Configure NFS Share

Configure NFS Share



NFS Share

To configure call tracing or play announcements, the IMG 2020 must first have an NFS Server with the different mount points and shares. Follow the procedure below which describes how to create a mount point labeled shares. Once the mount point is created and configured, separate directories can be created under the shares directory to load files needed for call tracing and playing announcements.

When configuring NFS Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7, it will need to be done manually as described in .

Configure NFS Mount

The procedure below was executed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. The screen captures and procedure may vary if different versions of Red Hat are going to be used.

If NFS Server being configured is on an operating system other than Red Hat Enterprise Linux, it is up to the administrator to know the processes and procedures needed to configure their own NFS Server.

  • Open the NFS Server Configuration pane by going to System > Administration > Server Settings > NFS.

  • This will open the NFS Server Configuration screen. Select Add from the toolbar and an Add NFS Share dialog box will appear. Add the following information to the dialog box:

  • In the Directory field, enter the mount point. In this example, the mount point is /home/dialogic/shares.

  • In the Host(s) field either enter the ip address of the NFS Server or enter a wildcard symbol * indicating any IP address.

  • Check the Read/Write Radio button.

  • In the General Options tab select check the  Sync write operations on request box.

  • In the User Access tab check the Treat all clients users as anonymous users box.

  • Check both the Specify local users ID as anonymous users and Specify local group ID for anonymous users boxes. The User ID and Group ID were both given an ID of 500.

  • Select OK and the share will get configured.

  • Once the NFS Share is configured, restart the NFS Service. Open a terminal window and restart the NFS Service. The commands below will restart the service and configure it to restart whenever the server is rebooted.

#/sbin/service nfs start (Start the nfs service) #/sbin/service nfs status (Verify whether nfs is running) #/sbin/chkconfig nfs on (Configure nfs service to restart after reboot of server) #/sbin/chkconfig nfs --list (Verify that runlevels 3,4 and 5 are all on.) Example: nfs 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off


  • The NFS Share has been created. Now create either a call tracing directory or treatment directory. These directories will be used for storing files when utilizing either call tracing or announcements directory that the audio and .dat files will be loaded to. Create a directory labeled treatment. See example below.

[dialogic@localuser shares]# mkdir treatment


[dialogic@localuser shares]# mkdir calltracing


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