This article describes Switchvox version 6.6, which includes the new Action "Manage."
See SETUP-EXTENSIONS-Manage-View for an earlier Switchvox version, and SETUP-EXTENSIONS-Manage-View-7-3 for version 7.3 and later.
You can filter the list of extensions by selecting the desired Extension Type from the View dropdown. Options are to display All Extensions, User Extensions, Only IVRs, and Only Call Queues . After a type is selected, the list then displays only extensions of the selected type.
To find a particular extension, use the Search box, entering at least 1 number of the extension, or at least 1 letter of the name. The list is narrowed to just the extensions that match what you entered.
To sort a column in the table by ascending or descending order, click the arrow following the column name (Extension, Extension Type, or Name).
Password Warnings
There may be warning icons displayed in the Extension column next to any extension if the system has evaluated its passwords as weak. Weak passwords can make your Switchvox vulnerable to intrusion.
Switchvox requires complex passwords for passwords, numeric PINs, and phone-registrations. You may have some passwords that were created prior to that requirement, but when a password is changed it must be complex .An extension password (login password or numeric PIN) and the phone password are weak. An extension password (login password or numeric PIN) is weak.The phone password is weak.
For details about requiring strong passwords, see “Settings."
For details about setting an extension password, see “Numeric Password" in the Profile Information (tab) article.
For details about setting a phone-registration password, see “Phone Password" in the Phone Settings (tab) article.
Additional Indicators
An icon next to a SIP Phone extension indicates that the extension has additional phones. Also, if Switchvox is in LDAP mode, an icon indicates that a SIP Phone extension does not have a username defined.
Each listed extension has four Action icons. If an icon is gray, that action is not available. When available, the following can be activated for the listed extension:
Login as this User. Use the Log In icon to open an extension's Switchvox Extension Tool Suite. This lets you use that extensions' Extension Suite without knowing or entering the password. The extension-owner can be logged in at the same time, so be careful when either of you are making changes. You can login to only Main phones.
Modify. Click an extension’s Modify icon to open its Modify SIP Extension page. See Create an Extension article for more information. Click Modify for an IVR, Call Queue, or Virtual Extension to display the appropriate Modify page.
Manage. Use the Manage Phones icon to manage additional phones for this person. You can also assign a Digium phone to this Main extension (a desktop Digium IP Phone or a Switchvox Softphone). For details, see SETUP-EXTENSIONS-Manage-Phones
Delete. Click the extension’s Delete icon to display the Admin Edit Extension page for deletion has two option buttons: Yes, Delete Extension, which deletes the extension immediately and Download Voicemail/Fax Archive, which saves and downloads a zip file with the voicemail and faxes associated with the extension.
Affected Version(s)