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FreeSWITCH D500 PCI Express Distributed Sngtc Server Configuration


Table of Contents


Sngtc Server Configuration

The sngtc_server is at the heart of the transcoding environment. It interfaces the transcoder hardware and codec module (the codec module communicates with the sngtc_server in order to pass information to/from transcoder). It is installed only on one server, and controls all Sangoma transcoders that are located on the same network (this means you cannot have multiple sngtc_servers controlling/communicating with specific transcoders on the same network).    If there is more than one Sangoma transcoder on the network, the sngtc_server will access all transcoding resources in round-robin.  


run the following command to enable changes:
-> sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
-> service network restart on Redhat distributions
->/etc/init.d/ restart on Debiun/Ubuntu distributions


-> Proceed to Codec Module Configuration

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