Packet Facilities

Packet Facilities

The Packet Facility object is a parent or container object. Under the Packet Facilities object the user can create multiple Packet Facility objects. Refer to the information below.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > IMG 2020 > Facility > New Packet Facilities

Related Topics and Dependencies

The Packet Facilities object is a parent object to the Packet Facility object. The Packet Facility object configures a group VoIP channels that can be used to carrying audio and/or video (multimedia) packets. Before configuring the Packet Facilities and Packet Facility objects, the IP Address object which is configured under the Logical Interface object must first be configured with a Media 0 and/or Media 1 IP address. Once the Logical Interfaces along with the IP Address objects are created, the Packet Facilities and Packet Facility objects can then be created.Refer to links below.


Packet Facility

IP Network Interface

Logical Interface

IP Address

Configure Facilities

Configure SIP (Multiple SIP IP)

Configure SIP (Single SIP IP)

Maximum Objects

One Packet Facilities object can be created per Facility object

Field Descriptions - Monitoring Only

The Packet Facilities object does not have any fields used to configure the IMG 2020. There are however four monitoring fields. These fields monitor the number of packets available that can be utilized for either Audio or Multimedia Calls (Audio/Video). Refer to the information below.

Packet Audio Available

This field displays the number of IP resources available to carry audio calls. After configuring the Packet Facility object just below this object, a number of IP resources would be allocated for either audio or video. This field will display the number of IP resources available after any audio packets have been allocated.

The allocation of IP resources is not a one to one relationship. The Packet Facility audio ports available and Packet Facility multimedia ports available depends on the Media Mode selected in the IMG 2020 Physical Node object and what type of resources are being allocated. The number of IP resources subtracted from the Total Available is not a one to one relationship. For example allocating IP resources for audio would remove from the total audio available but would also remove from the total multimedia available. This is true for the Packet Multimedia Available field below also.

Packet Multimedia Available

This field displays the number of IP resources available that can be used for carrying multimedia calls. After configuring the packet facility object just below this object, a number of IP resources were allocated for either audio or video. This field displays the number of IP resources available after any audio or multimedia packets have been allocated. 

Packet Audio Total

This field displays the total number of IP resources available that can be used for carrying audio calls. This is determined by a combination of the selection made in the Media Mode field of the Physical Node - Direct Connect object and the number of DSP's currently installed in the system.

Packet Multimedia Total

This field displays the total number of IP resources available that can be used for carrying multimedia (audio/video) calls. This is determined by a combination of the selection made in the Media Mode field of the Physical Node - Direct Connect object and the number of DSP's currently installed in the system.

DSP Graceful OOS Max Timer (sec)

This field configures the DSP Graceful Out Of Service timer.   Upon auto-reset, the master DSP core will wait until serviced channels are cleared before launching the auto-reset process.  This timer gives the maximum wait time before forcing the the reset. 


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