FreeTDM Signaling and Voice API

FreeTDM Signaling and Voice API

Important Note Regarding FreeSwitch® and FreeTDM® Support

Support for FreeSwitch and FreeTDM for Sangoma telephony card products are no longer provided by Sangoma. All FreeSwitch drivers and applications are provided as-is with no warranty.  

Sangoma was previously involved in the FreeTDM and FreeSwitch projects, but has refocused its development efforts primarily on Asterisk-based platforms including FreePBX. The information on this page and other FreeSwitch- and FreeTDB-related pages on the Sangoma Wiki has been retained for historical and reference purposes, but should not be relied upon as reflecting Sangoma's current development efforts or support policies.


FreeTDM is a signaling and board API abstraction used mainly by the FreeSWITCH project to place calls in TDM and analog telephony circuits. The library was previously named "OpenZAP". Sangoma has worked along with the FreeSWITCH developers in this library so Sangoma's customers can also use it to do custom development. The library is still under heavy development but the overall API does not change often. The intention of the library is to present a consistent API for different telephony signaling stacks and board I/O APIs.

FreeTDM can either be used as a standalone API or along with FreeSWITCH as an endpoint (mod_freetdm). If you want to use it as a part of FreeSWITCH remember following the FreeSWITCH configuration section.




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