Trace Server - Setup and Configuration
To configure Call Tracing on the IMG 2020, an external Trace Server must be installed and configured. Once the Trace Server is configured and operational, the Call Tracing object within the Web GUI must be configured. The Call Tracing object configures the IMG 2020 where to send its GEL log entries. The Call Tracing function allows a user to log up to 71520 minutes (1192 hours or approximately 49 days) of call processing logs.
The Trace Server creates raw files that contain the raw output of the IMG 2020 GEL log entries which must be converted to text format with the Trace Server Print application.
Linux Installation
The Trace Server application requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 8 to be installed on your computer. The JRE can be obtained at:
There is a script named found under /opt/dialogic/traceserver directory that can be executed to download and install the appropriate JRE.
To install the Trace Server, obtain the traceserver-2.3.0-XXX.noarch.rpm RPM package from the Dialogic Bulletin Board.
The following explains how to install the Trace Server:
Open a terminal window in superuser mode and change directory to where the RPM package has been downloaded.
Type in rpm-ivh traceserver-2.3.0-XXX.noarch.rpm. This will install the Trace Server files under the /opt/dialogic/traceserver directory. XXX is the build number (i.e., traceserver-2.3.0-12.noarch.rpm).
The following explains how to remove the Trace Server:
Type in rpm-e traceserver-2.3.0-XXX.noarch. XXX is the build number (i.e., traceserver-2.3.0-12.noarch.rpm).
Trace Server Modes
The Trace Server can be used in two different modes. It can be run as a normal application or it can be installed as a service. In both cases, it reads a configuration file named TraceServerConfig.txt to setup its working parameters.
The following shows the contents of TraceServerConfig.txt file:
port = 3000
maxFileSize = 30
maxFileCount = 100
logPath = /opt/dialogic/traceserver/log
maxConnections = 10
The port parameter identifies the port number that the Tracer Server listens to accept connections from the different IMG 2020.
The maxFileSize parameter gives the maximum size that the raw file can grow until a new raw file is created. The value is expressed in MB.
The maxFileCount parameter is the maximum number of raw files that are kept in the log directory for a specific IMG 2020. When the value is reached then the oldest raw files are deleted.
The logPath parameter is where the raw files will be saved. A subdirectory is created from the IP address of the connected IMG 2020. As an example, if an IMG 2020 with IP address is connected to the Trace Server then the raw files will be saved under /opt/dialogic/traceserver/log/
The maxConnections parameter indicates the maximum number of IMG 2020 that can connect simultaneously on the Trace Server.
If there is a firewall between the IMG 2020 and the Trace Server, then TCP port 3000 would need to be opened
Trace Server as an Application
The Trace Server can be run as a normal application.
From the installation directory, type in:
java -jar TraceServer.jar
Trace Server as a Service
The Trace Server can also be installed as a service. This has the advantage of being always on when the host system starts.
To install the Trace Server as a service, log on as root and type in:
./ -install
To start the Trace Server service, type in:
To stop the Trace Server service, type in:
To un-install the Trace Server service, type in:
To view the status of the Trace Server service, type in:
The Trace Server will save its console output to the file daemon/log/TraceServer.log when running as a service. This is useful in case of problems or just wanting to see the activity of the Trace Server.
Trace Server Print Application
The Trace Server Print application converts the raw files captured by the Trace Server to a readable text format.
From the installation directory, type in:
The following options are used:
-i -inpath = The input path name where the raw files created by the Trace Server are found.
-o -outpath = The Trace Server Print will store the converted text files in this directory.
-d -delete = Deletes the raw files after the conversion is done.
-h -help = Prints the help.
-v -version = Prints the version number of the application.
TraceServerPrint converts all raw files found in the input path as specified by the -i option. If the -i option is not specified then the current directory is used.
The converted files will be saved under the directory specified by the -o option. If the -o option is not specified, then the converted files will be saved under the same directory as the input directory.
The raw files are not deleted unless the -d option is specified.
A list of file names can be specified. These files are relative to the path name specified by the -i option. As an example, if using the following then only the file 160418112908_log.raw is converted to text format.