IMG 1010 - Creating a Channel Group


  • Right-click Routing Configuration and select New Channel Groups.

  • Right-click Channel Groups and select New Channel Group.

  • In the Name field, enter a name for the channel group.

  • The ID field is automatically populated with the next available ID. You can change it if you want.

  • In the Channel Group Function field, select Incoming Trunks, Outgoing Trunks or Incoming/Outgoing Trunks

  • In the Signaling Type field, select the signaling type.

  • Select other fields as required.


See IMG 1010 - Channel Group for a description of each field

Do not select a Route Table in the Route Table field at this point. After you configure Route Tables, (see Creating Routing Tables) you come back to the Channel Group pane and associate a Route Table with the channel group.


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