SS7 - ISUP Profile - ITU

SS7 - ISUP Profile - ITU


The ISUP ITU Profile creates a profile that can later be added to an ISUP Group. Multiple ISUP ITU Profiles can be created and each profile can be added to a different ISUP Group. After creating the ISUP ITU Profile, it will be available in the ISUP Profile field within the SS7 ISUP Group. See information below for more information.

The ISUP Profiles displayed in drop down menu of the ISUP Group object follow the same protocol as the SS7 Stack configured in that same ISUP Group. For example, if the SS7 stack selected in the ISUP Group is using ITU protocol, then the only ISUP Profiles available to the ISUP Group will be ISUP ITU Profiles. 

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Profiles > ISUP Profiles > New ISUP ITU Profile

Maximum Objects

Up to 16 ISUP Profiles can be created per ISUP Profiles object.

Related Topics and Dependencies

After creating the ISUP Profile object (ANSI or ITU), the profile created can then be linked to the ISUP Group (ANSI or ITU). The ISUP Profile is linked to the ISUP Group by selecting the ISUP Profile from a drop down menu in the ISUP Profile field within the ISUP Group object.


SS7 - ISUP Profile - ANSI

Field Descriptions

Profile Name

The default is Prof<x> where x is a numerical value that is automatically populated as each new ISUP profile is created. To modify the Profile Name, highlight the existing default profile name and enter a name that identifies the ISUP ITU Profile being created.

Max # of CdPN Digits (IAM)

For outgoing SS7 calls, when the number of digits reaches this value the IMG 2020 sends an IAM and the remaining digits are sent in a SAM (Subsequent Address Message).

Signaling Variant



1-24 or "OFF" for no limit




Determines if the alerting/answering of the call will be setup using ACM/ANM combination or using CON.


ANM/ACM or CON (Default)



Parameter Compatibility Checking

Information sent in either direction indicating how a node should react in case the parameter is unrecognized. The Parameter Compatibility Checking Determines if the IMG 2020 will check for incompatible parameters in an ISUP message.

On (Default) - Checks for incompatible parameters

Off - Does NOT check for incompatibility parameters 

Parameter Compatibility Pass On

Determines the behavior when receiving an incompatible parameter in an ISUP message, whether to pass it to the far end or not.

On (Default) - Pass the parameter on

Off - Do Not Pass

UPT upon UPU

This configures how the IMG 2020 responds upon receiving a UPU (User Part Unavailable) from the far end of the CIC. If enabled, the IMG 2020 will send a UPT (User Part Test) message continuously until any ISUP message is received from the far end of the CIC.

Yes - enable

No (Default) - disable 

Transmission Medium

Information sent in the forward direction indicating the type of transmission medium required for the connection. The Transmission Medium field determines the value of the transmission medium parameter in any IAM message referring to that CIC. The selections are displayed below.


Speech (Default)

64 Kbit Unrestricted

3.1 KHz audio

Propagation Delay

If Propagation Delay is set to enabled and the IMG 2020 receives an IAM message with no Propagation delay specified, the propagated IAM message to the far end will contain the Propagation Delay counter parameter with the value set in the Propagation Delay Time field below. If the IAM message coming to the IMG 2020 already contains a propagation delay value, the propagated IAM message to the far end will contain the Propagation Delay counter parameter with the value set to the sum of the incoming Propagation Delay Time field below.

Off (Default) - IMG 2020 will not send the propagation delay counter message.

On - Propagation Delay is enabled and IMG 2020 will send the propagation delay counter message. See Propagation Delay description above. 

Propagation Delay Time (MS)

If Propagation Delay field above is enabled and the IMG 2020 receives an IAM with no Propagation Delay Specified, the propagated IAM message to the far end will contain the Propagation Delay counter parameter with the value set in the Propagation Delay Time field.

CUGS (Closed User Group) Handling

The Closed User Group field adds to the IMG 2020 the ability to either pass or reject calls which have the CUG parameter (Interlock Codes) embedded in it. If CUG parameter is not in the incoming call then the call will be passed regardless of the selection in the CUGS Handling field. Select from drop down menu one of the selections below.

Important: The IMG 2020 doesn't process the data within the CUG parameter. The IMG 2020 accepts or rejects the call with the CUGS parameter based on the configuration.

Reject Calls (Default) - If IMG 2020 receives a call with the CUG parameters (Interlock Codes) it will reject the call with a cause code of 29 facility rejected. See Call Trace - CUG rejected which is call trace of rejected call with CUG parameter.

Ignore - If IMG 2020 receives a call with the CUG parameters (Interlock Codes) it will pass the call. See Call Trace - CUG passed which is a call trace of a passed call with CUG parameter.


TMR Values Allowed

Transmission Medium Requirement values are supported in ITU only. It contains the requirements for the bearer circuit capabilities that are needed for the call being setup. The choices are displayed below. To select more than one value from the list, hold the <ctrl> key down while clicking on each selection.



64 kbits/s unrestricted

3.1 KHz audio

Alternate Speech

Alternate 64 kbit/s unrestricted

64 kbits/s preferred

2x64 Kbits/s unrestricted

384 Kbits/s unrestricted 


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