DS3 - Optical Mode
On the rear of the DS3/Optical I/O on the IMG 2020 there are separate interfaces for configuring the facilities. The two interfaces on the rear of the IMG 2020 that are configured in this object are the DS-3 interfaces and the optical interfaces. Select from the drop down menu in this object which interface will be used to configure the DS-1's and DS-0's. Refer to information below.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > IMG 2020 > Facility > New DS3/Optical Mode
Once DS3 or Optical is selected and the object is committed, the DS3/Optical object within the configuration tree will display DS3 or Optical as displayed below.
Maximum Objects
One DS3/Optical Mode object per Facility object created.
Related Topics and Dependencies
Once either DS3 or Optical has been selected, the user can now create either the DS3 or the Optical interface. Only one interface or the other can be configured. Configuring both interfaces on the same I/O is not supported.
STM-1 Interface (Optical)
Field Descriptions
Facility Type
Select from drop down menu whether the DS3 or Optical interfaces on the rear of the IMG 2020 will be utilized. Once selected, user can move on to configuring either Optical or DS3 span information.