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For SIP gateway lookups when the gateway IP Address is not known, you can configure DNS servers to locate SIP servers based on the IP address or Host Name. Up to 16 total DNS and ENUM servers combined can be configured. For example, the IMG 2020 supports 16 ENUM servers and zero DNS servers or 16 DNS Servers and zero ENUM servers. Any combination of DNS to ENUM servers is supported as long as the total combined is no more than 16. Lookup for SRV Records is also supported in the IMG 2020. Refer to the DNS Query using SRV Record topic for more information on SRV record lookups.


  1. Right click on the DNS Clients object again and select New DNS Client. Either enter a name for this DNS Client in the Name field or accept the default. In this procedure, the default DNS_Client0 was accepted.

  2. Enter the domain name in the Domain Name field.

  3. For each field, Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary DNS Server, select a DNS Server form the drop down list. Each DNS Server field will be populated with the names of the DNS Servers configured above. Either IPv4 or IPV6 addresses can be selected. The IMG 2020 will convert the addresses internally. Refer to screen capture below where just the primary and secondary DNS Server Association fields are populated.

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Refer to the DNS Client topic for more information regarding the DNS Client object. 


  • Right click on the IMG 2020 physical node object and select New Signaling. The Signaling object is a parent or container object. Under this object, multiple SIP signaling IP addresses can be configured. Refer to the Signaling topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the Signaling object and select New SIP. In the IP Operation Mode field, select Multiple IP. Refer to the SIP Signaling - SIP topic for more information on configuring the remaining fields in this object.

  • Right click on the SIP object and select New SIP IP Address. Select from drop down menu of the IP Type field whether the IP address being configured is using the IPv4 or IPv6 format.

  • Select from the IP Address field the IPv4 formatted IP address. This IP address had been previously added to the DNS Server Association object in either the Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary DNS Server Assoc. fields.

  • In the DNS Client field, select the DNS Client that was configured above.

  • In the DNS Query Mode field, select the DNS Query Mode will be A ONLY, SRV ONLY, or a MIX of both. Refer to screen capture below.

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  • Right Click on the SIP object and select New SIP IP Address again. This time, select IPv6 from the IP Type field.

  • Select from the IP Address field the IPv6 formatted IP address. This IP address had been previously added to the DNS Server Association object in either the Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary DNS Server Assoc. fields.

  • In the DNS Client field, select the DNS Client that was configured above.

  • In the DNS Query Mode field, select the DNS Query Mode will be A ONLY, SRV ONLY, or a MIX of both. Refer to screen capture below.

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The IMG 2020 is now configured as displayed in the DNS Configuration tree displayed at the beginning of this topic.