IMG 1010 - ISUP Cause Codes - ISUP to SIP



Default SS7 ISUP-to-SIP ISUP Cause Codes

(*) ISDN Cause 16 will usually result in a BYE or CANCEL

(+) If the cause location is ‘user’ then the 6xx code could be given rather than the 4xx code. The cause value received in the H.225.0 message is unknown in ISUP, the unspecified cause value of the class is sent.

(=) ANSI procedure

ISUP Cause Value

SIP Response

ISUP Cause Value

SIP Response

Normal events

1 – unallocated number

404 Not Found

2 – no route to network

404 Not Found

3 – no route to destination

404 Not Found

16 –  normal call clearing

--- (*)

17 – user busy

486 Busy here

18 – no user responding

408 Request Timeout

19 – no answer from the user

480 Temporarily unavailable

20 – subscriber absent

480 Temporarily unavailable

21 – call rejected

403 Forbidden (+)

22 – number changed (s/o diagnostic)

410 Gone

23 – redirection to new destination

410 Gone

26 – non-selected user clearing

404 Not Found (=)

27 – destination out of order

502 Bad Gateway

28 – address incomplete

484 Address incomplete

29 – facility rejected

510 Not implemented

31 – normal unspecified

480 Temporarily unavailable Resource unavailable

34 – no circuit available

503 Service unavailable

38 – network out of order

503 Service unavailable

41 – temporary failure

503 Service unavailable

42 – switching equipment congestion

503 Service unavailable

47 – resource unavailable

503 Service unavailable Service or option not available

55 – incoming calls barred within CUG

403 Forbidden

57 – bearer capability not authorized

403 Forbidden

58 – bearer capability not presently available

503 Service unavailable

65 – bearer capability not implemented

488 Not Acceptable here

70 – Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available (National use)

488 Not Acceptable here

79 – service or option not implemented

501 Not implemented

Invalid messages:

87 – user not member of CUG

403 Forbidden

88 – incompatible destination

503 Service unavailable

102 – Call Setup Time-out Failure

504 Gateway timeout

111 – Protocol Error  Unspecified

500 Server internal error Interworking

127 – Internal Error - interworking unspecified

500 Server internal error

SIP Status Code to ISUP Cause Code Mapping

Response received Cause value in the REL

(*) In some cases, it may be possible for a SIP gateway to provide credentials to the SIP UAS that is rejecting an INVITE due to authorization failure. If the gateway can authenticate itself, then obviously it SHOULD do so and proceed with the call; only if the gateway cannot authenticate itself should cause code 21 be sent.

(+) If at all possible, a SIP gateway SHOULD respond to these protocol errors by remedying unacceptable behavior and attempting to re-originate the session. Only if this proves impossible should the SIP gateway fail the ISUP half of the call.

Response Received

Cause Value in REL message

Response Received

Cause Value in REL message

400 –  Bad Request

41 – Temporary failure

401 –  Unauthorized

21 – Call rejected (*)

402 –  Payment required

21 - Call rejected

403 –  Forbidden

21 - Call rejected

404 –  Not Found

1 - Unallocated number

405 –  Method not allowed

63 –  Service or option unavailable

406 – Not acceptable

79 – Service/option not implemented (+)

407 – Proxy authentication required

21 – Call rejected (*)

408 – Request timeout

102 – Recovery on timer expiry

410 – Gone

22 – Number changed (w/o diagnostic)

413 – Request Entity too long

127 – Interworking (+)

414 – Request –URI too long

127 – Interworking (+)

415 – Unsupported media type

79 – Service/option not implemented (+)

416 – Unsupported URI Scheme

127 – Interworking (+)

402 – Bad extension

127 – Interworking (+)

421 – Extension Required

127 - Interworking (+)

423 – Interval Too Brief

127 – Interworking (+)

480 – Temporarily unavailable

18 – No user responding

481 – Call/Transaction Does not Exist

41 – Temporary Failure

482 – Loop Detected

25 – Exchange – routing error

483 – Too many hops

25 – Exchange – routing error

484 – Address incomplete

28 – Invalid Number Format (+)

485 – Ambiguous

1 – Unallocated number

486 – Busy here

17 – User Busy

487 – Request Terminated

--- (no mapping)

488 – Not Acceptable here

--- (by warning header)

500 – Server internal error

41 – Temporary Failure

501 – Not implemented

79 – Not implemented, unspecified

502 – Bad gateway

38 – Network out of order

503 – Service unavailable

41 – Temporary Failure

504 – Service time-out

102 – Recovery on timer expiry

505 – Version Not supported

127 – Interworking (+)

513 – Message Too Large

127 – Interworking (+)

600 – Busy everywhere

17 – User busy

603 – Decline

21 – Call rejected

604 – Does not exist anywhere

1 – Unallocated number

606 – Not acceptable

--- (by warning header)


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