Viewing Invoices

Viewing Invoices

  • Once a order has been processed and shipped a invoice gets created on the system for your order.  To view invoices please follow these steps.

  • Log into the Portal at https://portal.sangoma.com. If you do not have an account, please see How to Create a Portal Account.

    Forgot your password? Click the I forgot my password link if you need assistance.

    • Viewing Invoices can be seen by clicking on the Invoice option at the left menu

      • Ready to Ship – Invoices that are drafted, but waiting tracking to be added. Invoices in this state are not here very long as we only generate an invoice when we are ready to ship.

      • Shipped – Invoices that have been shipped and completed

      • All Invoices – Shows both Ready to Ship and Shipped invoices

  • You will now see a list of invoices.  At a glance you can see the Invoice amount and how much of the invoice has been paid.

  • Click on the Details button to view a copy of the invoice

    • At the top right is a link to the Order and Tracking Number for the invoice

    • From here you can see the items and price for each item

    • To view the serial numbers for each item, click the + icon next to each item

    • At the bottom you can see any payments that have been applied against the invoice

      • You can view the invoice as a PDF and print or save a copy

  • You can view the invoice as a PDF and print or save a copy

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