Phones - How to connect P-330 Phone to WI-FI

Phones - How to connect P-330 Phone to WI-FI

Steps for a configured phone 

  1. Open the main menu on the phone

rtaImage - 2024-10-07T163101.803.jfif


  1. Choose option 4

rtaImage - 2024-10-07T163126.883.jfif


  1. Enter the admin password in order to open the admin settings.


  1. Choose option 7 (WI-FI Settings)


  1. Once in the Wi-Fi Settings toggle the Wi-Fi settings to the on position


  1. Once enabled, verify all the settings are correct and choose "Submit"


  1. At this point the phone will restart


8.Once connected the WI-FI logo will appear on the upper right side of the phone, indicating that the phone is connected to the WI-FI


Steps for an out of the box, or factory reset phone

  1. At the server selection menu choose settings


  1. Select Network Settings from the Settings Menu


  1. From the Network Settings menu choose WI-FI Settings


  1. Enable the WI-FI (if not already selected) and enter the correct network information and then select "Submit"


  1. After selecting "Submit" the phone will restart.


  1. Once the phone restarts continue the configuration as per normal. After the phone is configured the WI-FI logo will appear in the upper right corner.

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