing Synchronization Priority List and move the Optical Working selection to the top of the list.    

When the optical interface is being utilized, the optical working and optical protection timing sources must be configured as the first and second timing sources in the Timing Synchronization Priority List.

Optical Protection

The timing source labeled Optical Protection is the redundant optical interface and is configured on the optical interface labeled P on the rear of the IMG 2020. Timing is synced to the optical streams of the Protection interface. To configure, select the Timing Synchronization Priority List and move the Optical Protection selection to the second position of the list.  

When the optical interface is being utilized, the optical working and optical protection timing sources must be configured as the first and second timing sources in the Timing Synchronization Priority List.


The procedure below uses the T1/E1 interface along with the DS3 interface to configure the network timing. The procedure below assumes the physical node has already been created.

Verify hard-coded timing on T1/E1 interfaces

  • Right click on the Name object and select New Facility.

  • Right click on the Facility object and select New DS-1 Spans and commit this.

  • In the Object Table tab at bottom of the Web GUI pane the four T1/E1 DS-1's are displayed. Verify that Primary Reference is hard-coded to span 0 and secondary reference is hard-coded to span 1.

IMG 2020 Rear Panel - 24 Port I/O


Network Timing can be configured on any span on the IMG 2020. Below is a list of the different timing sources supported on the 28 Port I/O.

Timing Source Label


Primary Reference

Primary Reference is hard-coded to the DS-1 within interface 0. The timing source does not need to be configured. Connect a DS-1 to this interface and the IMG 2020 will automatically synchronize with the T1 or E1 loop timing source. The Primary Reference selection can then be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

Secondary Reference

Secondary Reference is hard-coded to the DS-1 within interface 1. The timing source does not need to be configured. Connect a DS-1 to this interface and the IMG 2020 will automatically synchronize with the T1 or E1 loop timing source. The Secondary Reference selection can then be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

Primary Loop

Primary Loop can be configured on any DS-1 within any interface accept the DS-1's within interfaces 0 and 1. These interfaces are hard coded with the Primary and Secondary Reference timing selections respectively. To configure, double click the desired DS-1 from the Object Table at the bottom of the DS-1 Spans object. At this point, a Span Specification object pane will open up. Select Set Primary from drop down menu of the Loop Timing field. Once the timing source is set, the Primary Loop selection in the Timing Synchronization Priority List can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

Secondary Loop

Secondary Loopcan be configured on any DS-1 within any interface accept the DS-1's within interfaces 0 and 1. These interfaces are hard coded with the Primary and Secondary Reference timing selections respectively. To configure, double click the desired DS-1 from the Object Table at the bottom of the DS-1 Spans object. At this point, a Span Specification object pane will open up. To configure, Select Set Secondary from drop down menu of the Loop Timing field. Once the timing source is set, the Secondary Loop selection in the Timing Synchronization Priority List can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

Verify Primary and Secondary Reference is configured on the T1/E1 interfaces

The procedure below assumes the physical node has already been created.

  • Right click on the Name object and select New Facility.

  • Right click on the Facility object and select New TDM Spans and commit this.

  • In the Bearer Spans object that is configured, select the Object Table Tab at bottom of the object pane. Select the Object Table Tab at bottom of the object pane. At this point, twenty four T1/E1 DS-1's are displayed. Verify that Primary Reference is hard-coded to Span 0 and secondary reference is hard-coded to Span 1. Refer to the screen capture above.


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