STM-1 Interface

STM-1 Interface



On rear panel of the IMG 2020 there are two optical STM-1 Interfaces. One interface is labeled W (Working) and the other is labeled P (Protection). The Working port is the primary port and the Protection port is the redundant port. To open the STM-1 Interface object, right click on the DS3/Optical Mode:Optical object and select New STM-1 Interface. This will create the STM-1 Interface object. Within this object pane is the Optical Configuration field. This field configures the format that will be used for the STM-1 Interface. There are three separate formats that can be selected. Refer to information below.

T1 Protocol with DS3 mapped on the Optical Interface

Supports up to 672 DS-3 Channels per STM-1 Interface (28 DS-1's * 24 DS-0's) = 672 DS-0's

Total = 672 DS-0's per Optical Interface * (3) DS-3 Interfaces = 2016 DS-0's

E1 Protocol with DS3 mapped on the Optical Interface

Supports up to three 672 DS-3 Channels per Optical Interface (21 DS-1's * 32 DS-0's) = 672 DS-0's

Total = 672 DS-0's per Optical Interface * (3) DS-3 Interfaces = 2016 DS-0's

E1 Protocol on Optical Interface not in DS3 mapped format - (Channelized)

Supports 63 E1 DS-1's for a total of 2016 TDM E1 DS-0's 

On the rear of IMG 2020 are four T1/E1 RJ48 TDM interfaces. The IMG 2020 supports up to 2016 TDM DS-0's. If the T1/E1 interfaces are going to be utilized, then the number of DS1's/DS0's being configured on the T1/E1 interfaces will need to be sacrificed on the STM-1 Interface. No more than 2016 TDM ports can be configured. 

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > IMG 2020 > Facility (Optical) > New STM-1 Interface


Maximum Objects

One STM-1 Interface object per DS3/Optical Mode:Optical object.

Related Topics and Dependencies

The STM-1 Interface object is created under the DS-3/Optical Mode:Optical object when the Facility Type field is configured as Optical. After creating the STM-1 object the Optical Link object can then be created.

Field Descriptions

Interface ID

The Interface ID is ID:1 for the working port and ID:2 for the protection port.

Optical Configuration (E1 Protocol)

Select from drop down menu the mapping format that will be utilized on the Optical Interface. Below are the choices.

STM1_AUG1_AU4_VC4_3TUG3_TU3_VC3_C3 - Describes how the DS-3 Spans are mapped within the Optical stream. Refer to E1 DS3 Map Optical Stream for a table that displays how the DS-3 Spans are mapped.

STM1_AUG1_3AU3_VC3_C3 - Describes how the DS-3 Spans are mapped within the Optical stream. Refer to E1 DS3 Map Optical Stream B for a table that displays how the DS-3 Spans are mapped.

STM1_AUG1_AU4_VC4_3TUG3_7TUG2_3TU12_VC12_C12-A mapping - Describes how E1 spans are mapped within the optical stream. Refer to E1 Channelized Map A in Optical Stream for a table that displays how the E1 Spans are mapped

STM1_AUG1_AU4_VC4_3TUG3_7TUG2_3TU12_VC12_C12-B mapping - Describes how E1 spans are mapped within the optical stream. Refer to E1 Channelized Map B in Optical Stream for a table that displays how the E1 Spans are mapped

STM1_AUG1_AU4_VC4_3TUG3_7TUG2_3TU12_VC12_C12-C mapping - Describes how E1 spans are mapped within the optical stream. Refer to E1 Channelized Map C in Optical Stream for a table that displays how the E1 Spans are mapped 

Optical Configuration (T1 Protocol)

Select from drop down menu the mapping format that will be utilized on the Optical Interface. Below are the choices.

STM1_AUG1_AU4_VC4_3TUG3_TU3_VC3_C3 - Describes how the DS-3 Spans are mapped within the Optical stream. Refer to T1 DS3 Map Optical Stream for a table that displays how the DS-3 Spans are mapped.

STM1_AUG1_3AU3_VC3_C3 - Describes how the DS-3 Spans are mapped within the Optical stream. Refer to T1 DS3 Map Optical Stream B for a table that displays how the DS-3 Spans are mapped.

Signal Fail Threshold

The Signal Fail Threshold is measured as a Bit Error Rate (BER) level. A bit error rate of 1.E-04 would be a bit error rate failure of 1 in 1000 (1/1000). Select the Bit Error Rate from drop down menu




Signal Fail Threshold is disabled. No Bit Error Rate checking is performed.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 1000 is considered a failure.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 10,000 is considered a failure.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 100,000 is considered a failure.

Signal Degrade Threshold

The signal degrade threshold is measured as a Bit Error Rate (BER) level. A bit error rate of 1.E-04 would be a bit error rate failure of 1 in 1000 (1/1000). Select the Bit Error Rate from drop down menu.




Signal Degrade Threshold is disabled. No Bit Error Rate checking is enabled.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 1000 is considered a degraded signal.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 10,000 is considered a degraded signal.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 100,000 is considered a degraded signal.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 1,000,000 is considered a degraded signal.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 10,000,000 is considered a degraded signal.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 100,000,000 is considered a degraded signal.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 1,000,000,000 is considered a degraded signal.


Bit Error Rate of anything larger than 1 in 10,000,000,000 is considered a degraded signal. 

APS Configuration (Automatic Protection Switching)

The Automatic Protection Switching ports provide fault tolerance through fiber cable redundancy. When the working fiber fails the protection assumes its traffic load. The APS is disabled by default and can be enabled through the APS Configuration field. See below.

Disabled (Default) - Disabled by default. The IMG 2020 will not allow an automatic switchover from the working to the protection port if the working port becomes unavailable.

Enabled - When enabled, the IMG 2020 will automatically switchover from the working to the protection port if the working port becomes unavailable. The APS Configuration field must be enabled to be able to configure optical port redundancy. 

APS Mode

Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is used to create a fault tolerant topology by configuring a primary (Working) and secondary (Protection) path for information/traffic to be passed. If the working port fails, the protection port will take over. The next few fields have to do with configuring the APS Mode of operation.

Non-Revertive - The optical interface will remain on the protection line even after recovery of the working line. A manual switchover can be executed in the object just below the Optical Interface object.

Revertive - The optical interface will come back to the working line after the failure on that line has been fixed.

Hold Off Time (Default = No Holdoff)

The amount of time to wait after a defect is declared and a switchover is initiated from the working link to the protection link. The moment of decision occurs after any configured Hold-Off Time period has passed which is set in this object. The range can be set manually in the drop down menu from 100 msec to 10 seconds.

Wait to Restore Time (Default = No Wait)

To prevent a switchback to a working line that has an intermittent fault on it, the Wait to Restore Time field can be configured to wait for the working link to be fault free for a configured amount of time before switching back. A drop down menu allows a user to configure the time to wait. The range is from No Wait up to 10 minutes.

Monitoring Fields

Optical IF Status (Interface Status) - Displays the status of the active optical interface. The optical interfaces (W=Working, P=Protection) are located on the rear of the IMG 2020. The active optical interface is the interface that is considered in operation.

Active Link - Displays which optical link on rear of IMG 2020 is in the active state.

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