Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP INFO Method - Long Call Duration Auditing

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP INFO Method - Long Call Duration Auditing


The feature 'Long Call Duration Auditing using the SIP INFO Method' verifies whether a call is still in progress. If the IMG receives a SIP INFO request with id and tags that match an active call, a 200 OK response indicating that the call is still in progress will be sent from the IMG. If the IMG receives a SIP INFO request with id and tags that do not match an active call, then a response of '481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist' is sent from the IMG. The initiator of the SIP message will then be able to determine if call is up or not. Below are call flows for each scenario.

Call Flow 1:

The call is up and Dialog was found. The IMG sends back a 200 OK message

Call Flow 2:

The call is no longer up. Dialog was not found. The IMG sends back a 481 Call Does not exist message.

Configuration Information:

The Long Call Duration Auditing feature is Disabled by default. To enable the feature you must select enable in the INFO Keep-Alive Support field in the SIP SGP profile. For more information on configuring the Long Call Duration Auditing feature see SIP SGP Profile link below.

Related Topics:

 IMG 1010 - SIP Profile - 10.5.3

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