Linux PPPD

Single port PPP Configuration

For a single PPP link use Wanpipe PPP stack.

Wanpipe Installation

  1. Download latest STABLE wanpipe release

  2. Untar wanpipe release
    --> tar xfz wanpipe-<ver>.tgz

  3. Install wanpipe release
    --> cd wanpipe-<ver>
    --> ./Setup install 
          Use all default options

  4. Confirm successful install
    --> wanrouter version
    --> wanrouter hwprobe



Run wanpipe configuration utility:


Hardware Setup (AFT):

Select Hardware: Specify AFT card from hardware probe.

    After hardware probe,  wancfg screen should show  you:
    (in case of A104 card)
    Card Type-------> A104    
    Physical Medium-> T1    

Sepecify Line Type:  T1 or E1
                                 Default is T1 

Default configuration is complete: Select <BACK>

Protocol Setup:

Select Protocol: PPP

Configuration is complete: Select <BACK>

Interface Setup:

Skip First option and leave it default.

Select: Operation Mode

Select: IP Address Setup
            Local IP addr: Set this local IP Address
            Point-to-Point IP Address: Set this to the ip address of the remote side

Select: Default Gateway
            Leave it to no if you do not want the PPP interface to be your default route.
            Set this to yes, and enter your Gateway IP Address if you want packets to go to the PPP interface by default.

Configuration is complete: Select <BACK> to Save and Exit

After a wanrouter start, your PPP interface will come up as w*g1ppp. (for example w1g1ppp)



  • Start all wanpipe ports

    • wanrotuer start  #Start all wanpipe ports defined in /etc/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc

  • Start a single port

    • wanrouter stop   

  • Logs

    • /var/log/messages

  • Config directory

    • /etc/wanpipe



  • wanpipemon utility

    • wanpipemon <enter> for help

  • T1/E1 Alarm Statistics

    • wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Ta


More Info

Troubleshooting & Diagnostic commands


Multi-Link PPP Configuration

Multi-Link PPPD

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