IMG 1010 - IMG Boot Process - Flowchart


The Boot process on IMG 1010 and IMG 1004 allows the customer to both load software and configure the IP information to the CTRL 0/1 ports located on rear of IMG. (CTRL 0/1 are the ports used to communicate with GCEMS server) Within this boot process the IMG can load software and configure IP information. To accomplish loading software and configuring ip information, the customer can choose one of the four manners displayed below:

  • Configure CRTL port IP information using BOOTP/DHCP and load software (.bin) files using an FTP server.

  • Configure CRTL port IP information using BOOTP/DHCP and load software (.bin) files using the SD card.

  • Configure CRTL port IP information using SD Card and load software (.bin) files using an FTP server.

  • Configure CRTL port IP information using SD Card and load software (.bin) files using the SD card.

Below is a flowchart displaying the booting process that takes place when installing software/configuring IP CTRL Port information. A few of the blocks have links to their respective topics.




For more information on the BOOTP process see the individual topics under the section below:



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