Video Profile

Video Profile

When initiating a video call over a SIP network, like an audio call, both sides of the call must negotiate and decide on which codec to utilize to connect the call. Before a call is connected, the video negotiation process must be settled. The Video Profile object is created under the IP Profiles object and configures a separate object for each of the video codecs supported on the IMG 2020. The Video Profiles created are utilized during the negotiation process. The three supported video codecs are as follows:

  • H.264

  • H.263_2000

  • MPEG-4

Each of the codecs can be selected from a drop down menu from the Codec Type field of this object. The placement of the Video Profile object under the IP Profile object determines which profile is to be used first in the negotiation process. For example, if the Video Profile which has H.264 as its codec is placed higher in the list than the Video Profile which has H.263_2000, then the Video Profile with H.264 as its codec type will be negotiated first. The next Video Profile negotiated will be the next lower Video Profile listed under the IP Profile object.

Once the Video Profile is created, the attributes/features such as the Profile Level, Profile Resolution, Packetization Mode, and a host of other information can be configured in each of the Codec objects created just below each Video Profile object.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Profiles > IP Profiles > IP Profile > New Video Profile

Maximum Objects

Up to three video profile objects can be created. One profile using the H264 codec, one profile using the H263_2000 codec, and one profile using the MPEG_4 codec.

Related Topics and Dependencies

The Video Profile is created when configuring the IMG 2020 to process Video calls over the SIP network. A Video Profile can be created for each of the video codecs supported. Once the Video Profile has been created, a codec object can be created under each. Depending on which codec is being configured will determine which attributes will be configurable in the codec object. Once the Video Profile and individual codec objects have been created they can be linked to the SIP Channel Group through the Incoming and Outgoing IP Profile fields.

IP Profile

H.264 Codec

H.263_2000 Codec

MPEG_4 Codec

Field Descriptions


The ID field is automatically populated with the next available Video Profile ID and the ID's range from 0-2. If required the user can modify the ID that is automatically provided and select a different ID from the drop down menu.

Codec Type

Select from the drop down menu which codec will be configured under the Video Profile object being configured. The supported codecs are displayed below. Once the codec is selected, the fields of the codec object that is then created under the Video Profile object will display the fields needed to configure the Codec Type selected.

H264 - H.264 can achieve high quality video in relatively low bitrates. H.264 was developed to produce high quality video in smaller sized formats such as a portable phone or similar. H.264 was also known as AVC (Advanced Video Coding, MPEG-4 Part 10). Select H264 as required using the drop down menu of the Codec Type field. Refer to RFC 3984

H263_2000 - H.263 was initially developed as a low bit rate compressed video format used for video conferencing. H.263_2000 is the latest version and it supports the majority of Flash Video applications used. Refer to RFC 4629

MPEG_4 - MPEG-4 is a method of defining the compression of both audio and visual digital data. MPEG-4 was created to ensure seamless delivery of high-quality audio and video over the Internet, IP-based networks, and a new generation of consumer digital media devices. Because these devices range from narrowband cell phones to broadband set-top boxes to broadcast televisions, MPEG-4 provides scalable, high-quality audio and video via an "author once, play everywhere" standard. Refer to RFC 3016

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