IP Address
- 1 Web GUI Page
- 2 Related Topics and Dependencies
- 3 Maximum Objects
- 4 Field Descriptions
- 5 "Services" selected in Source Endpoint field
- 5.1 Source Endpoint = Services
- 5.2 Address Type
- 5.3 IP Address
- 5.4 Network Prefix Len
- 5.5 Default Gateway
- 5.6 VLAN
- 5.7 VLAN ID (Range 2-4094)
- 5.8 VLAN Priority
- 5.9 ARP (Default = Enable)
- 5.10 ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
- 5.11 FQDN (SIP Only)
- 5.12 ACL
- 6 "Media 0 or Media 1" selected in Source Endpoint field
Each interface on the rear of the IMG 2020 (CTRL, Data A, and Data B) can have multiple IP addresses assigned to communicate through them. The IP addresses created can be used for Services that function over the IP network (SIP Signaling, NFS, SNMP, and RADIUS) or can be used to carry voice or RTP data. Use the IP Address object to configure an IP address for either a Service or a Media resource.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > IMG 2020 > IP Network > Logical Interfaces > Logical Interface > New IP Address
Related Topics and Dependencies
Configure SIP (Multiple SIP IP)
Maximum Objects
Because of the Multiple SIP Addresses feature, a total of 20 IP Address objects can be created. The IP Address field can configure an IP Address to be either a Services IP address or a Media IP address. Up to a maximum of four IP Addresses configured for Media (RTP) can be created. The ratio of IP addresses configured for Media and IP addresses configured for Services is determined by the number of IP addresses configured as a Media IP address. Once the Media IP addresses have been created, the remaining IP Addresses can be configured for IP Services. Refer to examples below.
The IP Address created during the bootup process can be utilized for SIP Signaling. This will be displayed in examples below as the bootup IP address.
Example 1
Media IP Addresses configured. | Bootup IP address - can be used for SIP Signaling. | IP address max = 20 (20 - bootup IP address - Media IP addresses configured) |
4 Media IP addresses | 1 bootup IP address | (20 - 1 - 4 = 15) In this scenario, up to 15 IP addresses can be configured as a Service IP address. |
Example 2
Media IP Addresses created. | Bootup IP address - can be used for SIP Signaling. | IP address max = 20 (20 - bootup IP address - Media IP addresses configured) |
2 Media IP addresses | 1 bootup IP address | (20 - 1 - 2 = 17) In this scenario, up to 17 IP addresses can be configured as a Service IP address. |
Example 3
Media IP Addresses created. | Bootup IP address - can be used for SIP Signaling. | IP address max = 20 (20 - bootup IP address - Media IP addresses configured) |
3 Media IP addresses | 1 bootup IP address | (20 - 1 - 3 = 16) In this scenario, up to 16 IP addresses can be configured as a Service IP address. |
Up to four media objects can be created. Each media object configures an IP address for streaming RTP. The media objects are labeled Media 0 and Media 1. When configuring the media objects, up to two Media 0 and two Media 1 objects can be created. Which Logical Interface the Media objects are configured under doesn't matter. A user can configure two Media 0 objects under one the Logical Interface such as the CTRL interface or split the Media 0 objects so they are configured under separate Logical Interface objects (Data A/Data B/CTRL). This is true for Media 1 as well. The media objects are distinguishable through the IP addresses configured.
If IPv6 format is configured on the first instance of Media 0 (Say Data A interface), the IPv6 format must be configured on the second instance as well. This also goes for IPv4. The format (IPv6 or IPV4) must be the same for the first instance of Media 0 as well as the second instance of Media 0.
If IPv4 format is configure on the first instance of Media 1 (Say Data A interface), the IPv4 format must be configured on the second instance as well. This also goes for IPv6. The format (IPv6 or IPV4) must be the same for the first instance of Media 1 as well as the second instance of Media 1.
Field Descriptions
The IP Address object gives a user the ability to assign an IP address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway address to either the Services functions such as SIP Signaling, NFS, SNMP, and RADIUS -or- assign an IP address to a Media resource to stream RTP data. The IP addresses are assigned to a Logical Interface which are located on the rear of the IMG 2020. The combination of the IP address and interface allows the IMG 2020 to communicate with outside networks. The Field Descriptions in the first section below will pertain to assigning an IP address to the Services within the IMG 2020. The sections to follow will pertain to assigning an IP Address to the Media 0 and Media 1 resource.
Interface Information |
The IP address for each network interface must be unique. Do not reuse an IP address on any other network interface including the 2020 SBC’s own management (CTRL0/CTRL1) IP address. |
"Services" selected in Source Endpoint field
Source Endpoint = Services
Services - Select Service from drop down menu of the Source Endpoint field. When Services is selected, an IP address can be assigned to IP Services such as SIP signaling, SNMP, and RADIUS. Any functions that are not achieved by the Media 0 or Media 1 selections (described below) are occupied by the Services selection. The Services selection can transmit and receive messaging through the either the CTRL interface, the Data A interface, or the Data B interface, which is why multiple IP Addresses can be added to any of the physical interfaces (Control/Data A/Data B) on the rear of the IMG 2020. When the selection Services is chosen from the Source Endpoint field then the Logical Interface, which are the interfaces on rear of IMG 2020, will be selections in its drop down menu.
Address Type
The IMG 2020 supports both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. Select from the drop down menu which Internet Protocol Version will be required.
IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) (Default) – When IPv4 is selected, the Internet Protocol Version 4 format will be utilized. All IP addresses and Network Prefix fields in this object will require entering values using IPV4.
IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) - When IPv6 is selected, the Internet Protocol Version 6 format will be utilized. All IP addresses and Network Prefix fields in this object will require entering values using IPv6. IPv6 is supported when configuring SIP Signaling and its accompanying RTP Media or Video packets. IPv6 is Not Supported when utilizing H.323 Signaling.
IP Address
Click in the IP address field and enter the IP address in either the IPv4 and IPv6 format (Decided in Address Type field above). The IP address entered will be used for any configurable Services such as VoIP signaling, SNMP, Radius, etc. If multiple IP Source Endpoints are configured, each can have a different IP address.
Network Prefix Len
Use this field to configure the IMG 2020 to configure the IMG 2020 to accept only one IP address or a range of IP addresses. The value entered in the Network Prefix Len field in conjunction with the value entered in the IP Address field determines the range of IP Addresses from which the IMG 2020 will recognise and accept. If the Incoming IP Address equals one of the IP Addresses in the range set up then the ip address will be accepted and processed. The allowed values in the Network Prefix Len field range from 0 to 32 when utilizing the IPv4 format and 8 -128 when utilizing the IPv6 format. The tables below display examples of common Subnet Prefixes for a specific IP address on both IPv6 and IPv4. A Subnet Calculator such as the ip subnet calculator can be used if required to determine the range of IP Addresses etc. For more information on the network prefix field, refer to the IPv6 / IPv4 Overview topic.
In regards to outbound calls, only the specific IP address in the Gateway IP Address field is used.
Default Gateway
Click in this field and enter the IP address of the Default Gateway the interface will be communicating with.
VLAN Tagging inserts a VLAN tag into each outgoing packet. The VLAN Tagging functionality inserts a VLAN tag into every packet leaving the interface configured above with the source IP address configured above. The VLAN field enables or disables this functionality. Select from drop down menu either Enabled or Disabled.
Enabled- Enable the VLAN Tagging functionality. When enabled any packets transmitted out of the interface configured in the Logical Interface field above with the IP address configured in the IP Address field above will have a VLAN Tag inserted. The VLAN Tag inserted will have the specifications configured in the VLAN fields below.
Disabled- VLAN functionality is disabled on the IP address object.
Once the VLAN ID is configured and the IP Address object is committed, it cannot be modified. The only way to modify the VLAN ID is to delete and re-add the complete IP Address object.
VLAN ID (Range 2-4094)
Enabling the VLAN field above opens the VLAN ID field to be modified. Once the VLAN field is set to Enabled, the VLAN ID field will change to white and a VLAN ID can be configured. To configure an ID highlight the default ID which is set to 2 and enter a new id. The range of ID's is from ID:2 to ID:4094. Refer to the VLAN Tagging topic for more information.
VLAN Priority
When the VLAN functionality is enabled, the VLAN Priority field can be modified. Select from the drop down menu the priority being given to the VLAN Tag being configured. The priority given will indicate a priority level that will be given to the packet. A priority of 7 is highest and priority of 0 is the lowest. These values can be used to prioritize different classes of traffic (voice, video, data, etc). Refer to the VLAN Tagging topic for more information.
ARP (Default = Enable)
This field is used for the SIP-Based Load Balancing feature when creating a SIP Virtual Address. When creating a Virtual SIP Address, set this field to disable. When the ARP field is set to Disable, the Virtual IP Address will not be allowed to issue a Gratuitous ARP. In addition, whenever an external node attempts to send an ARP to this Virtual IP Address, the ARP Reply will be suppressed. However, any node that knows the MAC address associated with this Virtual IP Address (through static configuration as used in Load Balancers) will be able to send packets to it. The Virtual IP Address will be able to send packets to any desired node since the ARP Requests from the Virtual IP Address, for an unknown IP’s MAC address, will be allowed. For all outbound SIP requests, the real SIP Signaling IP Address is used to send SIP messages, even if the outbound transaction is within a dialog which had previously used the Virtual IP Address.
Any Network Interface that is configured with the ARP field as Disabled will appear in the SIP Virtual IP Address field drop-down in the SIP Virtual Address pane. For more information refer to SIP Signaling - Virtual Address.
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. It is chiefly used by the operating systems of networked computers to send error messages indicating, for example, that a requested service is not available or that a host or router could not be reached. ICMP messages can be configured to either not respond to any ICMP messages at all or not to respond to only invalid ICMP messages.
Enable (Default)- The IMG 2020 will respond to valid ICMP messages such as ping but WILL NOT respond to invalid ICMP messages.
Disable- The IMG 2020 will not respond to any ICMP messages.
When the Outgoing FQDN field is enabled in the SIP Profile advanced settings object, the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) entered here will be inserted into the outgoing SIP messages. Refer to the SIP Profile - Advanced Settings and SIP FQDN Support topics for more information.
Select the ACL to define access rules between the local IP address and remote IP address.
If the selected ACL has a Manual activation behavior, two buttons will appears in order to Activate/Deactivate manually the ACL.
The ACL activation and deactivation status will be reported in the Event Viewer.
User with only "Provision" privilege only have access to the "Activate ACL" and "Deactivate ACL" buttons. Therefore, the ACL selection needs to be done by a user with "Configure" privilege.
"Media 0 or Media 1" selected in Source Endpoint field
Source Endpoint = Media 0 or Media 1
Select either Media 0 or Media 1 when configuring the IMG 2020 to transmit and receive RTP data to any external IP network. RTP data can be configured to communicate through either the Control, Data A or Data B interfaces. When selecting Media 0 or Media 1 as the Source IP Endpoint, the Logical Interface field will have a drop down menu displaying Control, Data A, and Data B. The Media selections are utilized for media such as RTP. When Media 0 or Media 1 is selected from drop down menu, the Gratuitous ARP and ARP Responses field color changes to green and cannot be modified.
As described above, if IPv6 format is configured on the first instance of Media 0 (Say Data A interface), the IPv6 format must be configured on the second instance as well. This also goes for IPv4. The format (IPv6 or IPV4) must be the same for the first instance of Media 0 as well as the second instance of Media 0.
If IPv4 format is configure on the first instance of Media 1 (Say Data A interface), the IPv4 format must be configured on the second instance as well. This also goes for IPv6. The format (IPv6 or IPV4) must be the same for the first instance of Media 1 as well as the second instance of Media 1.
Address Type
The IMG 2020 supports both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. Select from the drop down menu which Internet Protocol Version will be required.
IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) (Default) – When IPv4 is selected, the Internet Protocol Version 4 format will be utilized. All IP addresses and Network Prefix fields in this object will require entering values using IPV4.
IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) - When IPv6 is selected, the Internet Protocol Version 6 format will be utilized. All IP addresses and Network Prefix fields in this object will require entering values using IPv6. IPv6 is supported when configuring SIP Signaling and its accompanying RTP Media or Video packets. IPv6 is Not Supported when utilizing H.323 Signaling.
IP Address
Click in this field and enter the IP address for the Media 0 or Media 1 resource being configured.
Network Prefix Len
Use this field to configure the IMG 2020 to configure the IMG 2020 to accept only one IP address or a range of IP addresses. The value entered in the Network Prefix Len field in conjunction with the value entered in the IP Address field determines the range of IP Addresses from which the IMG 2020 will recognise and accept. If the Incoming IP Address equals one of the IP Addresses in the range set up then the IP address will be accepted and processed. The allowed values in the Network Prefix Len field range from 0 to 32 when utilizing the IPv4 format and 8 -128 when utilizing the IPv6 format. The tables below display examples of common Subnet Prefixes for a specific IP address on both IPv6 and IPv4. A Subnet Calculator such as the ip subnet calculator can be used if required to determine the range of IP Addresses etc. For more information on the network prefix field, refer to the IPv6 / IPv4 Overview topic.
Subnet (Default
The default Subnet is displayed. This field displays the Subnet mask that will be used with the IP address configured above. To change the Subnet, click in this field and enter a new Subnet Mask.
Default Gateway
Click in this field and enter an IP address of the Default Gateway the interface will be communicating with.
VLAN Tagging inserts a VLAN tag into each outgoing packet. The VLAN Tagging functionality inserts a VLAN tag into every packet leaving the interface configured above with the source IP address configured above. The VLAN field enables or disables this functionality. Select from drop down menu either Enabled or Disabled.
Enabled- Enable the VLAN Tagging functionality. When enabled any packets transmitted out of the interface configured in the Logical Interface field above with the IP address configured in the IP Address field above will have a VLAN Tag inserted. The VLAN Tag inserted will have the specifications configured in the VLAN fields below.
Disabled- VLAN functionality is disabled on the IP address object.
Note: Once the VLAN ID is configured and the IP Address object is committed, it cannot be modified. The only way to modify the VLAN ID is to delete and re-add the complete IP Address object.
VLAN/VLAN ID (Range 2-4094)
Enabling the VLAN field above opens the VLAN ID field to be modified. Once the VLAN field is set to Enabled, the VLAN ID field will change to white and a VLAN ID can be configured. To configure an ID highlight the default ID which is set to 2 and enter a new id. The range of ID's is from ID:2 to ID:4094. Refer to the VLAN Tagging topic for more information.
VLAN Priority
When the VLAN functionality is enabled, the VLAN Priority field can be modified. Select from the drop down menu the priority being given to the VLAN Tag being configured. The priority given will indicate a priority level that will be given to the packet. A priority of 7 is highest and priority of 0 is the lowest. These values can be used to prioritize different classes of traffic (voice, video, data, etc). Refer to the VLAN Tagging topic for more information.
ARP (Default = Enable)
When Media 0 or Media 1 is selected in the Source Endpoint field, the ARP field changes color to green and cannot be modified.
When the Outgoing FQDN field is enabled in the SIP Profile advanced settings object, the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) entered here will be inserted into the outgoing SIP messages. Refer to the SIP Profile - Advanced Settings and SIP FQDN Support topics for more information.
ACL (Not Supported for Media)