Phones - How to connect P-330 Phone to WI-FI

Phones - How to connect P-330 Phone to WI-FI

Steps for a configured phone 

  1. Open the main menu on the phone

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  1. Choose option 4

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  1. Enter the admin password in order to open the admin settings.

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  1. Choose option 7 (WI-FI Settings)

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  1. Once in the Wi-Fi Settings toggle the Wi-Fi settings to the on position

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  1. Once enabled, verify all the settings are correct and choose "Submit"

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  1. At this point the phone will restart

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8.Once connected the WI-FI logo will appear on the upper right side of the phone, indicating that the phone is connected to the WI-FI

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Steps for an out of the box, or factory reset phone

  1. At the server selection menu choose settings

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  1. Select Network Settings from the Settings Menu

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  1. From the Network Settings menu choose WI-FI Settings

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  1. Enable the WI-FI (if not already selected) and enter the correct network information and then select "Submit"

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  1. After selecting "Submit" the phone will restart.

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  1. Once the phone restarts continue the configuration as per normal. After the phone is configured the WI-FI logo will appear in the upper right corner.

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