IMG 1010 - ClientView Search Capabilities




The Search feature in ClientView allows you to search your configuration for specific text strings.

  • Search can be performed in forward or backward direction.

  • You can apply various filters to the search.

  • You can search on partial strings (ex. a search on "IM" will find "IMG").

  • Wildcards are not supported.

Accessing the Search Toolbar:

To access the search tool bar, click on the Search Button:

or select View > Toolbars > Search

Search Toolbar

Find- Enter the string to search on. Use the drop-down icon to select previously entered strings.

Next- Press to initiate the search and then to proceed to the next match.

Previous- Press to return to the previous match

Filters- See below.

Search Filters

Match Case- the search will be case sensitive.

Object Name- the search is based on the ‘Object Name’ in the configuration tree (left pane).

As-Configured- search based on the ‘As-Configured’ values of the Properties (second column in main configuration pane).

User-Specified- search based on ‘User-Specified’ values of the Properties (third column in main configuration pane).

Property- the search is based on the ‘Property Name’ (first column in main configuration pane).

OID/POS (Object ID/Position) - This is used for internal debugging with Sangoma Technical Support.


When the text string is found in an object, the specific pane where the string is found is displayed in the pane window and the object name is highlighted in the configuration tree, as shown below.


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