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Table of Contents

The information below describes the configuration process required to configure TLS on the IMG 2020. Before starting the configuration, there are three certificate files that must get downloaded to the IMG 2020. To accomplish this, load the three files displayed below into the same directory that the IMG 2020 system software binary file was initially copied to. The three files are the:


  • Right click on the IMG 2020 object and select New Signaling. A signaling pane will appear. The Signaling object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the Signaling topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the Signaling object and select New SIP. A SIP object will appear. At this point it should be decided whether the SIP stack will have one IP address servicing it or have multiple IP addresses servicing it. Select either Single IP or Multiple IP from the drop down menu. Refer to the SIP Signaling - SIP object for more information on configuring the remaining fields in this object.

  • Right click on the SIP object and select New SIP IP Address. In the Transport Type field, select TLS from the drop down menu. This transport type is used when the IMG 2020 is used as an external gateway by another gateway.

  • Once TLS is selected in the Transport Type field, the Secure Profile and Default Secure Profile fields will change from a shaded green color to a white background. This indicates the fields can now be modified. Select from drop down menu of these two fields which Secure Profiles will be used. Refer to screen capture below.

  • The Default port that the IMG 2020 will use to communicate with the external gateways when TLS is enabled will be 5061 as shown in the TLS Port field of the SIP signaling object. The port number can be modified by clicking in the Local TLS Port field and entering a different port number.

  • The Default Secure Profile field is used when a SIP call comes in over the Secure Profile Port but the external gateway sending the call is not using TLS security. There is a drop down menu of all the secure profiles created in this field as well. Select a profile.

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Refer to the SIP Signaling - IP Address topic for more information on the SIP Signaling object. 


  • Right click on the Dialogic object and select New External Network Elements. Under this object the individual external gateways can be created and configured. This object is a container parent object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the External Network Elements topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on External Network Elements object and select New External Gateways. This object will create a database of all the gateways configured. This object is a container parent object and no configuration is needed here either. Refer to the External Gateways topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on External Gateways link and select New External Gateway. In the Name field enter a Name that will identify the external gateway on the network that the IMG 2020 will communicate with.

  • Select SIP from the drop down menu of the Protocol field.

  • In the Gateway IP Address field, enter the IP address of the external gateway that the IMG 2020 will be communicating with using TLS security.

  • Select the SIP Profile created earlier from drop down menu of the SIP Profile field.

  • Select TLS from the drop down menu of the Transport Type field. At this point, the Secure Profile field will change from shaded green to white which indicates the field can now be modified. Select the Secure Profile that will be used to communicate with this specific gateway. Refer to screen capture below.

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  • Multiple gateways can be created which will communicate with the IMG 2020 using TLS and each gateway can have a different Secure Profile.
