Configure SIP (Multiple SIP IP)
- 1 Background
- 2 Configuration
- 3 Configure Node
- 4 Create Profiles
- 4.1 IP Profile
- 4.2 SIP Profile
- 5 Configure an IP Network Interface for the SIP Signaling and RTP data
- 6 Configure Packet Facilities
- 7 Configure External Gateway
- 8 Configure Channel Group and External Network Element
- 9 Configure SIP Signaling IP addresses
- 10 Configure Node Association
- 11 Configuration Tree when complete
Configuring the VoIP Signaling and media on the IMG 2020 can be a bit confusing. The information below will describe the associations between the Packet Facility, the Logical Interfaces, the Channel Group, and the External Gateway and describe how to configure the VoIP signaling and media using the information displayed in the diagram below. This procedure concentrates on configuring SIP signaling. If configuring H.323, refer to the Configure H.323 without GateKeeper and Configure H.323 with GateKeeper for step by step procedures.
For information on configuring the IMG 2020 SIP signaling stack Single IP feature, refer to the Configure SIP (Single SIP IP) topic.
Logical Interfaces/Logical Interface object - The Logical Interface object configures the Interface on the rear of the IMG 2020. Selections Control, Data A, and Data B can be chosen from the drop down menu. The selection made will determine which physical interface will be configured.
IP Address object - The IP Address object configured under the Logical Interface object configures the IP address that is bound to the Logical Interface it is configured under (CTRL, Data A, Data B). The IP Address object can configure the IP address as either a Service or Media IP address. The IP Addresses being configured as a Service in this procedure will be eventually configured as SIP Signaling IP addresses. The IP Addresses being configured as Media in this procedure will be used as an address used to stream RTP data. The IP Address being configured for SIP signaling must be configured in two places. The first place an IP address being configured for SIP signaling is in the IP Address object under the Logical Interface object. Once there, the IP address will be displayed in the drop down menu of the IP Address field of the SIP Signaling - IP Address object. There are very few limitations to when a Service IP Address or Media IP Address can be configured.
Packet Facility - A Packet Facility is a group of VoIP channels that are configured by the user under the Facility object. A Packet Facility can be one VoIP channel or a group of many VoIP channels. The Packet Facility connects the channel group on the IMG 2020 with and external gateway. The Packet Facility is linked to an IP address being configured for SIP signaling on a specific node through the Node Association object.
Node Association - The Node Association object is configured under the IP Network Element object. The Node Association object is created to link an IP address being configured for SIP signaling on a specific IMG 2020 node to a Packet Facility. Within the Node Association object is a drop down list displaying all the IP addresses that can be used for SIP signaling. The IP address selected from this list will carry the SIP Signaling that will control the Packet Facility chosen.
The procedure below displays the steps required to configure SIP signaling and then the Packet Facilities. The procedure describes the steps required to configure a node with a Multiple IP address SIP stack. The configuration below was chosen to describe how the packet facilities and node association objects can be utilized.
Configure Node
Multiple Node System (Uses EMS software)
If configuring a system using more than one node, the configuration of the physical node object is achieved differently. Since there will be multiple nodes, the user must now manually input the IP address into the IP address field. The IP address field in this case will not be shaded green and can be modified. Follow the instructions below to complete the configuration of the Physical Node in the Multi-Node scenario.
Right click on the Dialogic object and select New IMG 2020. Enter a name into the Name field to identify the node being configured.
Select which Media Mode that will be utilized by choosing one of the Media Modes from the drop down menu.
Enter the IP Address into the IP Address field. The IP Address entered is then written to the IMG 2020 node being configured.# Once configured, click on the commit check mark and the rest of the fields will automatically be populated with the information from the IMG 2020. Refer to the Physical Node - Multinode topic for more information on configuring the node object.
Add a second and third node as required.
Create Profiles
Some of the objects such as TDM Spans, IP Ports, and Signaling Gateways need to be associated with a specific profile for them to function in a network. The profiles are first created and then associated with each of the objects. Follow the procedures below to create an IP Profile and a SIP gateway profile.
IP Profile
Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Profiles. The Profiles object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the Profiles topic for more information on this object.
Right click on the Profiles object and select New IP Profiles. The IP Profiles object is a container or parent object and no configuration is needed within this object. For more information on this object, refer to the IP Profiles topic.
Right click on the IP Profiles object and select New IP Profile. Within the IP Profile object, configure the individual fields to meet the incoming or outgoing channel group attributes. For more information on configuring the individual fields refer to the IP Profile topic.
AUDIO VOCODERS: Right click on the IP Profile and select New Vocoder Profile. The individual fields within the Vocoder Profile object will modify the default values of that Codec. Multiple Vocoder Profiles can be created and configured under each IP profile object and the order in which they are accessed can be modified by dragging the vocoder profile up or down the Vocoder Profile list. Refer to the Vocoder Profile topic for more information on configuring this object.
After the Vocoder Profiles have been configured, the Profiles object will have a yellow exclamation point in its icon. The exclamation point indicates the configuration needs to be sent to the IMG 2020 node. Click on the Profiles object in the Configuration tree and click on the Download Profiles button in the object pane. The configuration will get sent to the IMG 2020 node and the yellow exclamation point will change to a green check mark
SIP Profile
Right click on the Profiles object and select New SIP Profiles. The SIP Profiles object is a container or parent object and no configuration is needed within this object. For more information on this object, refer to the SIP Profiles topic.
Right click on the SIP Profiles object and select New SIP Profile. The SIP Profile object configures the attributes/features used when communicating with an external entity in the SIP network such as an External SIP Gateway or ENUM Server. The first SIP Profile object created is a default object and all the fields are shaded green indicating modifications can not be done to this profile.
Create a second SIP profile object. The individual fields in the second SIP Profile can now be modified. Modify each field as required. For information on the individual fields, refer to the SIP Profile - SGP topic.
OPTIONAL: Right click on the second SIP Profile object created and select New SIP Advanced Settings. The SIP Advanced Settings object is an extension of the SIP Profile object. More attributes/features are configured within this object. For more information on this object refer to the SIP Profile - Advanced Settings topic.
OPTIONAL: Right click on the SIP Profile object again and a drop down menu displaying more SIP Profile advanced features will appear. Select from the drop down menu one or more features. Each feature selected will be added to the SIP Profile being configured.
Configure an IP Network Interface for the SIP Signaling and RTP data
Configure the IP address or addresses that will be utilized for SIP Signaling. The SIP Signaling IP addresses created will be used to send SIP messaging between the IMG 2020 and a remote SIP gateway. To do this, the SIP signaling must be configured to communicate through one of the interfaces located on the rear of the IMG 2020. The procedure describes the process required to configure these interfaces to pass the RTP (Media 0/1) data and SIP signaling through them. The procedure first configures the CTRL interface to pass SIP signaling to pass through the CTRL interface and the RTP data to pass through the Data A interface. However, the SIP signaling and RTP data can pass through any interface (CTRL, Data 0, Data 1) and it is up to the user to decide which interfaces are utilized.
Configure Logical Interface CTRL for SIP signaling
In this procedure, the interface labeled CTRL which already has the bootup IP address passing OAMP information will now be configured to also stream SIP signaling messages. If the user is going to create multiple IP addresses that will service the SIP stack, each of the IP addresses being created need to be added as a Service IP under one or more of the logical interfaces CTRL, Data A, or Data B. The procedure below configures two Service IP addresses that will eventually be configured as a SIP IP address later in this procedure. Both IP addresses are created on the logical interface labeled CTRL.
Right click on the IMG 2020 node object and select New Network. No configuration is required in this object. Do not disable the IP Firewall. This will make the system susceptible to DoS attacks. Refer to the IP Network Interface topic for more information.
Right click on the IP Network object and select New Logical Interfaces. The Logical Interfaces object is a container or parent object as well and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the Logical Interfaces topic for more information.
Right click on the Logical Interfaces object and select New Logical Interface. In the Interface field, select the interface from the drop down menu. In this procedure, the SIP Signaling will be streamed through the CTRL interface. Select Control from the drop down menu. Once committed, the monitoring fields will display the status of each link and port of the interface selected.
Right click on the Logical Interface object and select New IP Address. SIP Signaling is considered a Service IP address so select Services from the drop down menu of the Source Endpoint field.
In the IP Address field, enter the IP address that will be given to this interface.
Enter the Subnet and IP address of the Default Gateway into the corresponding fields.
Repeat steps 4-6 and create a second Service IP address on the CTRL interface. This will be used later in the procedure when the SIP IP addresses are being configured. For information on configuring the remaining fields, refer to the IP Address topic.
Create IP Interface for RTP data
In order to be able to stream RTP data, one or more interfaces on the rear of the IMG 2020 must be configured. An interface being used to stream RTP data must be given either a Media 0 or Media 1 IP address. The procedure below creates a Media 0 IP address on interface Data A and a Media 1 IP address on Data B.
Up to four media objects can be created. Each media object configures an IP address for streaming RTP. The media objects are labeled Media 0 and Media 1. When configuring the media objects, up to two Media 0 and two Media 1 objects can be created. Which Logical Interface the Media objects are configured under doesn't matter. A user can configure two Media 0 objects under one the Logical Interface such as the CTRL interface or split the Media 0 objects so they are configured under separate Logical Interface objects (Data A/Data B/CTRL). This is true for Media 1 as well. The media objects are distinguishable through the IP addresses configured.
Follow steps below to configure the two Media IP addresses.
Right click on the Logical Interfaces object and select New Logical Interface. Select Data A from the drop down menu of the Interface field. The selections correspond to the physical interfaces located on the rear of the IMG 2020 hardware. Once committed, the monitoring fields will display the status of each link and port of the interface selected.
Right click on the Logical Interface object and select New IP Address. Select Media 0 from the drop down menu of the Source Endpoint field. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that will be used for streaming RTP data. Also, enter the Default Gateway IP address and Subnet information.
Right click on the Logical Interfaces object again and select New Logical Interface. Select Data B from the drop down menu of the Interface field. Once committed, the monitoring fields will display the status of each link and port of the interface selected.
Right click on the Logical Interface object and select New IP Address. Select Media 1 from the drop down menu of the Source Endpoint field. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that will be used for streaming RTP data. Also, enter the Default Gateway IP address and Subnet information. For information on configuring the remaining fields in this object, refer to the IP Address topic.
Configure Packet Facilities
As described above, a Packet Facility is a group of VoIP channels configured by the user. Each packet facility connects a Channel Group with an external SIP gateway. Configure one or more packet facility groups. These groups will then be configured through the node association object to connect a channel group on a specific node to an external gateway. In this procedure, there are two Packet Facilities created. One for each Media interface.
Right click on one of the physical node IMG 2020 object and select New Facility. The Facility object is a container or parent object and no configuration is required in this object. Refer to the Facility topic for more information on this object.
Right click on the Facility object and select New Packet Facilities. The Packet Facilities object is a container or parent object as well and no configuration is required. Refer to the Packet Facilities topic for more information on this object.
Right click on the Packet Facilities object and select New Packet Facility. In the Name field, either accept the default Name or enter a new name that describes the packet facility being configured.
In the Media Endpoint field select from drop down menu either Media 0 or Media 1. Only the configured Media objects will be displayed in this list. Note that the Network Address field IP address displays the address of either Media 0 or Media 1. Whichever is selected. Refer to the Packet Facility topic for information on configuring the remaining fields.
Right click on the Packet Facilities object again and select New Packet Facility. In the Name field, either accept the default Name or enter a new name that describes the packet facility being configured.
In the Media Endpoint field select from drop down menu select Media 1. Note that the Network Address field IP address displays the address of either Media 0 or Media 1. Whichever is selected. Refer to the Packet Facility topic for information on configuring the remaining fields.
The IP Address configured in the Media 0 or Media 1 objects can be configured on numerous Packet Facility objects. This is true for IP address configured on Media 1.
Configure External Gateway
The Packet Facilities created above will be configured later in the procedure to communicate with an external SIP Gateway. Configure the SIP Gateway as described below.
Right click on the Dialogic object and select New External Network Elements. The External Network Elements object is a container object and no configuration is needed here. For more information on this object refer to the External Network Elements topic.
Right click on External Network Elements and select New External Gateways. The External Gateways object is a container object and no configuration is needed here. For more information on this object refer to the External Gateways topic.
Right click on External Gateways object and select New External Gateway. Enter a name that identifies this gateway.
Select SIP from drop down menu in the Protocol field.
Select either Gateway IP Address or Gateway Host name from the Address Type field. In this procedure the IP Address will be how the IMG 2020 will communicate with external gateway.
Enter the IP address of the external gateway in the IP Address field.
Select the SIP Profile created earlier from the drop down menu of the Profile field . For more information on configuring the remaining fields in the External Gateway object, refer to the External Gateway topic.
The user can create numerous external gateway objects. Each external gateway object should correspond to an external sip gateway in the network. In this procedure one external gateway was configured.
Configure Channel Group and External Network Element
Once the external gateway has been configured in the Web UI, a SIP channel group can be configured. This channel group will then have an IP Network element added to it. The IP Network element will be the gateway configured above.
Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Routing Configuration. The Routing Configuration object is a container object and no configuration is needed here. For more information on this object refer to the Routing Configuration topic.
Right click on the Routing Configuration object and select New Channel Groups. The Channel Groups object is a container object for multiple channel groups. No configuration is needed here. For more information refer to the Channel Groups topic.
Right click on the Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. In the Name field, either except the default name or enter a name that identifies the Channel Group being configured. In this procedure, the channel group was labeled ChGrp1_SIP.
Select SIP from the drop down menu in the Signaling Type field.
Select the Incoming and Outgoing IP Profile from drop down menu. The IP Profile was initially created in the Create Profiles section above. For more information on configuring the remaining fields in the channel group object, refer to the Channel Group topic.
Right click on the SIP Channel Group and select New IP Network Element. Select from drop down menu the gateway configured in the Configure External Gateway section above. This will be the external gateway that the channel group being configured will communicate with. Refer to the IP Network Element topic for more information on this object.
The Channel Groups object will now have a yellow exclamation point displayed in the configuration tree icon. The exclamation point indicates that the configuration has been created but not yet sent to the node. Click on the Channel Groups object and then click on the Download Resource Tables button in the Channel Groups object pane. The configuration will now get sent to the IMG 2020 node and the yellow exclamation point will change to a green check.
Configure SIP Signaling IP addresses
Configure a SIP Signaling stack on the IMG 2020. One SIP stack must be created for each Physical node. The SIP Signaling Stack in this procedure will utilize the two Service IP addresses created in the Configure Logical Interface CTRL for SIP signaling section above.
Right click on the Physical Node IMG 2020 object and select New Signaling. The Signaling object that appears is a parent or container object. No configuration is needed within this object. Refer to the Signaling topic for more information.
Right click on the Signaling object and select New SIP. A SIP signaling stack object gets created. Go to the IP Operation Mode field and select Multiple IP from the drop down menu. Refer to the IMG 1010 - SIP Signaling Object topic for more information on configuring the remaining fields in this object.
The Multiple IP selection puts the SIP Signaling stack into Multiple IP mode. In this mode, up to 19 Service IP addresses can be configured to communicate with the SIP stack. Each of the interfaces can be configured with a different network IP address so the SIP stack on the IMG 2020 can communicate with multiple external networks. For more information on the Multiple IP feature, refer to the
Right click on the SIP Signaling object and select New SIP IP Address. The SIP IP Address object assigns the communication parameters such as Transport Type and Port number to the IP Address/Interface selected in the IP Address field. The drop down menu of the IP Address field will be populated with the IP Addresses that were previously configured as Service IP Addresses in the IP Address object as well as the IP address configured during the bootup process. Refer to the SIP Signaling - IP Address topic for more information on configuring the remaining fields in this object.
The boot IP address that was configured during the bootup process is also displayed in the IP Address list of the SIP IP Address object since the IP address given during bootup could be used for SIP signaling. Using the boot IP address is not recommended unless the network that the boot IP address is configured on is a trusted network.
Previous step can be repeated to configure numerous SIP signaling IP addresses. It is important to note that a SIP Signaling IP address can only be configured on a Service IP address that was either created under the logical interface object above or on the bootup IP address created during the bootup process. Refer to the Multiple SIP Addresses - Overview topic for more information on the number of Service IP addresses that can be created. In this procedure, the two Service IP addresses created in the Configure Logical Interface CTRL for SIP signaling section above will be configured as SIP IP Addresses
Configure Node Association
Once the SIP Signaling Service IP's, the Channel Groups, and the Packet Facility objects have been configured, the Node Association object can be created. The Node Association object links the SIP Signaling Service IP addresses configured on a IMG 2020 node to a particular Packet Facility. Once the Node Association object has been configured, the SIP Signaling Service IP address selected will control the packet facility selected.
Right click on the IP Network Element created under the Channel Group object and select New Node Association.
Select the IMG 2020 node from the drop down menu of the Node field that has the SIP Signaling IP addresses created above.
The Service IP Address field will display all the SIP IP addresses configured above in its drop down menu. Select one.
The Media Packet Facility field will display all the packet facilities configured on this IMG 2020 node. Select one Packet Facility. At this point, the SIP Signaling IP address will control the messaging for the Packet Facility selected.
Additional Configuration Information (Not in Tree Diagram above)
If required, a second SIP channel group can be created and be configured to communicate with the second SIP Gateway and Packet Facility created in the procedures above.
Right click on the Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. In the Name field, either except the default name or enter a name that identifies the Channel Group being configured. In this procedure, the channel group was labeled ChGrp2_SIP.
Select SIP from the drop down menu in the Signaling Type field.
Select the Incoming and Outgoing IP Profile from drop down menu. The IP Profile was initially created in the Create Profiles section above. For more information on configuring the remaining fields in the channel group object, refer to the Channel Group topic.
Right click on the SIP Channel Group and select New IP Network Element. Select from drop down menu second gateway configured in the Configure External Gateway section above. This will be the external gateway that this channel group being configured will communicate with. Refer to the IP Network Element topic for more information on this object.
Right click on the IP Network Element (External Gateway) object created under the Channel Group object and select New Node Association.
Select the same IMG 2020 node as selected above from the drop down menu of the Node field.
The Service IP Address field will display all the SIP IP addresses configured above in its drop down menu. Select a second SIP IP Address not selected above.
The Media Packet Facility field will display all the packet facilities configured on this IMG 2020 node. Select the second Packet Facility configured from the drop down menu. At this point, the second SIP Signaling IP address selected will control the messaging for the Packet Facility selected.
The Channel Groups object will now have an yellow exclamation point displayed in the configuration tree icon. The exclamation point indicates that the configuration has been created but not yet sent to the node. Click on the Channel Groups object and then click on the Download Resource Tables button in the Channel Groups object pane. The configuration will now get sent to the IMG 2020 node and the yellow exclamation point will change to a green check.
Configuration Tree when complete
The Node Association Object is displayed in the Object Tab of the External SIP Gateway object. The Node Association object configures which packet facility configured will communicate with a particular External Gateway. The node association object also configures which Service IP Address will be utilized to process the SIP signaling for the packet facility as well.