This wiki is to capture the Blacklist module provided GraphQL APIs.
Please find below list of APIs supported by blacklist module.
blacklist module APIs are useful to create, delete and fetch the values of existing configured blacklist.
Add Blacklist Number
Adding a blacklist number to Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name: addBlacklist
API parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
number | Mandatory | ID | Number which is to be added to blacklist |
description | Optional | String | description for the blacklist number |
clientMutationId | Optional | ID | Client id for request and response |
Query Parameters
clientMutationId |
API Request
1. Api to add Blacklist number GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { addBlacklist(input: { number: "1324546" description:"blocklist number" clientMutationId : "12432" }) { clientMutationId } } |
API Response
2.Api to add Blacklist number GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql { "data": { "addBlacklist": { "clientMutationId": "12432" } } } |
Remove Blacklist Number
Removing a blacklist number from Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name: removeBlacklist
API parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
number | Mandatory | ID | Number which is to be removed from the blacklist |
clientMutationId | Optional | ID | Client id for request and response |
Query Parameters
clientMutationId |
API Request
API to remove blacklist number GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql mutation { removeBlacklist(input: { number: "1324546" clientMutationId : "12432" }) { clientMutationId } } |
API Response
API to remove blacklist number GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql { "data": { "removeBlacklist": { "clientMutationId": "12432" } } } |
Fetch All Blacklist Numbers
Fetch all black list numbers from Freepbx/PBXact system
API Name: allBlacklists
API Parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
id | Optional | ID | Unique string to identify the blacklist number. |
description | Optional | String | Description for the blacklisted number |
number | Optional | ID | Blacklisted Number |
Query Parameters
blacklists { id description number } |
API Request
API to fetch all blacklist numbers GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql { allBlacklists{ blacklists { id description number } } } |
API Response
API to fetch all blacklist numbers GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql { "data": { "allBlacklists": { "blacklists": [ { "id": "YmxhY2tsaXN0OjMyNDMyNDMyNDIzNA==", "description": "dsfsfds", "number": "324324324234" }, { "id": "YmxhY2tsaXN0OjM0NTQ2NDM=", "description": "cxvfbgdhgfh", "number": "3454643" } ] } } } |
Fetch Particular Blacklist Number
Fetch particular blacklist number from Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name: blacklist
API Parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
id | Optional | ID | Blacklisted Number. |
description | Optional | String | Description for the blacklisted number |
number | mandatory | ID | Blacklisted Number |
Query Parameters
id description number |
API Request
API to particular blacklist number GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql { blacklist(id:"324324324234") { description number } } |
API Response
API to particular blacklist number GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql { "data": { "blacklist": { "description": "dsfsfds", "number": "324324324234" } } } |
Fetch Blacklist Settings
To fetch blacklist settings into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name: blacklistSettings
API Parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
blockUnknown | mandatory | Boolean | Boolean value used to identify setting is enabled or not |
destination | optional | string | Destination to which blacklist setting is enabled |
Query Parameters
blockUnknown destination |
API Request
API to fetch blacklist settings GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql { blacklistSettings{ blockUnknown destination } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "blacklistSettings": { "blockUnknown": true, "destination": "Extensions: 101 101" } } } |
Update Blacklist Settings
Add or update blacklist settings
API Name: setBlacklistSettings
API Parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
blockUnknown | mandatory | Boolean | Boolean value to enable or disable blacklist settings. |
destination | mandatory | string | Destination to which blacklist setting to be enabled |
clientMutationId | optional | ID | Client id for request and response |
Query Parameters
blockUnknown destination clientMutationId |
API Request
API to set blacklist settings GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql mutation { setBlacklistSettings(input: { blockUnknown: false destination:"from-did-direct,100,1", clientMutationId: "12432" }) { clientMutationId blockUnknown destination } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "setBlacklistSettings": { "clientMutationId": "12432", "blockUnknown": false, "destination": "from-did-direct,100,1" } } } |