This wiki is to capture the Backup module provided GraphQL APIs.
Please find below list of APIs supported by backup module.
llapseCore module APIs are useful to create , modify , delete extensions and fetch the values of existing configured extensions.
Add Backup
Creating and running a backup into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name addBackup API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
name | Mandatory | String | Name for the backup | |
description | Optional | String | Description for the backup | |
backupModules | Mandatory | List | Modules to backup please provide the rawname. (Ex. ["amd","adv_recovery"]) or additionally you can add all Ex.(['all]) | |
notificationEmail | Optional | String | Email address to send notifications, Multiple email addresses need to be separated by comma | |
inlineLogs | Optional | String | When set to Yes logs will be added to the body of the email, when set to No logs will be added as an attachment, default no | |
emailType | Optional | String | When to email default both | |
storageLocation | Mandatory | List | Select one or more storage locations. Storage locations can be added/configured with the Filestore module. Ex. ['SSH_123_2345_214','SSH_12324_23214']. the list can be found on fetchFilestoreLocations api from file store. | |
appendBackupName | Optional | Boolean | False | When set to true , Backp files will store like filestore-path/backup-job-name/backup-file and if set to false then backup file will store into filestore-path/backup-file, default false |
enableBackupSchedule | Optional | Boolean | False | Enable scheduled backups, default false |
scheduleBackup | Optional | String | When should this backup run. when enableBackupSchedule is set to true please provide this field. please enter a cron values. | |
updatesToKeep | Optional | ID | 1 | How many updates to keep. If this number is 3, the last 3 will be kept. 0 is unlimited |
Query Parameters
status message id |
API Request
1. Api to add Backup GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { addBackup(input: { name: "testbackup", description: "testing backup to add a backup", backupModules: ["all"], storageLocation: ["dropbox_wqeqwe"] enableBackupSchedule : true scheduleBackup : "0 * * * *" }) { status message id } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "addBackup": { "status": true, "message": "Backup has been performed/schedules", "id": "d35390e8-0000-defg-abcd-6f5c7c94b1234" } } } |
Update Backup
Updating and running a backup into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name updateBackup API.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | String | Id of the backup | |
name | Mandatory | String | Name for the backup | |
description | Optional | String | Description for the backup | |
backupModules | Mandatory | List | Modules to backup please provide the rawname. (Ex. ["amd","adv_recovery"]) or additionally you can add all Ex.(['all]) | |
notificationEmail | Optional | String | Email address to send notifications, Multiple email addresses need to be separated by comma | |
inlineLogs | Optional | String | When set to Yes logs will be added to the body of the email, when set to No logs will be added as an attachment, default no | |
emailType | Optional | String | When to email default both | |
storageLocation | Mandatory | List | Select one or more storage locations. Storage locations can be added/configured with the Filestore module. Ex. ['SSH_123_2345_214','SSH_12324_23214']. the list can be found on fetchFilestoreLocations api from file store. | |
appendBackupName | Optional | Boolean | False | When set to true , Backp files will store like filestore-path/backup-job-name/backup-file and if set to false then backup file will store into filestore-path/backup-file, default false |
enableBackupSchedule | Optional | Boolean | False | Enable scheduled backups, default false |
scheduleBackup | Optional | String | When should this backup run. when enableBackupSchedule is set to true please provide this field. please enter a cron values. | |
updatesToKeep | Optional | ID | 1 | How many updates to keep. If this number is 3, the last 3 will be kept. 0 is unlimited |
Query Parameters
status message id |
API Request
1. Api to update Backup GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: mutation { updateBackup(input: { id:"d35390e8-0l0ore-defg-abcd-6f5c7c94b1234" name: "testbackup", description: "testing backup to update a backup", backupModules: ["all"], storageLocation: ["dropbox_wqeqwe"] enableBackupSchedule : true scheduleBackup : "0 * * * *" }) { status message id } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "updateBackup": { "status": true, "message": "Backup has been updated", "id": "d35390e8-0l0ore-defg-abcd-6f5c7c94b1234" } } } |
Delete Backup
Deleting a backup into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name deleteBackup API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
backupId | Mandatory | String | Id of the backup |
Query Parameters
status message |
API Request
1. Api to delete Backup GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql parameters: query{ deleteBackup(backupId: "d35390e8-0l0ore-defg-abcd-6f5c7c94b1234") { status message } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "deleteBackup": { "status": true, "message": "Backup deleted successfully" } } } |
Restore Backup
API Name restoreBackup
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
name | Mandatory | ID | Name of the Restore input file |
Query Parameters
status message transaction_id |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql Parameters: mutation { restoreBackup(input: { name: "testbackup" }) { status message transaction_id } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "restoreBackup": { "status": true, "message": "Restore process has been initiated. Kindly check the fetchApiStatus api with the transaction id.", "transaction_id": "322" } } } |
Fetch All backup files
API Name : fetchAllBackups
API Parameters: none
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
status message fileDetails{ id type file framework timestamp name instancename } |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql query{ fetchAllBackups{ status message fileDetails{ id type file framework timestamp name instancename } } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchBackupFiles": { "status": true, "message": "List of backup files", "fileDetails": [ { "id":"SSH_1234567890", "type":"SSH", "file":"20200330-34567-345678-", "framework":"", "timestamp":"234432234", "name":"20200330-2345324-42342342-", "instancename":"warmspare" } ] } } |
Fetch All backup Configurations
API Name : fetchAllBackupConfigurations
API Parameters: none
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
status message backupConfigurations{ id name description } |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql query{ fetchAllBackupConfigurations{ status message backupConfigurations{ id name description } } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "fetchAllBackupConfigurations": { "status": true, "message": "List of backup configurations", "backupConfigurations": [ { "id": "011223344537d1ca-1122-1122", "name": "testbackup22", "description": "testing backup to add a backup" } ] } } } |
Run Backup
running a backup into Freepbx/PBXact system.
API Name runBackup API.
API Parameters -
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
id | Mandatory | String | Id of the backup |
API Parameters to query
Query Parameters
status message transaction_id |
API Request
GQLAPI: /admin/api/api/gql mutation { runBackup(input:{ id: "68baf123-db78-46b0-ad48-6d2fece23e16"}) { status message transaction_id } } |
API Response
{ "data": { "runBackup": { "status": true, "message": "Backup process has been initiated. Kindly check the fetchApiStatus api with the transaction id.", "transaction_id": "20" } } } |