A media profile is a list of attributes which define what audio codecs are used on a per call basis.
It also describes how DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) will be handled within the SIP profile
Media profiles are bound to one or more SIP Profiles
Depending on use case:
User can create one Media profile per SIP profile
User can create one Media profile for many SIP Profiles.
SIP profile uses the Media profile information to negotiate SDP information
Codecs & P-times
Local RTP ports
Audio Codec
An audio codec is a program implemented as an algorithm that compresses and decompresses digital audio data.
5 codecs can be configured per media profile.
10 different codecs to choose from with multiple variations of each codec.
Codecs available:
G.711 PCMU
G.711 PCMA
DTMF Mode:
RFC2833: Enable SIP profile to support telephone event(rfc2833) in SDP.
Inband: Enable SIP profile to support Inband and SIP INFO dtmf.