MPEG_4 Codec
Once the codec is selected in the Video Profile object the individual supported parameters of that codec can be configured. These parameters will be displayed in the SDP that is offered when negotiating the codec of a video call. Below are the parameters within the MPEG-4 Codec that are supported on the IMG 2020. Use the MPEG-4 Codec object to configure each of the parameters.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > Profiles > IP Profiles > IP Profile > Video Profile (MPEG_4) > New MPEG_4 Codec
Maximum Objects
One H.264 codec object can be created under each Video Profile that has the Codec Type set to H264.
Related Topics and Dependencies
The parameters displayed below are the parameters that are currently supported on the IMG 2020. Configure each of the fields as required for the network.
Field Descriptions
Payload Type (Default = 98, Range 98 - 127)
The Payload Type field displays the payload types (dynamic) ranging from 98 to 127. The payload type defines the format of the data that is passed between the IMG 2020 and the far end gateway. Select from the drop down menu the payload type of the packet being offered in the SDP from the IMG 2020 during the negotiation process. Since the payload types are all above 96 they are all dynamic payload types and are negotiated through the SDP negotiation process. Select from the drop down menu the payload type that will be offered when the MPEG_4 Codec is being negotiated with. After the negotiation process, the payload type being offered from the IMG 2020 and the payload type being offered from the far end must match in order for the call to be processed.
Profile Level
The profile level is a standard which specifies a set of constraints that indicate a degree of required codec performance for a profile. Each Profile Level adheres to theses standards. For example, the Profile Level specifies the maximum picture resolution, frame rate, and bit rate that a codec is capable of. The codec that conforms to each of the levels below is required to be capable of decoding all bitstreams encoded for the level selected as well as all bit streams below that level. The IMG 2020 supports the four levels displayed below. Select from drop down menu one of the required Profile Levels displayed in the table below.