Appliance Password Reset



NSG ISO Version

If you are using our appliance or ISO version of NSG follow the steps in this video.

Youtube Video ->


NOTE: Press "e" to edit the kernel line. This is also the same steps for our SBC. 

NOTE: Physical access to the system is required. This Video was done using a VM for demonstration purposes only. 


NSG Binary

  1. Run the command 

cat /usr/local/nsg/nsg-version.xml | head -n 5 | grep product_version to determine your NSG version. Below is the sample output, refer to the product_version field. 

# cat /usr/local/nsg/nsg-version.xml | head -n 5 | grep product_version
<product build_version="106" full_name="Netborder SS7 Gateway" major_version="5" minor_version="1" name="nsg" patch_version="0" product_version="5.1.0-106" release_version="GA" short_name="nsg">

  1. Go to and download your exact version of NSG. Ensure if it is a 64bit system you get the 64 bit release. 

  1. Extract the TGZ file and copy the file 

nsg/nginx/html/fusionpbx/secure/fusionpbx.db with in the package to /usr/local/nsg/nginx/html/fusionpbx/secure. Below is an example. 

cp nsg-5.1.0-106.x86_64/nsg/nginx/html/fusionpbx/secure/fusionpbx.db /usr/local/nsg/nginx/html/fusionpbx/secure

  1. Restart nsg-webui service with the command 

/etc/init.d/nsg-webgui restart and then log in with the default username and passwords. 

User: admin
Pass: admin

User: superadmin
Pass: sangoma 


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